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  1. #1
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
    Primal Urge
    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    It took Bleeds Well longer than he expected to find suitable prey. Frustration didn't help a hunter remain calm, silent, and patient; but his persistence did pay off.

      2 success to hunt for prey
    Date Action Roll Result
    2020-02-12 18:25:02 Bleeds Well rolls 8 to Hunt (Wits+Surv+Spec) (10 Again) 3, 7, 3, 6, 4, 7, 6, 10, 9 2 successes

    The message went out in various ways, his scent left on Hector 's favorite dumpster. A poorly written post-it note on a beer in Emily Makerith 's in autoshop. Matt Joule finds "Hunt" traced in dust on the back window of his over-sized SUV. One way or another word has gotten around to everyone to meet on the pack's territory.

    Bleeds Well waits in the ​hisil. The Dalu form he has taken on making the small pocket knife in his hand look even more ridiculously tiny. He howls every few minutes, the timbre of his voice not perfect from the near-human throat, but his excitement, his eagerness is clear.

    Luna hangs in the sky above, waning from her full glory, but the gibbous moon providing plenty of light for the wolves to stalk.

    "Brothers and Sisters of Clarion's Call! I have found prey for us to celebrate and welcome our new member, Allen Brackett . Hurry, for the trail is growing cold, join me in a howl and I will share the scent of a troublesome spirit with you all so we can perform our Oath sworne duty.

    Urum Da Takus!"

    Flubbed the dice roll, rolled too few dice (bonuses not added) . Rite takes about 12 turns of howling to perform, because of the error we'll call it a failure and continue on without the scent bonus.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [14] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 9, 9, 9, 7, 4, 3, 9 4 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [13] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 7, 6, 3, 9, 4, 8, 7 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [12] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 1, 5, 9, 1, 4, 2, 9 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [11] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 6, 7, 6, 7, 9, 10, 4, 7 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [10] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 8, 2 1 success
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [09] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 2, 6, 7, 7, 4, 5, 5 failure
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [08] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 7, 4, 5, 10, 3, 8, 9, 1 3 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [07] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 1, 2, 7, 8, 4, 2, 7 1 success
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [06] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 10, 10, 10, 10, 1, 9, 2, 5, 4, 2, 8 6 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [05] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 2, 2, 4, 2, 5, 10, 7, 4 1 success
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [04] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 2, 3, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3 failure
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [03] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 1, 10, 9, 4, 7, 1, 5, 1 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [02] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 6, 8, 5, 8, 5, 2, 1 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:51:08 [01] Bleeds Well rolls 7 to Shared Scent (10 Again) 5, 2, 1, 8, 10, 7, 4, 2 2 successes
    2020-02-12 18:25:02 Bleeds Well rolls 8 to Hunt (Wits+Surv+Spec) (10 Again) 3, 7, 3, 6, 4, 7, 6, 10, 9 2 successes

    PU: 4

  2. Likes Ruach liked this post
  3. #2
    Matt Joule's Avatar

    Animal Magnetism
    (Seven feet tall)
    Feet of Mist (Stealth Gift 1)
    (Hard to scent)
    Matt Joule

    Matt is very tall,at seven feet,he draws stares and attention whether he is doing anything that warrants it or not. He's in his late teens or early twenties. His voices is deep. He moves well for such a big man, with some athletic training in evidence. His expression is generally always angry to some degree whether he is actively glaring or just generally scowling, lost in thought.


    An answering howl makes up in volume for its distance. Before long a huge, pony sized near-wolf arrives. Matt, obviously eager for the hunt.

    <<Alpha leads.>>

    The huge Urshul indicates the way things are as much as inquires.

  4. #3
    Allen Brackett

    So they threw him a welcoming party? That is so sweet. No, seriously, Allen is extra appreciative of the effort... and of the opportunity to prove he can put his nose to the earth and his claws to the prey's flesh. Or ephemera. You get the picture.

    He arrives to the spot in Hisil marked by Bleeds Well's howl, to find the Talon in Dalu form and... a near-wolf. A huge one. So, either this pack has two giants in its ranks or this is the quiet guy from earlier. Allen, also in Dalu, approaches the pair with a glint of excitement in his eyes.

    "What are we hunting?" He asks.

    Equipment: Casual clothing, Cell Phone, Box of matches, all dedicated with Rite of Dedication

  5. #4
    Hector's Avatar
    Danger Sense
    Fleet of Foot
    Hector's Scenes
    Hector's Stuff


    Bleeds Well has called for a hunt.

    Hector lopes through the Hisil - his customary man shape cast aside for the rippling muscle and primordial menace of his Urshul dire wolf form.

    Hector is all thick fur and rippling muscle as he pads towards the group.

    He does not dip his snout as he draws near, but his gaze does slide across each of his pack mates in turn.

