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(2005) May's Informal Court

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(2005) Twist, Lenora, & Jennifer
May 19, 2020 - May 31, 2020
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  1. #1
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Nox Populi Nightclub.

    In the heart of downtown Sacramento there is a place of intrigue, excitement and entertainment. The modern flare of this venue is host to exclusive parties. The seduction of this establishment may take you away as you drink, dance and socialize. There are private services available upon request. The best DJ’s in town are in line to play a wide variety of music. Some of you may dine…as long as you have your VIP pass.

    It’s spring in Sacramento. Flowers are beginning to bloom and kine are starting to shed clothes. The Nox nightclub's upstairs section fills with young fresh blood celebrating life and youth. Excitement and lust fill their hearts and minds. Most of all is their exuberance and joy that surrounds them. They spread this joy to all, including those who dance the slow Danse of the eternal undead.

    The Kindred are discreetly met at the door and led to the back of the club where they may use the stairs or take the elevator to the exclusive meeting rooms. The space downstairs is decorated in dark, rich woods and expensive furniture. There's a coat room that will also hold one's 'unmentionables'; namely, weapons, at the foot of the stairs. There are also private areas, dark, and furnished with soft couches, as well as meeting rooms with conference tables and chairs, and an area with several televisions.

    The Court area is decorated with long black and red silken drapes cascading from floor to ceiling. Drapes hang in elegant bunches and gathered into valances across door frames and between supporting pillars; the lighting is intentionally low, and even with the gentle pulse of music from above, the place has the feel of a sepulchre.

    The common area circles the Court proper, and it becomes apparent that this is not a place used just for a single evening. Small symbols note areas for Kindred only that branch off of the Commons, which will be necessary once those Kine privileged enough to see behind the Masquerade filter in: ghouls, herd members, or even devotees.

    New art work hung on the walls. Soft lights illuminating each piece.

    It is expected that all Kindred will check in their weapons into the coatroom. Please be sure to do so unless you have permission to carry one.

    Another evening; another Danse. For some it will their first, for some it shall be their last. After all, this is the Prince's Elysium, and subject to the Laws of the Domain.

    Eternal Court is open once more...

    Please remember that Predator's Taint is in effect and role-play is expected, or rolls will be asked for!

    This is a great place to get Acknowledged
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #2
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Alice appears, from her office. Earlier then she had been coming most nights. But there was little to entertain her within her office. She moves easily through the space, finding a couch, and sitting.

    She crosses her legs at the ankles, her pencil skirt didn't allow for anything else. The red of her heels gleams in the lights overhead, a sharp contrast to the white of her skin. Her office look is finished with her black pussy bow blouse.

    When the Prince arrives* Alice bows from where she sits. Shutting the Wraith behind cold iron bars. She can feel it hissing and spitting. Fear warring against the ocean of her blood.

    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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  4. #3
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    Dirt Nap enters looking around respectfully, and spotting Alice Hart, whom he had not sensed as her Beast is masked, the same as his. "Evening, Ma'am, Seneschal Hart." He says in a soft, respectful tone.

    He nods generally towards the Prince when she enters, nods low and deep, showing respect, but not looking directly in her eye so as to make sure it doesn't look like he's demanding her attention.

    Dirt Nap is wearing clean, denim work trousers and a clean and unwrinkled calico work shirt buttoned up. He doesn't have his cowboy hat on or with him.

    He imagines he's early, though he's pretty sure he's not, much. It's quiet is all, and it's not a formal Court. No telling who will or won't show.

  5. #4
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    As the Savage enters the room, she observes the room with Cain at her side.

    She wore a simple fitted black dress with a leather jacket, nothing to dressy. But it still looks like there was an effort made.

    Spotting Alice and Dirt Nap, she walks over, deciding to be social this evening. Her Beast was pleasantly quiet thus far.

    Smiling, “Seneschal Hart, good evening.” A nod of respect offered to the Haunt. Looking to Dirt Nap, “A good evening to you as well Mr Dirt Nap.” Cain stands at her side, watching, observing, waiting for a command.

    “How are you both this evening?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  7. #5
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    "Dirt Nap, greetings. How has the night found you?" Alice asks, as the distinctive drawl meets her ears, having no need of Lyssa to tell her who had appeared.

    She rises from her seated bow, the Wraith hissing and spitting behind her bones, "Good evening Your Grace. I am well, Your Grace, and yourself?" she asks.
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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  9. #6
    Dirt Nap's Avatar

    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap


    "Evening, Ma'am, Your Grace." Dirt Nap says, attempting a sincerely respectful if inexpert bow of sorts at the Prince's approach and salutations. "I believe I'm well enough, thank you kindly for asking, Your Grace."

