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Twist and Lenora

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  1. #1
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    An eyebrow raised slightly when Lenora shared details on her appointment. It fades into a knowing smile though, "I would expect no less from a Ventrue priscus."

    Again her eyebrow raised to again only fade into a smile. But the description of the action was the only similarity. Whilst her first had been pure surprise into confidential knowing, now it was all pleased intrigue and genuine welcome to the opening of conversation.

    "I," she said with mock(?) severity and a flash of smile, "agree."

    Settling back, she let the joking fade. "So Priscus, is Sacramento offering you everything you came searching for?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  2. #2
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora's cordial nature did not shift, though the smile tugged lightly as Twist accepted her compliment.

    "Sacramento has proven adequate to my aims thus far," she admits, "My preparations are only beginning, but I feel the city will prove to be an invaluable asset in the establishment of my legacy among other things. The presence of the First Estate in it's highest office is also a source of comfort. The familiarity is welcome."

    A small nod in reverence is offered at the final statement. Lenora is aware of the role Twist plays. Even so, it wasn't just flattery. In the soft bluntness of her words was an air of genuine appreciation. Lenora was content.

    "It is my understanding you own Ballo Della Notte, Alder," Lenora says, wishing to keep the conversation going. What better way than to discuss what was surely a source of pride? "Have you always born a love for the arts?"

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
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    "Familiarity?" Twist asked intrigued, "I do not think I was aware that you had such, or that it would be welcome." A wry twist to her lips. For all that the rigidity of the covenant could offer such to many, there were likely the same number of Kindred who found it restricting. Not everyone enjoyed a corset, even if it did help one cut an attractive figure after all.

    A shuffling at the entrance to Court drew her eyes away briefly to spot Elle 's arrival. Her own beast flaaring up against the one that the fetching Daeva brought. Controlling herself she returned the offered nod, plans already forming in her mind at the arrival of another clan mate.

    Lenora's voice drew her back easily enough and if the new Priscus was looking to snag a catch with her words, then truly did she succeed. A delighted smile bloomed and Twist nearly preened.

    "I do, my pride and joy." And from the look on her face it was true. Laughing she nodded. "For as long as I can remember," she admitted easily, "What of you? Do you have an interest in them? Or perhaps a different passion?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

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  5. #4
    Lenora's Avatar
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    "I am not among them but I served under a member of the First Estate for many years during my... extended mortality," Lenora says, offering a brief synopsis to back up her claims of familiarity, "It was my honor to eventually be Embraced by this same figure, though an invitation to the First Estate did not follow. As the Baroness Louisa von Kleist's steward, my concerns lay solely with her estate rather than the greater agenda of Philadelphia. This, I am told, was the predominant reasoning that prompted the upper echelons to not offer a place in such esteemed company."

    The smile fades slightly, but overall Lenora's demeanor changed little. It had been a blow to her pride, but such wounds hurt little when the event was removed by some years span.

    "Nonetheless, while I am Unbound, I am not without certain loyalties. The First Estate and the Traditions they enforce are invaluable."
    Despite the content, Lenora's voice is anything but pandering. Her statements are clear and blunt, even if offered in cordial tone.

    As the conversation turned to the arts Lenora offered a small nod.

    "In my youth, I was raised in the frontier. Given the need to work, my exposure to the Arts then was mediocre at best, but I was afforded an education in Pennsylvania some years after reaching adulthood,"
    Lenora said, "Though I'm certain the intent was to make me more... marketable to potential suitors, all it achieved was the discovery of my love for the Arts. I attended several plays and, through the grace of the Baroness, it was a hobby I continued to enjoy during my service."

  6. #5
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    Twist listened to Lenora's explanation with more interest than she usually gave to an individual's history. Many if not most of Sacramento's standing Invictus were brought into the covenant in Sacramento from the ranks of the unaligned. She personally felt it made them stronger, but she had no doubt that it drew more than the occasional odd look from those who had been brought into the covenant with their embrace. Especially with no lasting Au Pair to correct and educate on the small matters that would have been engrained along with the Traditions.

    "I will admit that I am surprised," Twist commented, her tone mild and not meant to rub salt into the potential injury of exclusion.

    Tilting her head slightly, she smiled slightly, intrigued by the potential she saw in Lenora's words.

    "The decision to remain unbound, another surprise. Though I imagine that an Invictus Sire would be little pleased by a Childe's decision to join say ... the Carthians. I have no doubt that of those who are not welcomed immediately by the Covenant seek welcome in their arms. And yet you did not. May I ask why?"

    Was she keeping her options open as they said? Adding the Ventrue Priscus to a covenants ranks would not be a bad thing at all if so.

    "I am glad that you were able to discover the arts. I know that I would not be me without them. Have you explored what Sacramento has to offer?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  7. #6
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora's smile tugged lightly at Twist's vague compliment. The Alder had admitted surprise to her situation, what other reason would she say as much if she did not feel Lenora had potential?

