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A Night at the Theatre

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  1. #11
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward takes in his surroundings while Lenora's Sire was discussed. Then, Twist's glance is met, "from the first time I saw it, Hamlet struck me with how brilliantly it captures the intensity and hesitation inherent in every life-altering crossroad." His words are soft, as though Edward wanted to avoid disturbing the theatre. "It is my hope that the play brings the night greater success."

    After Lenora takes her seat, Edward takes his own; listening keenly as the ladies discussed their favourites. Edward wouldn't volunteer the information, but the last time he'd mentioned A Midsummer Night's Dream was in high school, and he hadn't seen either Tempest or Julius Caesar. Lenora's review of the later sparked Edward's interest, and so he made a mental note to find the time to view it.

    Vague stirrings on the stage implied someone was soon to come out and introduce the play, Edward was content to wait.

  2. #12
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    "No, the mistake is in my assumption," Twist replied with an apologetic look.

    "Indeed," she agreed easily though she did wonder at the type of blessing Lenora meant. Sacramento did not follow the stereotypical association of Invictus and Lancea, but Twist was aware that it existed. With what she had picked up on from other comments, it was most likely that Lenora meant blessing in the Lancea Sanctum fashion.

    "It has given me opportunities I may not find elsewhere, true. But as with anything that creates worlds, caution is good to have. Getting lost in the worlds created on the stage can be dangerous."

    Sensing Edward's settling followed by the stirrings, Twist exchanged last excited looks with her companions before turning her attention as well to the stage.

    Twist is an attentive viewer throughout the first half of the show.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  3. #13
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Edward's words granted him a look of interest from Lenora as he spoke of the strategic placement and selection of the play, but Lenora did not comment, choosing instead to offer him a nod and return her attemtion to te elder before them.

    As Twist offered her apologetic stance, Lenora gifted the Daeva a soft nod and a light dip of her head. It was, at least, a silent gesture to show the elder there had been no offense. The expression upon Lenora's features shifted to one of sympathy as Twist spoke of the dangers in losing oneself, but, once again, the young Lord remained silent. Twist's excited look was met with another in kind as the curtains parted and the play began.

    Lenora likewise grants the play her attention throughout its first half, not interfering with the experiences of her fellows.

  4. #14
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward's form was the perfect picture of relaxed attention, yet his mind wandered. The play was well done, it wasn't that; rather, it was the crushing weight of the crossroads before him.

    Edward's mind returned to that time, almost a decade ago, when that fateful response from his Boss led him to turn in a letter of resignation. What if his Boss had been just a little more careful, what if he just handled Edward a bit better? Not for the first time, Edward wondered if he'd still be there. He'd be asleep right now, resting for another day of work, always a believer. Would he make some similar mistake now? Some unforeseen error to wrench the course of his days onto a new, and worse, path? Clearly, the play was getting to him.

    It passed, Edward knew it to be a fruitless indulgence. His attention in form and reality joined the performance for the last hour, and then, intermission was called.

    The play was set in modern-day Denmark, and the emphasis was interestingly shifted toward the family's dynamics.

    "Mr. Hopps certainly had my attention, it is easily seen why he was given the Best Actor award last year. Did either of you have the chance to see his performance in A Midsummer's Night dream?"

  5. #15
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    Twist smiled ruefully, "For all my bragging about that play appealing to me, I have to admit I have not. The loss is mine clearly."

    Pausing for a moment to watch the scramble below of kine seeking refreshments or dealing with the consequences of the same, she thought that there were advantages to not needing to drink.

    "While I am very much enjoying this performance, I think I would be interested in seeing a variation of this play where the family is not so ... literal. Perhaps a take where the family is chosen."

    Dark eyes glanced to her companions allowing them to pick up the conversation if they so chose.

    Presumambly Edward and Lenora would wait till the end of the performance to discuss the true reason they were there, but she couldn't help but poke slightly at it.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  6. #16
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora grants Edward a small smile as he opens some discussion during the intermission.

