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  1. #31
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    Circe got distracted by her whiny bitch routine. "Seriously? Dog eats a kid's ear and it is the kids fault? Fottuti idioti need should go get themselves bit and see what they think. Maybe I should give 'em a piece of my opinion," and perhaps draw some Glamour as they get mad at the elfin Lost.

    But she then rejoins the group. Once away from the mundies she nods to Reed's assessment, "Well that last guarantees I'll haul in some fuel given how I roll. And given how hobs can be, that kid was lucky. Some briar folk have a soft spot fer kids but many think of 'em as a kinda veal." Circe bites her scone as she rubs her chin, "Ya know? Depending on how stupid these protestors are they might'a run inta Boy and decided they have some," Circe does jazz hands with a mocking tone, "Mother nature blessed destiny," then her expression goes flat, "Ta help the mutts as one speaks ta them or something like that."

    Circe had a very negative bias towards people that attracted police for stupid reasons. As for animal control Circe just raised her phone, "We got the address of animal control and if they're protestin' there we can make it a two fer one deal. Tryin' ta find a lost pupper the protestors shouldn't care if we are tryin' ta save one and animal control should be happy ta have less ta deal with."
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  2. #32
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    A forced quiet murmur explodes around the elf exotic women, two sides of this argument.

    "Fucking bitch! What if it was you child?!"

    "Blondy shut up! It's just a puppy! He don't know no better!"

    "It was a little girl!"

    "Shoulda taught that girl how to pet a dog then!"

    If you want to try and Harvest Circe Origins please roll Manipulation+Subterfuge and if it's a success you gain an additional +1 for your Court Emotion!

  3. #33
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    Sonnie watches the man at the table, curious about his odd behavior. Her eyes remain on him as she speaks softly to the others, "Yeah, I guess so. Off to animal control, then?"

    Why was he about to leave with half his meal unfinished, and then suddenly change his mind? Maybe it was just that the Beast couldn't comprehend leaving behind uneaten food. She considered that as she chowed down on her chocolate chip muffin. She wished she had a glass of milk.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  4. #34
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    Ope, sorry, to clarify, the trash/left over food is on the table the lost have claimed, not on the table the man got up and sat back down at, sorry for any confusion with the narration on my part

  5. Likes Origins, Abyssalstar liked this post
  6. #35
    Titania's Avatar
    Pretty Princess
    Arcadian Body
    Striking Looks
    Distinctive Voice
    (Posh Accent)

    Telluric / Bright One



    A striking brunette in her 20s with deep blue eyes, shoulder length hair and a 1000-watt smile. Her features have a radiant beauty to them. She styles herself after the latest fashions, never forgetting to add a touch of tradition to her mises.


    The elegant and armonious movement of the celestial spheres is reflected upon her hair, galaxies dance across the pitch black background in clockwork-like precision, delicate specks of moondust blaze down in her wake, disappearing just as they touch the floor. Her eyes, like star sapphires, shine in tandem with the globes of light that dance around her, floating like planets swept around a Sun.


    A field of roses under the glistening pale moon of a star sprangled spring night. Occasionally, midnight blue roses emerge from her hair, their petals swept by a gentle breeze, just to fade into the bed of sparkling diamond moondust left in her trail by her mien, vanishing without trace soon thereafter.


    Telluric Bright One

    "Well?", she hums softly. To know that somebody had already been hurt - a child at that - left a bitter taste in her mouth. It was their fault for not being vigil enough around the Hedge. Nevertheless, as much as she couldn't help with tracking, she could at least attempt to heal the child. "The quicker we act, the better. More people might get hurt", thus she got up and wearing a polite smile she approached the women. "Excuse me. Do you happen to know where the injured girl lives?"
    New Identity ● (Eleanor Tessier)
    Fame ● (Social Media)

  7. #36
    Circe's Avatar
    Scene Stats
    Striking Looks
    Mantle Dry Heat

    Merit-Striking Looks (exotic)

    Her skin turns a slate-blue and her hair bone white. The whites of her eyes are blood red, the irises are purple with cat-slit black pupils. The helix of her ears elongate out 2" inches ending in a tip. Her features sharpen and her figure has an unnatural, inhuman litheness that can be intellectually disturbing.


    Her skin brings to mind Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, or Asian races, though her high cheek bones and sharp facial structure don't match. Most assume she is of mixed ancestry given the pale blonde hair. Alias Mary Maniscalo.


    The dogs were acting way too smart from all signs so it was likely that Boy was either in charge or another hob hound was the boss. It wouldn't end well, with animal control or cops shooting them in the street at some point. Circe could only think of one way to make that clear and it involved shooting some dogs. She frowned at the idea but then smiled as shouting started up in the cafe.

    "Just a moment, I want ta fill up a lil," Circe nods towards the argument while she finishes the scone. The Fairest attempts to pull in some Glamour as extreme views clash. It was so wonderful how people forgot how to moderate debating in public.

      Harvest Emotion of Rage 2 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-09-23 18:21:34 Circe rolls 5 to Harvest Glamour 5 (10 Again) 6, 1, 9, 10, 4, 3 2 successes

    "Oh, sμ, questa θ la roba"
    blue lips part in a wicked smile as her Court's Glamour comes to her. Once done Circe makes to follow Sonnie but pauses as star girl shows some misdirected kindness. What could some frightened twerp tell them? "Yer a beacon o' kindness girl," she gives Titania a thumbs up before turning to the other with a come closer hand motion.