    "In Philadelphia, I was taught an important lesson: You do not ask to join the Invictus,"
    Lenora explained, driving home the central point of her caution against openly asking for membership, "However, given that you are not the first to ask, perhaps that custom is not shared here. In either case, it is not within my wishes to offend the First Estate by presuming my value to them. The decision to join should not rest with an unaligned such as myself, as I do not understand the First Estate intimately. That knowledge rests only within the membership. Thus, only esteemed individuals such as yourself can say with confidence if my behavior and merit warrants the distinction and honor that membership within the Invictus provides."

    A brief pause follows as Lenora considers her words. Then the Lady comes to realize that she has neither confirmed or denied her interest in joining since her arrival. It was time to be a little more clear.

    "If I were selected, it would be an honor to both myself and my legacy,"
    she affirms, "but I will not insult your office by presuming my worth."

    The conversation turns back to the arts and Lenora lightly shakes her head.

    "Dreadfully, I have had little time,"
    she said, "Given my recent arrival, I am still establishing myself and my assets in the city. The need to see to the resolution of my clan's vacancy and subsequent promises related to my cousins have also worn away the time I have available. That said, my schedule is opening up night by night. I am certain I will seek out the Ballo Della Notte soon, but not before announcing such an intention to you, of course. It is only prudent to do so, considering the theater is your asset. My want to see what it has to offer does not supersede the fact that it is your property."

  8. #7
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    Twist blinked.

    You didn't ask to join the Invictus.

    That was ... different? Wasn't it?

    Plenty had asked, hadn't they? Or was it just what Lenora was doing now- a Kindred showing a willingness, waiting for a sponsor to determine worth and invite them. After all, she herself hadn't sought out the covenant, but had been offered a chance to join and prove further her worth.

    Well, if that was the case- Twist smiled, "No insult is taken. But I would be interested in furthering this conversation with you."

    An understanding nod at being busy, I am sorry that you have been unable to enjoy such activities. But, at least it is worthwhile pursuits that have kept you away."

    Tapping her lips lightly with a finger she considered for a moment, "Perhaps when you are able to visit we can continue speaking on the Invictus?" Her dark eyes glanced to Lenora, the weight behind them that of the long time standing Judex, "An evening of drinks, art and talk."

    The offer made. The first test laid before the unaligned Lord. Would she take it? Would she pass? Would the Invictus remain as they stood or would soon another be numbered amongst them?

    Curiosity replaces the weight of her title in her gaze, "Promises to your cousins?"
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  9. #8
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    Kindred didn't need to sigh out their relief, but faints signs of that expression still glinted from Lenora's features as the Duchess expressed her interest in discussing the subject.

    "You humble me, Alder," she offers, dipping her head in thanks briefly before raising it again to return to Twist's gaze.

    "The foundation is nearing its end," Lenora replies as the Judex offers her apologies for the Lord's lack of free time, "I suspect my schedule will become less taxing later this month or, perhaps, early November."

    When Twist made her offer of a meeting and moved her dark eyes to look to Lenora, the Daeva would find the Ventrue's more vibrant hues meeting them. A slight nod is offered and Lenora speaks, but only after the offer is finalized. The Lord's expression had turned stoic.

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-10-23 19:34:34 Lenora rolls 5 to hide her feelings (Pres+Subterfuge) (10 Again) 8, 2, 5, 4, 1 1 success

    "Only at a time of your convenience, Alder," she offered, her tone even and polite, "Regardless of your date, I will make the time. It would be foolish not to."

    A slight smile tugged at the otherwise regal expression of Lenora.

    "I can only say that I made a promise to ensure I was well-versed in their pursuits and desires," she said, "Only then can I effectively structure our goals."

  10. #9
    Twist's Avatar
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    A small smile, "Until then."

      2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-10-25 08:39:53 Twist rolls 6 to Calm Face (Pres + Sub) (10 Again) 3, 7, 9, 5, 9, 4 2 successes

    Taking a breath, conversation moving on, she chuckled. "I see. There is definitely wisdom in knowing your clan mates pursuits for such goals." Amongst other things.

    A sparkle danced in her eye, her smile turning just a shade wicked, "As for learning their desires ... let me know if you need any advice in such matters."
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  11. #10
    Lenora's Avatar
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    Lenora gave the Alder a nod. "Until then," she offered, the repetition providing her affirmation at continuing the conversation when the Duchess was available.

    A slight smile hit the stoic Lord's lips as Twist's face calmed. It was a familiar expression, a reminder of a home that had once been. A small comfort, but a comfort nonetheless.

    "Indeed," Lenora replies as the conversation turns back to the Clan of Kings, "It is prudent to help one another, if for no other reason than to establish lasting connections or a successful legacy. Luckily, it seems my cousins in good standing seem to share this view. The dissenter does not bear mentioning."

    Lenora's smile twitched at the ends lightly, signifying her amusement at the Duchess' suggestion. "Your invitation to seek your out is deeply appreciated, Alder," she said, "Should I need your consultation, I will not hesitate to come to you. With a formal request, of course. Prestation must be observed."

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