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(2006) Seneschal Aside

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Jun 1, 2020 : (2006) June's Informal Court
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  1. #1
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    "Sit Mister Quilz." She says, impressed that Horatio Quilz had presented himself presently. Which said more then enough about past kindred in the city.

    She waits until he has done so.

    "First things, first." She smiles, a too large, too wide. All too fake smile, and the voice accompanying it, could be considered hard or cold of it held anything but and aching emptiness. "Have you ever committed or do you ever plan to commit Amaranth?"

    feel free to lie

    Continued from (2006) June's Informal Court...
    Last edited by Saber Sloth; Jun 5th, 2020 at 10:55 AM.
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  3. #2
    Horatio Quilz's Avatar

    Horatio Quilz
    (A Siberian husky in training)
    Status(Ordo Dracul)
    Horatio Quilz


    Horatio eyes the chair before grabbing it and settling in. "Ah yes, thank you."

    Once he is settled, he takes a moment to organize his response.

    "Very taboo that, no I haven't or will, there was an incident with my former mentor but that was not Amaranth just plain destruction. It was a dreadful long time ago, in the 50's I believe." He looks lost in a memory for a second before shaking himself out of the remembrance. "Sorry, do go on." He says with a smile waiting for the next question in this interview.

  4. #3
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice releases a hollow hum. Putting away the comments for later. Was he a talker, enjoying the sound of his own voice, or was he nervous?

    Alice was about to call for the binders, but Ale's voice interrupts, followed by those last three words. She nods sharply, or as sharply as those invisible strings allow, even as those three words churn her insides. She wasn't to get to the meat of the meeting. Not yet.

    "What lead to this incident ?" She asks, he had brought it up, in the middle of his Acknowledgement within the bounds of Elysia. If he didn't wish for all and sundry to hear, learning that which he might want to keep hidden, he shouldn't have brought it up.

    "And, of course, what brings you to the River City?"
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  6. #4
    Horatio Quilz's Avatar

    Horatio Quilz
    (A Siberian husky in training)
    Status(Ordo Dracul)
    Horatio Quilz


    Horatio watches her strange reaction and is about to explain more on the incident, that it was sanctioned and ordered by his elders when he is surprised by the sudden appearance of the Prince Alessandra , he wasn't quite sure when she entered, must have tunnel visioned on the Seneschal when coming in.

    Horatio immediately stands up and bows deeply while proffering his seat to her. He squashes down his cowardly beast and hides the struggle on his face in his bow.

    "My apologies Prince, I did not notice your entrance into the court proper. I must have had tunnel vision, only thing I can think of that makes sense, it's a bad habit I am working on." He stays in the bowed position offering his seat until she moves on.
    Straightening from his bow, Horatio remembers a time to his mortal past something about her speech kept nagging him until it clicked Anzio Italy, a true born Italian accent and not the watered down versions in American second or third generations these days.

    Focusing back on the task on head, he gives a unintentional sardonic smile as he sets the chair back in it's place and faces Seneschal Hart and her Valet. He catches himself, and sits down with a more mirthful smile as listens to her other questions.
    "Sorry, I uh ... Ah yes, he was deemed by the elders to be a law breaker and a traitor to the Dragons, horrible business that. But it is what it is, and to my reason for being here. Well, it is for the Dragons that I am here, they wanted to reassert a position ... holding in this domain. I was given a mission to assess and reacquire Dragon assets in the domain while offering my services to the Prince and helping in anyway possible. So, in short I am here on Covenant business."
    He gives a chuckle on the last part, and doesn't mention that they probably consider it a lost cause and sent whoever of rank, but he was cynical of the higher ups though of course.

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  8. #5
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice, frozen as a statute, still as death, speaks;

    "Originally I was going to soften the delivery, but I see now that I cannot. You come to the Domain of Her Highness, Alessandra Antinori, into Her Elyssia with and animal, and demand with your presence that we - I - Acknowledge you with but hours left until sunrise, and now. Now. Her Majesty did not give you leave to speak to her, nor did she ask for excuses. She bid me see to your manners. Of which they are sorely lacking." her voice comes, like whip, cracking across the table. She had known kindred to have been staked, or even ashed for less.

    "Priscus Lenora Black," Alice calls into the air. Her face not turning towards the room, and not leaving where she assumed Quilz's was. Whether or not, the Lord came over, the Haunt keeps her voice loud enough that the room can hear. "Is the Pricsus of the Lords. Her comport has never been in question. You will do well to learn from her Quilz." angling more towards the room and hopefully the Lord in question. Not truly expecting the women to approach, not with the very public way the Doll was handling this. Perhaps with an elevated voice, and the stares of the Domain's Kindred of Note, the Dragon will understand the severity of the issue. "Priscus Black, if it is not to much trouble, in the coming nights, can you please provide a primer for Quilz. It seems he needs to be reminded of all form of proper etiquette."

