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Forgers and Fetishes

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  1. #1
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
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    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Garage was lit from the lights, the shutters down. Four cars are parked inside the garage, with Emily's very own electric-blue Mustang up on a ramp nearest the office. The fine musical stylings of AC/DC rock steadily through the air.

    A pale hand snakes out from underneath the muscle car, pawing for a beer bottle among the 6 sat on the side.

    Empty. Empty. Empty. How many have I... Ah!

    Finally finding the not-drained bottle, the hand and bottle slide back under the car.

    The Iron Master continued looking over the suspension.

    Perhaps someone would visit.

    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  2. #2
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
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    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    A haggard looking Bleeds Well enters stage left. His clothing in tatters after six months of continuous wear, one boot's sole hanging on for dear life. It's no wonder he is more often a wolf than a man when being social. His eyes light up as he walks through the garage, dirty fingers, dried blood and grit under his nails, hover over a tool, as the Ralunim remembering the feel of them in his hands. He follows the sounds of the rite master at work. Quiet as a shadow he moves towards her, kneeling down next the greasy knees poking out from under the car.

    "Independent rear suspension or solid rear axle?"

    PU: 4

  3. #3
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    "AH!" yelps Emily.


    A hand reraches out and grabs a cloth and begins mopping up what smells distinctly of beer, matinging the several empty bottles around the edge of the car.

    The Crescent whirls around, brandishing a socket wrench. "Who.... Bleeds Well? Fuck's sake man, knock or something...."

    She stomps up the steps and out from the oil bay. "Uh... solid rear. I restore properly, if I can. Baby, Bleeds Well. Bleeds Well, Baby." She pats the car on the hood.

    "What can I do you for, man?"
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  4. #4
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
    Primal Urge
    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    He whistles low, "Baby, you are a beautiful beast."

    After a long leer he looks around the garage, shit, what does one smalltalk about? Fuck it "Just, ya know, in the neighborhood. Was curious if you'd thought about my offer, ya know, to help out or something around here in exchange for a forge and some space to work." The scent of beer catches his nose and he gives Emily a tiny grin and sniffs the air. He can see the bottles and the spilt beer, but nothing is as real until it can be smelled. His scent is one of blood and dirt, and fish.

    PU: 4

  5. #5
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily beams proudly. "Thanks. Poured my heart and soul into her. No sign of anything yet, but she's very special."

    "I did, actually," the little Crescent nods, wiping oil on her once bubblegum-pink (but now faded) coveralls. Emilyhas her hair tied back and under a beanie hat, and heavy practical boots. She smells of assorted vehicle fluids, sweat, the slightly stale smoke of a perpetual smoker, and, obviously from the seven or so bottles around the place, beer. Draining the remenants of the last bottle she chucks the glass into a recycling bin in the corner that looks almost full of similar bottles, and belches loud enough for the sound to echo slightly off the walls. Grinning in a self-satisfied way, she spins and looks at the Rahu.

    "Now Nate's off to college, I do have space for a spare hand. It'll keep me in the office more - which I hate, by the way - but I think we can make it work. But," she adds, waving a hand over towards a back door, "This is probably what I had in mind."

    Out the back of the garage is a plot of what could only generously be called a yard - it was starting to get very overgrown, there was an oil-drum barbeque starting to rust through from rain, a lawn that was in need of trimming several months ago, and several items of furniture scattered around. There was also what looked like a lean to made from wood with a bush leaning over it and a few blankets underneath large enough for a large dog... or wolf. Over behind the newer part of the garage was just concrete.

    "Was thinking we could make something in bricks out here. I'm not a smith, so, like, I don't know quite what you need, but if we get a few fences up so we've got the privacy, we could have a crack at it." Emily burps lightly again and waves to some of the abandoned bricks, a former exhaust and an old fence. "I don't quite know about Klaives or anything. I'm been getting back into the habit of making Talens, so a Fetish is just like a big Talen, really. Ish. Well, not actually, but it should be fine." The Ithaeur stops waving and turns to look at Bleeds Well, leaning on the garage wall and starting to roll a cigarette. "What do you reckon?"
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  6. #6
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
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    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    "The love is obvious. I can't wait to hear her roar." He gives the beast one last look as the purest follows the funnest.