    The Alpha is excited though - you can hear it in the great wolf's panted breaths.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

  6. Likes Ruach liked this post
  7. #5
    Emily Makerith's Avatar
    (Clubs, Street)
    Striking Looks
    (Makerith Motors)
    Emily Makerith

    Emily Makerith Scenes

    Emily has several tattoos:
    - a sleeve of vines and flowers starting on her right shoulder and ending at her wrist
    - a collection of stars on her left wrist, tapering up her arm
    - flowers on her right foot around her ankle
    - A crescent moon on her left shoulderblade


    Dalu-Emily strolls up to the Tur, waving a lit cigarette at the gathered pack members. Even in Dalu the punk doesn't reach six feet, but the shock of blue hair makes her stand out, as does the leather jacket looking a bit tight on her powerful arms. "Hi boys. Chief," she nods her head respectfully to the Alpha.

    She says, interested, at the unfamiliar figure. "Who have we here?" She swans over to Allen looking up with a cheeky grin and thrusts a hand towards him. "Hi! I'm Emily. I'm the fun one!" She winks at Matt off to the side. "Well, when we're not doing out jobs. I do take this seriously, don't let this sexy, fun-loving exterior fool you otherwise," the Ithaeur takes another drag on her cigarette.
    Ithaeur Iron Master, Primal Urge 2

  8. #6
    Brigit's Avatar
    (Ezekiel 'Zeek' Walters)
    New Identity
    (Bridget Walters)
    Brigit Scenes


    The Great Pale Wolf, came shortly after the blue maned Crescent had arrived. The Urshul-that-was-Brigit, walked to the assembling pack with a confident gait.

    Arriving behind Emily, she would nidge her pack-sister's shoulder from behind with her muzzle before joining the pack proper.

  9. #7
    Bleeds Well's Avatar
    Oath Enforcer
    Primal Urge
    Danger Sense
    Fast Reflexes
    Fleet of Foot
    Bleeds Well

    Trained Observer - 2

    Anonymity - 2
    Scene Stats


    Bleeds Well catches Hector's eyes and holds them for a moment, long enough so that it is apparent to everyone that it happened, before looking down and away. His loyalty is clear. He is a servant of his Alpha. That is how he answers Matt's statement. Alpha Leads.

    "I found prey. While patrolling our territory I was harassed. A traffic light spirit is feeling rather self-important. It ignored my brands and kept shouting at me to stop, on our own marked territory. It must be destroyed, a message to be sent throughout the hisil. I have it's scent, I can show our new member the trail, he wishes to show us his tactical genius. Let us start here."

    The near-human grins without malice. This is the way of the people. Blood Talons often hold contests of boasting, the final showdown always comes down to nut up or shut up. Here's is their new Shadow Lords chance. Bleeds Well came to Clarion's Call boasting of tactics and skill, since his arrival he has leapt at the chance for battle and been a proponent of Purity. Nut up or shut up.

    Effortlessly, he shifts to Urhan. ​<Follow me>

    PU: 4

  10. Likes Ruach liked this post
  11. #8
    Matt Joule's Avatar

    Animal Magnetism
    (Seven feet tall)
    Feet of Mist (Stealth Gift 1)
    (Hard to scent)
    Matt Joule

    Matt is very tall,at seven feet,he draws stares and attention whether he is doing anything that warrants it or not. He's in his late teens or early twenties. His voices is deep. He moves well for such a big man, with some athletic training in evidence. His expression is generally always angry to some degree whether he is actively glaring or just generally scowling, lost in thought.


    Matt whines in transparent excitement at the Alpha's arrival! He sneezes in amusement at Emily's banter. The huge wolf acknowledges Brigit's arrival. At the Alpha's approval and Bleeds Well's submission, Matt is obviously eager and ready to go by his posture and manner, following Bleed Well's lead!

  12. #9
    Hector's Avatar
    Danger Sense
    Fleet of Foot
    Hector's Scenes
    Hector's Stuff


    Hector huffs and snorts. Anticipation turns to action and - without really stopping - he moves to trot by Bleeds Well .

    He doesn't speak.

    He doesn't need to. In Urshul his posture and mannerisms are enough to communicate his desires: The Hunt begins. Fall in. Lead on.

    Hector conserves his energies.
    Iron Master <<Farsil Luhal>> Cahalith

    Primal Urge: ●●●

  13. Likes Ruach liked this post
  14. #10
    Allen Brackett

    He inclines his head towards the alpha when he arrives, but it's the blue-haired girl that really holds his attention. In Hisil, her many Brands shine bright, although the Elodoth does note with some dismay the cancer stick in her mouth. Her hand is readily accepted, and Allen feels relieved at least some people in this pack don;t guard their names like they're Aladdin's treasure cave.

    "Allen, Storm Lord and Elodoth. Happy to make your acquaintance and I hope we get to talk later, but for now, it seems, duty calls" Mid-hunt is not the best setting for a meet and greet.

    Suddenly, Allen's form becomes quadrupedal as he shifts into Urshul, following the lead set by Bleeds Well and Hector.

    Six werewolves seems kind of overkill for one traffic light spirit, but with Bleeds Well's words and grin it quickly becomes apparent to Allen that this is not about fulfilling the Oath, at least not entirely. The Blood Talon wants to test Allen, he taunts him and, perhaps, even wants him to somehow fail. The man's tactic was simple but effective, and the Storm Lord was left with no choice but to play the game as he said he would... at least for now.

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