    After a few beats of Lyssa's heart Alice returns to her previous position.

    "Covenant business." She repeats, knowing that she would need to tell Ale. Dirt Nap was one Dragon, and an honest one at that. With the trouble they had had with Dragons in the past... "Many have come to Sacramento on Covenant business, some have even stayed."

    She doesn't ask anymore questions, and the binders still remain in Lyssa's arms. The Blind Doll wished to know how the Dragon will respond, however he does, will be...telling.
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  10. #6
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
    New Identity
    (Lenore Greene)
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    Lenora Scenes


    When the Seneschal mentions her name, Lenora's head moves to listen to her words. Referencing the strengths of her person was definitely a good way to gain her attention.

    As she is formally called for, Lenora rises and moves to the pair as the Seneschal speaks her request. Upon reaching the table, Lenora bows slightly to the blind Haunt.

    "As you say, Seneschal Hart," she said as her front rose once more, hands clasping to her front, "It would be my pleasure to perform this small service to the Domain in order to ensure Mr. Quilz operates himself... properly in the future should he be formally Acknowledged."

    Pale eyes then shift to the Dragon in question, Lenora's stoic expression reigning her features as she flows into the next phase she believes the Seneschal expects: Facilitation of the education.

    "Mr. Quilz, I will need your contact information before you take your leave this evening,"
    Lenora says, "I will contact you for appropriate lessons in the coming nights. Should the Seneschal deem it appropriate, I seek only for a Minor Boon from you in return."

    The Dragon would likely make note that Lenora had not phrased her words as a question. This is because it had not been one. The Seneschal had entrusted her with a task and, whether Horatio liked it or not, it was happening. In her mind the request for Prestation from Mr. Quilz only seemed fair if he was to benefit from her expertise.

    If he is receptive enough, this should only take a single night...

    Members outside of the First Estate were quite lucky in Sacramento. Prince Antinori did not press for the finer edicts of etiquette the covenant sometimes would due to her adherence to neutrality. This meant that, for savvy Kindred, a primer was normally more than sufficient. Still the reality that this man's future missteps could, in some small way, be linked back to her instruction was not lost on the road. Lenora would honor the request to only teach the basics, but she would be quite thorough.

    Her statements made, Lenora fell silent and turned her attention back to the Seneschal herself, awaiting dismissal or further requests, as well as the grant or rejection of her request for Prestation.

  11. #7
    Horatio Quilz's Avatar

    Horatio Quilz
    (A Siberian husky in training)
    Status(Ordo Dracul)
    Horatio Quilz


    Invictus, gods how I hate the hoity-toity, toffee-nosed, and antiquated ways of court. Never has he not been able to speak when spoken to or about except in Invictus courts. No one else are as full of themselves as they. If we are to break from the curse, we should shed the clinging of such complacent and backwards thinking and posturing

    There is a flash of anger and defiance on his face as he says one name in a very low hushed steel tone “Daemon …” It quickly dissolves and he goes on like he didn't say it as he bows in a formal bow and begins his next sentence in a higher and more humble tone. “I concede to a primer. My apologies for the improper manners.” Nevertheless the very last part slides out like a knife sliding out a sheath, he straightens back up from his bow. It is apparent in his body language that his pride is being held back the best he can at the moment.

    With the appearance of Lenora he gives a slight bow to her as he listens to her. “I do hope this schooling includes a lunch? I’ll bring an apple for the teacher, blood red will suit, no?" He says in a mischievous rhetorical manner with a slight smirk as he fishes out his phone for the contact exchange, he steels himself for the ire of the Priscus. He passes on the phone with the new contacts screen ready to fill in as he looks to the Seneschal for a dismissal or worse.
    His feet subtly move to more stable shoulder width stance, he looks to be in a casual defensive posture as he calmly waits ready for what comes next.

  12. #8
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice appraises the Lord as she hears Lenora approach. "My thanks, Priscus Black, for your prompt arrival and dedication to serve Her Majesty's Elysia." The Haunt nods her head, attempting to control the invisible strings that sometimes appear to control her movements. She fails, of course, but she know she does not look a booblehead.

    "I deem it entirely appropriate. His poor conduct has made it apparent that he is in need of this primer." she informs them, still shocked and in awe of herself, by how easy being this is to her. "Please have this boon recorded by the Lady Notary Hazelton," pleased to include her Cousin, though there was a reason why she hadn't called the Lady over to instruct this new arrival.

    "Is that what your animal is called?" Alice asks, and upon her tongue is something cruel, but not to Quilz, but to Lyssa, and so she holds her tongue. "Your apology is heard." though notable she hasn't forgiven the man, not yet.

    Alice doesn't frown, as the man attempts humour. She doesn't find it funny, and wonders if it is simply a defence mechanism, or if he was actually like this.