    He gives a grim look at the mention of Nate. Losing a packman is hard, hopefully he will return wiser from his adventure. "I'm sure you'll spend even more time out here looking over my shoulder at first. Your pride here is obvious."

    He follows her into the back, stepping outside he sees promise and opportunity. He starts nodding and pointing as he walks around the lot. "Yeah a nice tall privacy fence, and that drum, I can turn that oil drum barbecue into a furnace with for a propane forge with a cutting torch. The bricks would make a nice sturdy support for the anvil if we had some mortar mix. A 100 pounder would be ideal, the anvil that is. I could extend the roof of the lean-to to provide shelter form the elements while working, a tarp when not in use is fine. A rack for hammers tongs. I can get to work right away clearing out the brush." He turns to her with the biggest smile she's ever seen on him. "Yeah this could work great. I can make more than Klaives Em, I could make anything, shit I can make most of my own tools once I have a basic hammer and tongs. We could have a fetish factory for everyone in the pack if we found the willing spirits." The more he speaks the more excited he gets, like a child on their perfect Christmas morning. He walks back over to her, at first making like he's going to give her a big, excited hug, but stops himself and holds out a hand. "This is awesome Em, just fucking awesome. It'll be nice to be more than fang and claws again."

    PU: 4

  7. #7
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Emily smiles. "She's my pride and joy. I was just doing some tweaks - I'm sure you're hear her soon enough."

    Her face sobers. "This is my territory. It's a part of Clarion Call, but it's been mine my whole life. When the last wolves vanished, and the territories were lost.... I kept this place. My line in the sand. It's everything I've fought for and kept, in a way the Herd can never understand. But you can." She smiles sadly.

    As Bleeds Weel begins to enthuse, ideas flowing, Emily leans back and listens, rolling the cigarette and basking in his excitement. It was infectious. "You really are into this, huh?" she says, grinning. "It'll be nice having someone else practical around. Besides, the making of any fetish needs a good vessel. Sounds like you really know your stuff, so between us we should be able to make something pretty special."

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2020-03-12 04:49:19 Emily rolls 6 to Call Fire: Stamina + Surv + Purity (10 Again) 1, 3, 10, 2, 1, 5, 7 1 success

    Emily flicks her wrist, wreathing her hand in flames, and lights the cigarette she just rolled, shaking the fire out. She takes a long pull on it, then waves her hand Eastwards - the way the back door faces - and then off to the south. "Comes at a cost though. This here? we're on the wild fringe. You made it to this edge on your patrols yet?" She asks.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  8. #8
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
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    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    He looks down at his extended hand and nods, closing it into a fist, and opening it again, staring at before he drops it.
    "Yeah, I'm into this. I like working with my hands. Keeps me busy. Keeps me strong."

    Her display gets a smirk, "What do you think the spirit that gifted you would say if you were just lighting smokes all willy-nilly?"

    He looks out in the distant, eyes unfocused. "I haven't traveled this way since I passed through upon my arrival, I walked here you know, took a few months. On patrol I usually stick to the Tur and the river, keeping our sacred ground and my hunting ground safe. I grew up in this you know. Lived it my whole life. My parents were both of the blood. I could tell Grandfather was annoyed that none of his children went through the change. He'd come 'round for birthdays, when he'd remember, but when I was 15, he started coming around all the time. Bringing little gifts, a knife, a toy drum, telling me stories about the People. I didn't know it, but he could smell the change coming. The closer it got, the more members of his pack started popping up. Uncle Jim, Aunt Renee, I thought none of them were actually my family, boy was I wrong... It was the second moon cycle when I realized their visits lined up with the moon phase, and when the Full Moon hit and the Rage exploded, my tiny 'Aunt' Michelle, woman barely hit 5 feet in heels, kept me from hurting anyone and dragged my ass to the Hisil, that's when the real education began. That woman knew has to harness the Savage Fury to her advantage, taught me a few tricks... The next day I dropped out of school and started working the forge with Grandfather by day and learning to mind the spirits and the Hisil at night. I was seventeen the first time I fought in a 'turf' war against the Anshega, earned my first brand in that conflict." He mimics her vague gesture Eastward, "So the 'fringe'? I've been to fringe before, lived in it. If we have to take territory from the Pure, I'm ready, I won't kill them, but I'll make them wish I had. Chase spirits and put them in their place? Let's do it. Bargain with them for help, destroy the riders and their mounts, keep our secret, hunt the swarms? I'm ready for all these things. I'll even do my best to ensure that none of us become Zi'ir in the process. That's just what it is to be Uratha, it is our way." He thumbs back towards their future, "Those things are not a cost to work steel and bargain with spirits. We make tools and bargain with Spirits to help us do our job, out there. The work before us isn't a price to pay, it's just necessary."