    He pauses a moment and then adds, "I hope you are too, Your Grace." He says. "And that Cain is happy."

    "Ma'am, Seneschal Hart." Dirt Nap says in greeting and acknowledging her question. "I am feeling good this night."

    He says slowly, "I do believe I am close to that Change, what we were talking about a month ago. I'm thinking that before the next get together, I will have got the better of it, or it of me. Either way, it should be settled."

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  11. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was a smile, “Doing ok, thinking about getting out a bit more.” Try the whole social thing again. “That is a lovely blouse on you.” She needed to shop with Alice sometime. Maybe add something more interesting to her closet.

    The comment about Cain was surprising, “Oh, I believe he’s quite content. If he isn’t, he hasn’t said anything to me.” A quite chuckle. Cain could communicate with her, but on a basic level.

    Change? Did she forget something? Her memory was never the best, but she listens with interest as he talked.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  13. #8
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable entered court. For the first time in a very long time she didn't have any responsibilities as either Keeper or Priscus. They only beast she felt was Ale's. Her's growled and screamed. Begging for blood, not caring about whether Mable lived or died. The rush for blood was strong. Mable was stronger. She pushed back hard. Hard enough to force her to grab the railing. Breath in and out and she was back in control.

    She was dressed for spring in pink dress. She smiled and continued down the stairs to the small group forming.

    Curtsied to the Prince, a deep nod to the Seneschal, and a smaller respectful nod to Dirt Nap.

    It was still court and she needed to wait to be invited into the conversation by the Prince. So she stood off to the side and waited.

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  15. #9
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
    New Identity
    (Lenore Greene)
    Striking Looks
    Lenora Scenes


    Lenora's descent to Elysium was, as always, measured and relatively silent, save for the tell-tale clicks of her heels on the stairway.

    Eventually, the Lord of Lords came to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, now fully in view. Dressed as she was in a white suit, the pale gaze of Lenora locked on the Beasts in the distance, affording them the precious moments they would need to push away the growls of fierce natures while she blocked out the terrified cries of her own. Her lips were a ruby red, a rare shade for Lenora.

    Then the Lord went to the table to which she was accustomed, granting Alessandra a deep bow of her head in reverence as she passed, with Alice recieving a smaller gesture of similar nature. Lenora would not make the mistake of her sponsor. She understood the laws and to invite herself to the Prince's conversation with Dirt Nap and the Seneschal would have made her an easy target for slander. Thus, she left all well enough alone, including Mable as the Savage seemed to be waiting for a chance to speak with Alessandra herself.

    Thus, Lenora seated herself, crooking one ankle over the other and waited. Quiet as the nights had been, it was the duty of the Prisci to be available should more Kindred enter the Domain. There was a certain novelty to being the first contact such figures had in Sacramento, but none could deny it was a novelty that could quickly turn to influence if one nurtured it right.

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  17. #10
    Alice Hart's Avatar
    Mask of Tranquility
    Striking Looks
    (Pale Wraith)
    Alice Hart

    Acolyte and Valkyrja of the Circle of the Crone
    Danger Sense ●
    Status; City ●●●, Clan ●●, Cov ●●

    Lyssa Wolfe. Ghoul


    Past her Albinism, Alice is naught but a doll, beautiful in her impossible perfection. Taking on a inescapable sheen of artifice, both movements and manner seem, hollow and fake. She's nothing but a marionette, limbs jerking and twisting as if pulled by invisible strings.

    Marring her unnatural beauty are her eyes, or the lack of them, vacant pits of visceral horror.


    Twin instincts war with each other. ripandtear vs runandhide the Wraith hissing and spitting, pulling at the chain and thrashing in the sea. Alice's bleached bone white fingers, curl upon the couch, dull, ineffective nails making a dull, ineffective sound.

    With will, and practice, the Doll, beats back the Wraith. She takes a moment, before she can continue the conversation.

    "My thanks Your Grace, an old something that was recently pulled from storage." she says in explanation. She knew she'd worn this blouse before, when she served Asa. Though, she cannot for the unlife of her remember who had seen her wear it. Maybe it had only been Lyssa. "I am sure, you and Cain, are both a vision of lovely viciousness." her lips quirk into what might have been a teasing smirk upon any other face, but of course twist into something mocking and wrong.

    "I shan't offer congratulations yet, I will leave that for when you have Changed, but I am impressed with your progress. I had the impression that your efforts could take years and not a few months more."
    Health: | Willpower: | Vitae: | Mimetismo 1: Certain Sounds Active

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