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(2001) Twist, Lenora, and Edward

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  1. #1
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward gave a broad smile in that unimpressive manner of his. "Quite excellently, Priscus Black. Thank you for your interest." He would ask in return, but she had just answered some version of that question.

    Edward might have blushed at Twist's words had he flowing blood, as it was he briefly lost inner composure. Even as he internally preened at the attention anxiety soaked in from the edges. Did I do something wrong?

    Not the time, he cast the thought process aside. As he realized a response was desired of him, he performed the all-too-male ritual of mentally rewinding to re-hear what Twist said.

    "Your hope is realized, I had and have innumerable small blessing to celebrate. Current company among them. But, I join Priscus Black in her curiosity regarding your Grace's new year, I trust you had no shortage of reason to celebrate?"

    As Twist gave her answer, Edward relaxed. The lack of complaint suggested there was no reprimand coming. "Sounds like a story or two, willing to share?"

  2. #2
    Lenora's Avatar
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    As Edward afforded his answer Lenora granted a nod.

    "Superb," she offers before quieting herself as Twist begins her own reply, granting the woman floor as a gesture of respect. Nonetheless, the elder's desire to speak with Edward was met with a look of interest, as Lenora's eyebrows peaked lightly, "Do you require a moment alone?"

    Naturally, being at Court, the gesture would be symbolic at best. Privacy was not something afforded heavily at the gathering. Still, if Twist wanted to focus her attention on her fellow Invictus, Lenora would understand.

    "I echo Mr. Heinrich's interest," she says as the elder hints at things to come, "However, should this be private business or the business of the First Estate, I will not pry."

  3. #3
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    Twist laughed, her dark eyes crinkling in the corners just faintly, "Now now- I would hate to be the one to be known for kissing and telling," she mockingly chastised her clan and covenant mate. Pausing, she then grinned and leaned in, her whisper not actually a whisper, "But yes, there were a few times worthy of stories.

    Still smiling as she leaned back she waved a hand lightly through the air at Lenora's suggestion that she leave, "No, no, please stay. It is nothing so pressing as to drive you away." After all, what was a couple more minutes compared to the months the matter had laid unspoken of?

    "However, since you bring up mention of the First Estate," the laughter in her tone and posture faded away. She no longer wore physical masks when out in public, but that did not mean she didn't still wear masks. And so it was time for the one that was Judex. "Last year, the Priscus expressed an interest in the Invictus," Twist shared to Edward, letting her comment end ambiguously. Allowing either Lenora to confirm interest, or redact. Hopefully it was the former, but with the New Year there was little reason to risk an assumption.
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  4. #4
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward laughed at Twist's joking admission, then at Twist's revelation, he turned to look at Leonora. And is the Invictus interested in her? He assumed as much, given that Twist brought it up.
    "If I am not prying, is your interest maintained?" Edward attempted to pull off a light unimposing smile. It probably even worked given his demeanour.

  5. #5
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora's cordial smile remains as the Elder before her jokes with her covenant mate, but she remains in waiting before Twist affords her response in regards to privacy.

    When the decision is made to allow Lenora to remain, she dips her head to the First Estate's leading lady.

    "As you say, Alder,"
    she says, happy to remain right where she was.

    As Twist announced Lenora's interest, the Lord found herself locked on the Daeva's lips and then her eyes. The decision to make her interests well known was inevitable. With the ambiguous nature of Twist's words, Lenora felt the need to shift her own expression. The smile faded lightly and Lenora's face assumed a more stoic stance, one that many familiar with her approach to business had seen. However, the statement was not levied at Lenora proper, it was spoken to Edward. Nonetheless, the man asked for her affirmation and the blue-eyed Lord's gaze was soon upon him.

    "Certainly, Mr. Heinrich,"
    she said, answering with even-toned confidence, "As you and I discussed, the circumstances of my service to the Baroness may have not facilitated my entry in Philadelphia, but my loyalties are quite clear. That has not changed."

    Her answer given she looks back to Twist.

    "I am under no illusions that membership within the First Estate is so easily attained," she says, "but I believe my ability and assets can be of benefit. If the First Estate feels I am of worth or that my merit bears some inquiries of my capabilities, you will find me most willing to discuss consideration."

  6. #6
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    The corner of one side of Twist's lips was curled up faintly, her eyes dark pools as Lenora's own eyes came up. Meeting the young Lord's gaze, Twist held it, her expression not changing even as Lenora turned to Edward.

