"I'm doing well, Keeper. Thank you for asking." His eyes linger upward in thought, "No, not really... or at least I imagine it would not be as interesting to others. There is a wealth of information out there, ripe for the picking." Shrugging his shoulders, "Most of my nights are spent in harvesting, so to say."
Turning his attention to Jennifer, "I can attest to the Keeper's farm. It is quite impressively maintained." He smiled lightly, "I received a book of the same name as a gift. Are you familiar with it?" Probably just a coincidence, but he imagined the point was much the same between the two, "That sounds intriguing, Lady Hazelton." The Lord was at least somewhat aware that not being subtle had been an issue in the past, but then again that directness is what aided him in getting where he was today.