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(Mission Impawsible) Paw and Order

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  1. #1
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    The puppy pokey.

    A dismal place, bereft of hope, achingly full of something shades darker then Sorrow. Splashes of bright primary colours bring a stilted attempt at innocence and laughter to the exterior. The parking lot is small but full, full of parking spaces, and speed bumps, chain link fences line the area, neatly dividing the area between employee parking and public use.

    And the public space is in use.

    A gaggle of protesters scream, Wrath steaming from them as spittle and their signs scythe through the air. Uncaring of the small family who's just exited their van. Mom, dad, two kids, the younger of which's face blots red, as a scream tears out of her throat. Hands wind through her hair as fat ugly tears roll down her face, caught on one side by a very obvious, large bandage.

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  3. #2
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    Sonnie did not like any of this.

    The Sorrow of the place, the Wrath of the crowd, the Fear of the little girl. There seemed to room for Desire here. It made the Spring's blood run cold. Not to mention that the protesters and the presence of the bite-victim's family were going to make finding Boy several times harder.

    Arms crossed defensively over her chest, she warily eyed the scene for a few moments before looking to the other changelings. There was an uncharacteristic scowl on her usually cheerful face.

    "Okay, aside from my wanting to just charge in there and start searching cages, anyone got ideas on how to go about this?"
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

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  5. #3
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    "I'm gonna be so fueled up today," Circe giggles with no sympathy for the victims of the Wrath. Though thinking on Sonja's words she crossed her own arms before rubbing her chin with her left hand, "Lookin' ta adopt a dog ta help with the over population problem? And if we need a distraction I can probably get the fanculo furries over there ta riot. Piss 'em off usin' the fuel I'll be takin' from 'em for extra irony. I'm certain I'll have plenty."

    And Circe was going to collect it anyway.

      Harvest Glamour
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-10-08 06:46:37 Circe rolls 5 to Emotion Harvest (10 Again) 9, 3, 8, 1, 7 2 successes
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  6. #4
    Reed Mills's Avatar

    New Identity
    (Reed Mills)
    Reed Mills

    Reed is by all accounts an unremarkable guy. Somewhere north of 30 and south of 40. He stands about 5’10’’ with a slight hunch. Mud brown eyes, curly brown hair worn on the longer side with unkept mutton chops. His face is lined from time out in the sun and his fingernails have dirt under them. He’s typically in work clothes and boots and it’s clear his occupation keeps him outside. He can often be seen wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat that has definitely seen better days.

    To those that can truly see him, Reed has skin the color of mud. A deep, rich brown. His pupil-less eyes are the same color. Even his teeth are brown. His face is deeply lined. Maybe scarred? His ears are pointed and his fingers are long and knobby. He is painfully thin with a pronounced hunch to his back and a pot-belly. His bulbous head is bald save for a thin layer of green moss. His mantle manifests as an added clarity, as if you are viewing him on a crisp, clear winter day.


    The scene is...intense. The protestors, the bereft family. It's a lot to take in.

    Reed just wants to run away. But the sad-vibes of the pound make things a little more enticing. He's tempted to go the Circe route right then and there, but business is afoot. Besides, if things are this sorrowful outside, imagine what it'll be like in Doggy Jail proper...

    The Garden Gnome listens as Sonnie asks the question and Circe gives an answer.

    "The adoption angle is good, I think. How about two of us go in, and two of us stay outside with Green Peace over there?" He pokes a thumb at the protestors. It's clear he would prefer to be on the 'inside' team.

    "Maybe you can get a feel for the crowd, you know?" He winks at the Circe. She's right after all: if things go sideways, a well timed riot would cover their tracks.

  7. #5
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    The monkey girl knit her brows together in thought, her golden irises bouncing back and forth between the building and the protesters. One fang nibbled on her lower lip. "I guess that'd be the simplest story to go with."

