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(2001) Twist, Lenora, and Edward

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  1. #11
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora granted to elder before her a dip of her head as the matter was declared settled.

    "As you say," she offers, "I will abide by any night that best suits your schedule for our conference. On my honor, I will attend."

    Edward himself was granted a smile. The two of them knew full well that the terms were not theirs to decide. Twist had already declared the venue. All they needed now was a date.

  2. #12
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    Twist wafted a hand through the air, "I will make time for this, I'll leave the details to the two of you." Twist smiled between Edward and Lenora, but her eyes were dark. While the new year always tries to bring change, she still was not going to play secretary.

    Glancing past her companions to the rest of Court proper, it seemed that tonights Court would simply be a status check rather than one filled with announcements. Which meant she still potentially had time to discuss the clan matter with Edward.

    "If you have a few more moments," she said addressing Edward Heinrich "We could discuss that matter from earlier?"
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  4. #13
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    The dissonance in Twist pained Edward, he could feel there had been some mistake, and it worried him that he could not place it.
    "Thank you, your grace." He could think of nothing better to say. A platitude, a placeholder for a reply of worth, it disgusted Edward. He could not afford to be so weak.

    "Of course, your grace." He spoke to Twist and then turned, giving a small bow to Lenora, "excellent to see you again, Priscus Black. I shall give you a call to discuss the details of the night soon."

  5. #14
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    Twist seemed to find the freedom of the decision either insulting or purely felt making the appointment's date clear was beneath her. Likely both, but Lenora had no wish to spend too much time attempting to analyze the elder vampire.

    "It will be done,"
    Lenora said, bowing a head to Twist.

    This was the second time the eldest(?) Daeva had mentioned the need to discuss something with Edward and it was abundantly clear the first time that the matter was not one she was meant to be involved on.

    It is time to exit.

    Luckily, Edward, ever dutiful to the Duchess, had given it. His statement was a soft dismissal and an admission of responsibility all at once. By saying he would be the one to call, he had lifted the responsibility of establishing a date from Lenora's shoulders and she was all too happy to let him have it.

    "Very well, Mr. Heinrich," Lenora offered, her tone cordial as ever, "I will await your call."

    It seemed the floor was now left to the unobtrusive man. He would dictate when the night would occur, but Lenora would arrive either way.

    With a last bow to Twist, Lenora speaks her final farewell softly.

    "I will leave you to your business. Be well."

    Granting a moment for formal dismissal, Lenora will leave once it is given... or if she is ignored.

    Unless prompted to remain, Lenora will depart!

  6. #15
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    "I hope the rest of your evening is pleasant," Twist replied easily to Lenora, a small smile.

    Watching as the woman returned to the court proper she then turned back to Edward.

    "It has been some months since the departure," or what she assumed was a departure, there had been no word either in advance or since. "Of our clan's priscus. I wish to remedy to the absence of such a position in the city. Do you have any issues with my claim to the position?"

    It wasn't delicate, even for her. But the night grew late and the matter had been bothering her for long enough. And not just her. Words had been spoken. More than once.

    And so it was that she laid the issue and the claim bluntly before her only fellow Daeva in the city. Some would argue it made it a minuscule claim, perhaps not even worthy of making, but as Edward was not only Daeva but Invictus, he would understand that it was needed.

    The question at hand was would he argue against.
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  7. #16
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward waited, trying to clear his mind as to avoid shock or any other undue reaction. Even so, he was not prepared.

    He listened, and at the question, his postured stilled in the way only Kindred can still it, no restless muscles, no pulse, no breath. Twist was almost wholly opaque to Edward, he knew she put forth the image of casual elegance — and artfully too — but there were flashes of bluntness. He had no idea what they meant, so there was no way he could calculate a response. At that moment, his respect for her grew.

    "None, your grace."
    His lips pressed together, the only other sign of his inner tension, "I would welcome any responsibilities." He paused a second time, although clearly meaning to speak more. How to express this? "My interests lie in the betterment of our Domain, Clan, and Convent. If it is not too impertinent of me to say, I have confidence your interests are aligned, more to the point your experience and skill far outstrip my own. I could not possibly have an objection in good faith."

    The tightrope was walked, now to await the judges' cards. Yet, Edward could not shake the feeling this judge was not particularly interested in his, admittedly amateurish, maneuvering.

  8. #17
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    Twist didn't relax at his words, after all, to relax would imply that she had been tense prior to his answer. And she had not been. Unlike him though, she did not maintain the stillness of deathKindred, instead her smile deepened. Her confidence in her claim settling with familiarity into her posture. A small nod was accorded to him even as she noted the faint thinning of his lips. That was mildly interesting and worth remembering for the future.

    And there it was, finally. An expression of interest. Of want. A relief to finally hear the words.

    And yet, why now Edward? In a discussion of Daeva matters rather than Invictus. After all, if the Sacramento clan of two didn't need a priscus, surely it didn't need a whip. Well, at least it was something. And he had agreed to starting the conversation with Lenora.

    "Your words are heard," she replied, her tone approving. "And already tonight you have taken steps to achieve such." Strength was more than numbers, but numbers helped. Tilting her head she considered the unobtrusive man, "Do not discount yourself though. I am sure you have much to offer the domain..." Her statement trailed slightly, lending it more the air of a question. Because as she considered him, she realized something, that she in fact knew very little of the incubus before her.
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  9. #18
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward shifted slightly, the stillness coming to an end. The smile that emerges from Edwards features is a reflection of Twist's own. And so I am left to wonder which steps those were. "Your words honour me, your grace."

    Jarring to spend one night among a motley assortment of computer scientists, software engineers, and the most colourful of the bunch: the self-taught (and equally self-styled) 'hackers' only for the next night to be spent among the Kindred.

    "I do." Edward's words were even softer than normal, but for the first time in their conversations, he held Twist's gaze. "And, I look forward to verifying your belief."

    For a moment, Edward looked almost embarrassed as he broke his gaze. Bold, too bold by far! Reckless child!

  10. #19
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    Twist did not pull away as Edward answered, his eyes on hers, if anything, her dark eyes were met and matched the seriousness of his response. Fool to any who assumed that being a Succubus meant frivolity and easy pleasures only.

    As he broke away, her face softened with a faint smile, her voice still serious though.

    "As do I. Until next time then?"

    Business concluded and her fellow Daeva unsettled enough for one night, it seemed a good time to conclude the evening.

    After waiting for appropriate farewells from Edward, Twist will pay her last respects to Alessandra with a deep curtsy and make her way out of court and into the night.
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  11. #20
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward nodded mutely, then taking a step back, he bowed. "Until then, your grace."

    Edward waited for Twist to turn away before rising. He took a moment to brush imaginary wrinkles and dust from his suit. He used to take a deep breath in these situations, to let the tension out, it didn't do anything for him anymore. Feeding would be calming, but it was far too late for Edward's kind of hunting.


    Idly, Edward considered if deep breaths no longer calming him was like moving past any other coping mechanism. Or like listening to a song that made you happy, but you've heard it too many times. An echo of what it was. Unbidden and only for a moment before reflex pushed it down, a dark thought wriggled forth: How long until everything is like a song I've heard too many times?

    Edward headed back to court.

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