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Reeve and Prince - Security Concerns

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  1. #1
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    The timid Mekhet knew that his paranoia and habit of overthinking might receive some pushback. His overzealous effort to speak with the Keeper and his letter to the Prince has earned him yet another meeting with the Prince to explain himself. So he musters his courage and heads to Alessandra 's office within Elysium.

    He wears a black button-up shirt and black slacks, practically a shadow save for his pale skin that floats between the fabric. It's more formal than the usual hoodie and jeans, perhaps to demonstrate his seriousness about his formal position. His smart phone is on silent in his pocket and he leaves his weapon at the coat check, not because he has to but because he doesn't want to give the Prince any greater concerns.

    He knocks at the door and enters after a pause. "Your Grace. It is Reeve Mitnick, responding to your summons," he announces in a nervously meek voice.

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
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    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The office was exactly the same as the last time Derek had been there. The only noticeable difference, Twist was also in the office.

    Ale sat behind the desk in a flowing gauze grey sweater and black leather pants. Derek’s letter sat in front of her.

    It was always pleasing when people arrived on time to meetings and a smile was offered to the Shadow. Her Beast quiet thanks to the mask Derek’s own Beast wore. That always made conversations easier.

    “Reeve Mitnick, thank you for agreeing to the meeting. Please, come in.”
    says the Savage, her tone pleasant, “I believe you know Archon Twist.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #3
    Twist's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Lounging in one of the chairs off to the side, Twist was dressed in simple, if finely cut, clothing. When Ale points her out, she smiles, her teeth white in sharp contrast to the dark of her outfit. "Reeve," she greets softly, a nod of respect to the man position.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  4. #4
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    Derek does so, entering the office space and regarding the Prince and Twist.

    "Most Gracious Prince Alessandra. I shall always be at your disposal," he reponds before answering the Succubus with a respectful nod, "Esteemed Archon. A pleasure."

    As the two Kindred are seated, Derek wonders if he aught to take a seat as well, though cautiously decides to wait until one is offered. The tone is cordial, but he does not wish to assume anything.

    "How may I be of service?"

  5. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    As Derek says his greetings, Ale gestures to the other chair, “Please, have a seat.” And she’ll wait until he has.

    “I was hoping we could discuss your letter. Some of your, recommendations, were a bit unexpected. Especially when it comes to Nox. Could you tell me if there has been any events or discoveries that have prompted the requests?” Ale had shared the letter with Twist before the Reeve arrived, keeping her up to date on it. “I have to say, in the years I’ve been in the Domain, I’ve never heard a direct threat to this Elysia.” And she figured when she was Reeve, she would have been told. And Twist was certainly welcome to interject if she knew something that Ale didn't.

    “So I want to touch base and see if I’ve missed something.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #6
    Twist's Avatar
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    Mask of Tranquility
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)
    New Identity (Myah Torsione)
    Kalos Hamilton (Ghoul)


    Twist remained at her ease as the remainder of the introductions were exchanged. Despite the pose though, there was a sharpness in her gaze that betrayed her interest in the conversation at hand.

    That she was Hound was only one of the reasons why she was in attendance.

    At Ale's comment, a small wrinkle marred the smoothness of her forehead as she thought back. The Lost Nights were a dark time, and while she survived them, it wasn't with ease. Has the Nox been an Elysium? Included in the attack? She would have to think on it to see if she needed to correct Ale or not.
    Counterfeiting Life (Blush) in Public Scenes

  7. #7
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    Derek sits, perched on the edge of the chair with better posture than he usually allows himself at his own computer desk. He keeps his eyes towards Alessandra though notes Twist in his peripheries.

    He speaks dispassionately, relaying the information as if he were reading off of a mental checklist.

    "Certainly, though none that your Grace isn't already aware of. The investigation of the company, Echelon has revealed many unsettling facts. Most notably their influence among financial, legislative, law enforcement, and criminal circles. And a close second, their efforts to acquire weaponry that, in all appearances, seems to be for the specific purpose of combating Kindred."

    "Additionally, as you know, the rival Domain surrounding Folsom continues to be an unknown. Yet it is potentially a growing danger, headed by what can be assumed as an Ancient Kindred. It was my intention to treat that matter as an encroaching threat, so preparing defenses would be my second concern next to acquiring information about our enemy."

    "And it bears mentioning the history this territory has with Hunter groups, at least according to Ms. Moretti's notes."