    "I have not had the pleasure, no,"
    she answers, "His perfomance did the piece justice I trust?"

    She only asked because many among today's actors varied wildly on their execution from project to project. If one as skilled as Mr. Hopp had 'phoned in' their performance for a Shakespearean play, such an act would be a tragedy in and of itself.

    Twist's words were heard and the indication within her comments easily captured the Lord's attention. Lenora had the habit and reputation of being careful and prudent in her mannerisms and expression. However, as Twist spoke of chosen family, there was something else alighting the Ventrue's features. Anticipation. Even an element of Hope. However, Lenora would not allow her ambition to override her sensibilities.

    "Indeed, I feel that variation could foster a fantastic iteration,"
    she offers, "All of us have some people in our lives that we have chosen as family. It is an element I feel that our... society understands more intimately than others."

    Lenora was content to leave it at that for now, though she would grant Edward her attention if the man chose to comment. The conversation would need to be brief, as the play itself was not yet over and would begin again soon once the intermission was done.

  7. #17
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    "As do I," Edward responds simply to Lenora.

    Twist gives a friendly serve, and Edward's face curls with mirth. Lenora hits the ball back.
    He paused, "For us, all family is chosen." He nodded to Lenora in agreement, "Expectation and trust is the bedrock, but I imagine your mentor explained such things better than I ever could, and someone as bright as yourself is sure to have been a quick study."

    "Hamlet aptly demonstrates what incompetents, and worse, traitors, do to a family. The family who may choose its members possess a great fortune: they need only take in the loyal and capable."

    "Cladius's disloyal temperament was hardly secret, neither is Ophelia's inability to handle the harsh realities of her family unknown. But, how to know if a potential member is loyal and capable?"

    By the end of Edwards musings, his eyes were on Twist, an almost boyish excitement welled up in Edward; he hadn't the slightest idea how she would respond — what could be more exciting?

  8. #18
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    "A difficult decision for them," she said with a wave of her hand toward the Kine below slowly returning to their seats. "But we are not so constrained are we? Because as we discussed, our society is vastly different than what we see below. Again a slight opening of her hands toward the stage, toward the Kine.

    "Even if someone is able to fool their mentor, their sponsor as convincingly as Hamlet there is still the oath. Edward had seen Jacque swear it at their last gathering and with Lenora's Sire being Invictus, she expected both to understand what she meant. But she glanced toward them both on the off chance that her words meant no more than their literal definition.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  9. #19
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora offered her potential sponsor a soft smile and look of admiration. Edward got it.

    And from Twist's response, she got it too.

    "Given that our society is built on oaths and pledges, attempts to circumvent them is as foolish as it is imprudent," she says, "Still, I understand your concern. There are some among us that fail to understand this."

    She pauses and grants the Alder a soft smile and dipping her head in respect.

    "Forgive my boldness, but I feel compelled to offer you the assurance that I am not among them,"
    Lenora offers, her tone soft and respectful, "I have made may intention to build a successful legacy abundantly clear. Some may even believe that my ambition may override my common sense. That is not the case."

    "Traitors and oathbreakers are indeed remembered... but for starkly different reasons than I suspect they intended,"
    the Prudent Lord concludes, "A legacy means nothing if it is is stained."

  10. #20
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward was less convinced about the blood oath's power — betrayals litter history, oath or no oath. So was it a test to see if he would disagree? Or did Twist's belief in its power go so far? In any case, it was an interesting angle.

    Lenora gave answer, sparing Edward the choice. Her response did leave Edward wondering if she had caught Twist's allusion correctly. It didn't matter, he could confirm later. Her final phrase stung slightly, bringing to mind memories of his flight.

    Just as matters were getting interesting, the stage began to stir. He gave a glance, one that would alert the other two if they had otherwise missed the signs that the play was soon to resume. Edward suspected Twist would have some final remark, but if not he was content to allow the intermission to end in silence.

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