    Sonnie turned back to the group, hands on her hips, "Thing is, if we do find Boy in there, they won't let us just walk out of there with him. So, yeah, riling up the crowd will be a good distraction. If the staff runs out to see to the commotion, we can smuggle Boy out the back door or something. We just need to time it right."

    "Also, do these places have security cameras?"
    She looked to Circe, the tech expert.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  8. #6
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Circe gains 3 Glamour!
    Vincent Titania

  9. #7
    Titania's Avatar
    Pretty Princess
    Arcadian Body
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    (Posh Accent)

    Telluric / Bright One



    A striking brunette in her 20s with deep blue eyes, shoulder length hair and a 1000-watt smile. Her features have a radiant beauty to them. She styles herself after the latest fashions, never forgetting to add a touch of tradition to her mises.


    The elegant and armonious movement of the celestial spheres is reflected upon her hair, galaxies dance across the pitch black background in clockwork-like precision, delicate specks of moondust blaze down in her wake, disappearing just as they touch the floor. Her eyes, like star sapphires, shine in tandem with the globes of light that dance around her, floating like planets swept around a Sun.


    A field of roses under the glistening pale moon of a star sprangled spring night. Occasionally, midnight blue roses emerge from her hair, their petals swept by a gentle breeze, just to fade into the bed of sparkling diamond moondust left in her trail by her mien, vanishing without trace soon thereafter.


    Telluric Bright One

    Welp, what were all those people doing here. Sure, they were screaming but what was all the fuss about? A riot? They should have called the army.
    Truth be told, the nature of the sedition flew way above the Telluric's head. Neither did she notice the family, distracted as she was by the noise.
    "So, how do we even know that he'll be amenable to our cause? It could be dangerous", she was stating the obvious. But again, she was pretty, so...

    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-10-11 13:48:21 Titania rolls 2 to Perception (-1 Clarity - 1 rolled by mistake) (10 Again) 3, 6 failure
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-10-11 13:47:42 Someone rolls 1 to do something insignificant (10 Again) 7 failure
    New Identity ● (Eleanor Tessier)
    Fame ● (Social Media)

  10. Bump "Bump" this post
  11. #8
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    "We don't," she shrugged to Titania. "Kid ran away from home, he's maybe not gonna be eager to run back to his mom. But we promised to try, so try we will!"

    Sonnie looked back to Circe again, waiting for the Summer Queen's answer. "Whatcha think? Will there be cameras? Can we do something about them? I'd rather not be a wanted woman for dog-napping."
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  12. #9
    Reed Mills's Avatar

    New Identity
    (Reed Mills)
    Reed Mills

    Reed is by all accounts an unremarkable guy. Somewhere north of 30 and south of 40. He stands about 5’10’’ with a slight hunch. Mud brown eyes, curly brown hair worn on the longer side with unkept mutton chops. His face is lined from time out in the sun and his fingernails have dirt under them. He’s typically in work clothes and boots and it’s clear his occupation keeps him outside. He can often be seen wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat that has definitely seen better days.

    To those that can truly see him, Reed has skin the color of mud. A deep, rich brown. His pupil-less eyes are the same color. Even his teeth are brown. His face is deeply lined. Maybe scarred? His ears are pointed and his fingers are long and knobby. He is painfully thin with a pronounced hunch to his back and a pot-belly. His bulbous head is bald save for a thin layer of green moss. His mantle manifests as an added clarity, as if you are viewing him on a crisp, clear winter day.


    Reed looks back and forth as his fellow Lost hash out the details. There doesn't seem to be any other way to go about things.

    He pushes back his hat and scratches his moss-covered skull, eyeing Circe, waiting for her thoughts.

  13. #10
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    The Lost stand, observing the what could at any moment become chaos. The screaming, crying Frightened child is scooped up by her father, and is held close. The mother shouts back at the protesters. Gesturing towards the bandaged portion of her daughter's face. The other child, looks on with an expression unseen on one so young.

    From the painted building, everyone, can hear the sudden howling.

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