    "As Your Reeve, I am tasked with the safety and security of Your Domain. I consider such preparations to be preventative measures. The neutral territory of the Nox, Your Elysium, makes for a tempting target. And as far as I, or the Keeper, are aware, has no significant defenses to speak of save for the Kindred loyal to you."

    He lowers his head, his tone shifting to an apologetic one.

    "But that may only be my own perception. If Your Majesty believes I have been overthinking things, or overreacting to perceived threats then I will of course drop the matter."

  8. #8
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Notes were taken as she listened. “Well, I can assure you that I haven’t had an issue with them on the criminal front.” That was her world. And the Italian doesn’t share. “Have any of these investigations pinpointed a direct threat to Nox?” if so, then things would be different. “And if I remember correctly, Miss Moretti intercepted those weapons.” If Lina had lied about that, then, well, they’d deal with it then.

    “Folsom is a concern.” But one they were dealing with.

    “Have the Hunters continued to be an issue? I hadn’t heard that they were still causing problems.” She thought they were handled. “We also had a Brood problem, but since running them out, they haven’t decided to return.” A knowing smile was offered to Twist. Who had been spectacular that night.

    “As I said, I am pleased you are taking your role seriously. But If these issues you’ve stated are as big as a threat as you say, why did Miss Moretti not take any extra precautions?”
    she asks. “I’m curious because you’ve asked to undertake a huge construction with Nox. Which doesn’t even guarantee safety, especially if the threat comes from within.” Not to mention, Ale wasn’t the type to run from danger. The weapons would be addressed shortly.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #9
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    "No," admits Derek. "There are no signs that a direct threat to the Nox is imminent. There is no current activity that I have observed from the movement of Hunters. And yes, the firearms that Echelon had attempted to acquire were in fact intercepted, though the chemical weapons, the Kindred toxin that Herald Jacque is investigating remains in their control."

    "It is only my advisement that you not wait until such a threat is at your doorstep to begin to take measures. But I understand that such proposals are an inconvenience and drastic undertaking, at least in regards to the construction. Though I may offer the added benefit of making such a route as a means for accessing the Necropolis for residents who have difficulty moving within the city. Even so, admittedly unnecessary."

    Derek does not seem to show concern for the lack of reception of his ideas. He is content in doing his job by voicing his concerns. He knows it was never his decision to move on these suggestions, but to bring them forward to the Prince for consideration.

    "May I ask, Your Grace. In order to better serve you, what focus should I take in enforcing security within Your Domain? I am making efforts in the investigation of Echelon and in preparations against Folsom. Should I keep my focus on these external threats and leave direction of handling internal threats to the Keeper?"

  10. #10
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The Savage nods, listening. “Herald Jack is currently working on that toxin. I’m hopeful that he is able to isolate what the toxin is and find a way to counter it. But if he isn’t able to, then a more direct dealing with Echelon will have to be handled with caution. But we will continue to work on it.” She couldn’t have that toxin in the Domain, a threat to the Kindred, without exhausting every chance to counter it.

    “It’s not about it being an inconvenience. My concern lies with the fact that in all my years here, I haven’t dealt with a direct attack on Nox.”
    She then looks to Twist, “Which was the reason I asked Archon Twist to be here, she’s resided within the Domain longer than anyone here. And I wanted her input on that matter.” And she trusted Twist more than anyone else. “As to the Necropolis, that would have to be discussed with the Haunts, as that is their space, and it’s one I respect. Should a Haunt arrive in the Domain who has issues moving around the city, we can address it then.” She wouldn’t push anything on the Necropolis unless it was necessary.

    “Those investigations need the leadership of the Reeve’s Office. I only got involved with Folsom because I was approached by a resident. I don’t take a hands on approach to the others because I want you to lead the investigations, let the Kindred of the Domain know I have faith in your abilities to do what’s right.”
    She would help if needed, but she couldn’t always be there. “Internal threats in Elysia fall not only to your office, but Keeper Wood as well. Her role is to enforce nonviolence, and then work hand in hand with you and your Deputies if things get out of hand. The extent of her handling things is speaking with you, your Deputies, Archon Twist or myself if someone needs to be removed and refuses.” It wasn’t difficult. “But speaking of Keeper Wood, you letter appeared to imply that she, or both of you, were not aware of what your roles entailed. Which isn’t giving me warm fuzzy feelings.” Ale could have warm fuzzy feelings. Sometimes. When someone was dead. From her hands.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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