    It was good to hear that the two had already spoken. But, still she was curious. Edward was not the newest member to their covenant in Sacramento, that dubious honor laid upon Jacque. But he was none the less, new. Especially in comparison with Ale. And herself. Would he see the opportunity here? And more importantly, would he take it.

    A slight nod, "I believe last time we spoke the topic of a further conversation came up." And yet she had received no notice of a visit or invitation to have the said discussion. It wasn't a huge issue, in fact she imagined in many Invictus groups, it was more common for the elders to actively pursue their recruits. But Sacramento wasn't those places. And she wanted to see drive and initiative. Leave the Kindred who were all talk and little action to the Carthians.

    "Perhaps Mr. Heinrich has an interest in attending such a meeting?" she asked glancing briefly to the man. The man who had been oh so quiet in their last covenant meeting. Would that change now or would his status remain? And Lenora, what would she do?

    Sometimes she understood Asa's mind. Or thought she did at least.

    Behind her, she heard the sound of doors and glancing briefly over her shoulder she frowned at the sight of them closing. A look to Mable Wood showed that the Keeper was the one to order such, and for a moment her frown remained. This was ... different.
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  7. #7
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward's smile flickered, he was intimately aware that loyalty often found a partner in disinterest. He was glad things were moving along for Lenora; her attitude and bearing was just how Edward believed the Kindred ought to be. If she fell short of the First Estate's ideal, then that was only because that kind of refinement necessitated decades of conscientious effort. A path he, himself, was but a toddler on, struggling to take their first steps.

    Edwards musings were cut short by Twist's question; he turned uncomfortably fast to face her. His eyes widen with shock. If he hadn't been lamenting his inability to support Lenora more, Twist's question would not have caught him so off guard. He had to answer, but he wasn't ready for that question. Damn it all.

    "Your insight is most refined, your Grace. I confess to having a great interest in attending such a meeting." Edward turned his head, deliberately this time, to Lenora. "Of course, this is all predicated on Priscus Black's interest in my presence."

    Ah, that wasn't the best way to put it. She can't say no easily.

  8. #8
    Lenora's Avatar
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    "As I recall, I had said I would approach you for a meeting in due time. In this, I failed," Lenora admits, owning up to her failure, "I make no excuses, Alder. That shame is mine."

    Lenora was willing to allow judgement on her past inaction, but she was still a Lord and would sooner stand by her honor than degrade herself by begging forgiveness.

    As Twist's speaks of Edward's own entry to their meeting, Lenora watches his reaction with interest. Shock. Discomfort. Surprise. What role had Edward been placed in so unwillingly? Given her own status in the Archon's interests alongside Edward's own membership within the Invictus, Lenora figured he was either to be her mentor... or he was been brought into the matter by Twist to become a protege. In either case, the decision to include the man tugged at Lenora's curiosity.

    "It is neither my wish nor my place to bear influence on the Alder's company, Mr. Heinrich,"
    she says, "If she has selected you to attend, the choice to do so is yours. That said, I would be delighted if you agreed to her invitation."

    The Lord's stoic expression softens lightly enough to grant the man a small smile. Lenora's attention is broken momentarily as the doors of the Court close. Her head tilts lightly as a look of curiosity overcomes her features. After a moment though, her usual expression returns and she turns her head back to Edward, awaiting his affirmation to attend... or his decision to decline Twist's request.

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    The look of near panic that was wrote across Edward's face as he jerked toward her was ... unexpected? No, maybe not. After all, wasn't she looking to see how he responded? There wouldn't have been a question if she hadn't known at some level that what she laid on the table was going to risk a reaction.

    Maintaining her composure, she watched as he reigned himself in. And, more importantly, jumped on the offer. If not as aggressively as possible, it was nonetheless an action forward.

    Following Edward's gaze to Lenora, she lifts an eyebrow in surprise at Lenora's first words. They weren't wrong, it was after all why she brought Edward in, but to hear the simple words of truth was pleasant.

    "I wish that I could say that I had never made a mistake myself," Twist said with a regretful gesture of understanding. She would not say that Lenora's missed opportunity was acceptable, as a Lord the woman would likely understand even better than herself, but she could acknowledge that a path still lay open for her.

    A smile brightened Twist's face as she looked between the two, her hands clapping together as though the matter settled. "Then I look forward to hosting both of you for an evening at the theater. We can spend some time discussing further the details of everything."

    Small talk and word circles never really had been a strength of hers.
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  10. #10
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Edward almost laughed. A masterful reply on Lenora's part, he should've known better than to worry. "Wonderful to hear."

    He could not think of anything to say that would not come across as disrespectful or purposeless; therefore, he merely nodded and waited for her to proceed.

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