    "Now, I will moving on. If you would like to stay and observe Priscus Black, you may. If not, I will not demand your presence. I know I have torn your from a conversation." Alice says, now motioning, strings pulled and jerking for Lyssa to step forward with the binders.

    "Now, I do not know your Clan, but am I correct in my assumption that you are of the Ordo Dracul Mister Quilz?" she asks as Lyssa places the binders on the table. "These are the Laws of the Domain, are very easily followed. By anyone of intelligence. The Three Traditions will be kept in full, do not violate another's Haven, if a Blood Hunt is called, you will be expected to participate." By rote Alice speaks, as one of the two binders are set before Quilz. "None are allowed to inflict Final Death upon another, only the Prince can grant that privilege. Treason is of course, frowned upon. You attendance is expected in all formally announced courts," she pauses for her words to hold weight and to be absorbed. Perhaps a touch longer then she normally would. "If there is some sort of issue, please take it to your Clan Priscus, or another Court Official to see if they can deal with whatever it is, before you think about approaching the Prince with it." flashes of Heinrich's stumble come to mind. "The final page lists, all current Clan Prisci, and the Court officials, please look it over,"

    Once Quilz is finished with the first binder, Lyssa swiftly exchanges it with the other.

    "This is the list of the laws specific to Elysium. Obviously no weapons are allowed. You are also not allowed to use your Disciplines. The exceptions is of course the Mask of Tranquility, which I'm assuming you haven't achieved, and the Aspect of the Predator," Another pause. she says this during every conversation she has with those seeking Acknowledgement, but it seems especial appropriate now. "Now, remember to be polite, and use, common sense."

    The swift beats of Lyssa's heart, as she collects the binders and returns to her place.

    "Any questions?"
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  14. #9
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
    New Identity
    (Lenore Greene)
    Striking Looks
    Lenora Scenes


    Lenora dips her head respectfully to the blind Haunt as she notes her arrival.

    "I do so with honor, Seneschal Hart,"
    Lenora responds, "I am proud to be assist."

    Eyebrows peak lightly as the man's defiance flashes upon his features, but Lenora retains her stoicism.

    Does he understand the gift he has been given?

    "The name of your pet is inconsequential," Lenora said, her tone blunt, "I trust you understand the mercy Her Majesty has offered you?"

    In Philadelphia, you would have become an example.

    Then a head tilts as the man tries his charm and jokes about the coming lesson.

    "You will find I am not one for games when it comes to etiquette, Mr. Quilz,"
    Lenora offers, "Further, I would suggest curbing your tongue if this manner is in your nature for tonight, lest we think you do not consider your entry here to be a serious matter."

    And that warning is free.

    "The lesson, and any subsequent ones that may be needed, will occur here in Elysium in one of our more private rooms. As with Court, your pet is unwelcome, I trust you can make arrangements for his care while you see to your education," Lenora continued, "However, before any of this occurs, custom demands that you accept the placement of Prestation. I have requested a Minor Boon in exchange for my service. I will not pursue the lesson until you accept the request."

    That was that. Until Quilz accepted the Prestation, Lenora would not pursue the matter. After all, it was not her worth that was being called into question. Providing her services to the man for free was not within her interests. In a way, she was blessing him with a gift. Their discourse would perhaps enable him to better understand the society he was joining by her employ of Prestation.

    "You are most generous, Seneschal,"
    Lenora offered as the Haunt gave her a chance to depart, "I shall remain."

    Lenora's business was not yet concluded here and her presence afforded the Haunt the solidarity the situation demanded.

  15. #10
    Horatio Quilz's Avatar

    Horatio Quilz
    (A Siberian husky in training)
    Status(Ordo Dracul)
    Horatio Quilz


    As Horatio listens to the haunt, he cannot help but notice an oddity but he can’t quite put his figure on it though. He visibly relaxes as she goes on, and when she gets to the clan part of her spill, he satisfies her curiosity. “Yes Ma’am, Clan Mekhet of the Khaibit lineage and no I am not for hire as of this moment.” He looks over the binders one by one “Standard operating procedure, I agree to all this Seneschal Hart.”

    He hears the young one and bows slightly and gives her a mirthful smile “You dear Priscus Black have not earned the honor to say his name. I can tell now that we will get on like Thelma and Louise, and the day I curb my mouth wholly is the day I finally go into the Duat with the Gods I agree to this Prestation, minor boon; with one caveat that you think carefully on how you want me to pay it back, don’t be cavalier about it.” He looks her up and down in an appraisal, he takes his phone with a couple fingers if she hands it back, and if she never took it in the first place then he hands it over again for a contacts exchange.
    Never judge a book by it’s cover, what I lack in manners I more than make up for in other departments.” He emphasizes the manners part as he looks back to Seneschal Hart.
    He bows to her “Seneschal Hart, If the business is concluded? I would like to catch the other Dragon Dirt Nap; he is my ride after all.”

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