    There it is, Mr. Dark and Brooding is back, like some bad teen drama on the WB in the 90's.

    PU: 4

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  10. #9
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    The Crescent nods. "Yeah, I get that. Hefting bodywork all day keeps the muscles working. I tried getting Nate doing that buuuuut.... He's not physically strong."

    There's a short giggle. "Probabaly 'Why aren't you burning more things?'. It was a fire spirit - it was more focused on the essence I promised it to teach me. Always burning, never thinking beyond the present." She shrugs.

    Although Emily loves to talk - obviously - she is quiet and attentive as the brooding Rahu opens up. She just nods along, smoking quietly. When he reaches the end, the Ithaeur clears her throat. "It was dad. For me, I mean. He was a Rahu too. Pretty sure that's why Wolves don't scare me, not really. He was huge. Not Matt big, but, big. I know it's not usual for Uratha to be the paternal type, but, well... since mom was gone it was that or leave me in a box somewhere..." she trails off.

    "I guess only I call it the Fringe. It's the raggedy edge," Emily says, smoke curling out her mouth. "Look across. Over there - " She waves back east and south, " - all Azlu territory. And they got big in the last six years. I only dared hunt out there on this side and even then it was about slowing the advance, never winning." Emily sighs, and a hand gently rubs where her Purity brands are. "But I never stopped. Worked every day, hunted most nights and tried to drink away the rest. I was alone, and kept throwing myself against everything so that I could keep the one last patch of territory I had."

    Fight, or fuck, or drink - anything to feel.

    "Buried myself in doing things. Fell to Kuruth, more than a few times. But always survived. Then... well. I bumped into the pack. Literally, almost. Met Tristan, an old member, in a gas station of all places... jeez, mus be two years ago? That... that helped me start turning my life around." Another long drag is taken on the cigarette, sending a plume into the cool evening air.

    "I'll do what I can. I know spirits, pretty well. What they do. But my best lot is my rituals. I have all kinds, a a tool for most occassions. Even a way of getting messages to Hector, which needed some thinking.Honesly, these days, just having the pack around... it makes be feel things so much clearer now."

    The Ithaeur goes quiet. She'd shared a little more than she thought, but then again Bleeds Well had opened up more than she expected. It just seemed fair.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  11. #10
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
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    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    All full of angst and aggression he listens unmoved as Emily reveals her history. It is a disturbing thought, the Ithaeur alone. No Full Moon to stand between her and the darkness. She's obviously more than made up for it now, with a plethora of warriors around her.

    "The shame isn't in Kuruth, it's what we do with it,"
    he briefly interrupts. He can't help himself. It's a misconception even many of the Choir carry. But Kuruth is no sin.

    "Rituals, eh? My Grandfather is Rahu, like me, but he was big on rites. He was the Ritesmaster for his pack for a while when their Ithaeur was recovering from a fight gone bad. He never let anyone forget that. Point of pride for him. He taught me a rite before I left home so I could bring something to offer my new pack. Unfortunately, our pack is so large... I only have the skill to share a scent with a few.

    Pack has a way of doing that. Pack is our true home, not a place or a territory or a building. Each other. Alpha leads, Warmaster plans, Ritesmaster performs, and Omega helps everyone destress. Through laughter or just someone to yell it. Everyone has a part to play. I was never a good Omega, but that's what it seems like we lack. So if you ever need to yell at someone, you can yell at me freely. I can take it.
    " Mr. Angst offers the Lady Blue a grin.

    PU: 4

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