    "Ya know somethin'? I figure Boy or another hob is leadin' this pack. Too smart ta be mundy mutts. Intel is a must but we really need the hobs ta understand dogs don't beat the local law. Only demonstration I can think of involves violence and dead dogs. Keep this in mind."
    Last edited by Circe; Sep 23rd, 2019 at 06:26 PM.  Reason for Edit: dice roll not show
    Fairest: Larcenist | WYRD 2| Mantle: Dry Desert Heat |Health: 8 | Willpower: 5 | Glamour: 7

  8. #37
    Reed Mills's Avatar

    New Identity
    (Reed Mills)
    Reed Mills

    Reed is by all accounts an unremarkable guy. Somewhere north of 30 and south of 40. He stands about 5’10’’ with a slight hunch. Mud brown eyes, curly brown hair worn on the longer side with unkept mutton chops. His face is lined from time out in the sun and his fingernails have dirt under them. He’s typically in work clothes and boots and it’s clear his occupation keeps him outside. He can often be seen wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat that has definitely seen better days.

    To those that can truly see him, Reed has skin the color of mud. A deep, rich brown. His pupil-less eyes are the same color. Even his teeth are brown. His face is deeply lined. Maybe scarred? His ears are pointed and his fingers are long and knobby. He is painfully thin with a pronounced hunch to his back and a pot-belly. His bulbous head is bald save for a thin layer of green moss. His mantle manifests as an added clarity, as if you are viewing him on a crisp, clear winter day.


    Titania goes off to ask after the kid.

    Circe seems...preoccupied. And then she motions them in. Reed's not opposed to leaning a little closer, not where Circe's concerned.

    She's got a point. And Reed gives her a nod.

    Sonnie's suggestion is the only actionable course as of right now, however.

    "I agree with her," he nods toward the Monkey Woman. "Let's go take it up with Law and Order Canine Unit. As good a place to start as any."

    Will the bow wow police even talk to them? Only one way to find out.

  9. #38
    Sonnie Wu's Avatar
    Sonja "Sonnie" Wu
    Striking Looks
    New Identity
    (Sonja Wu)

    An alluring young beauty, Sonnie Wu is 5'2" and lean-bodied, with a light, nimble step and eyes that seem to say "Hey, you know what would be fun?" Her reddish-brown hair often seems slightly unkempt, and an amused smile regularly plays on her lips. Sonnie is usually dressed casually or for outdoor activity. She almost always wears a pair of red leather tabi boots.

    To the eyes of Fae, Sonnie's feet are like those of a monkey: Toes as long as fingers, with one on each foot being opposable like a thumb. A long monkey tail protrudes from the base of Sonnie's spine, covered in hair the same shade as her head. It appears to be prehensile, and often moves to react to her mood and dances about when she speaks, like people who "talk with their hands." Finally, her brown eyes turn golden.
    Mundane Equipment:

    Smart phone, messenger bag, quarterstaff, 2 throwing knifes (concealed), 3 goblin fruit (changes by season), mountain bike.

    Cloud-Stepping Shoes
    Hedgespun ● +2 Speed

    Riyu Jingu Bang (Staff)
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Damage

    Coin of the Lucky Monkey
    Hedgespun ●● +2 Defense
    Sonnie Wu Scenes
     Harden Mask, 
      Dreaming, Cloak of the Elements



    Sonnie raised her eyebrows at Titania's approach. Not that she disagreed with it, but it was a divergent path from the one the rest of them seemed ready to follow. Shrugging, she listened in on the Telluric's conversation while she nodded to Circe and Reed.

    "Makes sense. As the smartest - and probably strongest - member of the pack, he'd take over as alpha. He's still out of his depth in our world, though. Soon as Starlight is done, we'll go check the pound, okay?"

    No worries, Saber Sloth. I must have read it wrong.
    Spring Mantle (Scent of Flowers and Fruit)

  10. #39
    Saber Sloth's Avatar

    0 Scenes

    3 glamour for Circe

    "No," the kid says staring at Titania, "No one dose, well they might, people in charge I mean." He adds, blushing bright after the gorgeous women, "PETA might wanna do a special about her." He shrugs, "Y'know how they are."

    off to the pound?

  11. #40
    Reed Mills's Avatar

    New Identity
    (Reed Mills)
    Reed Mills

    Reed is by all accounts an unremarkable guy. Somewhere north of 30 and south of 40. He stands about 5’10’’ with a slight hunch. Mud brown eyes, curly brown hair worn on the longer side with unkept mutton chops. His face is lined from time out in the sun and his fingernails have dirt under them. He’s typically in work clothes and boots and it’s clear his occupation keeps him outside. He can often be seen wearing a broad-brimmed straw hat that has definitely seen better days.

    To those that can truly see him, Reed has skin the color of mud. A deep, rich brown. His pupil-less eyes are the same color. Even his teeth are brown. His face is deeply lined. Maybe scarred? His ears are pointed and his fingers are long and knobby. He is painfully thin with a pronounced hunch to his back and a pot-belly. His bulbous head is bald save for a thin layer of green moss. His mantle manifests as an added clarity, as if you are viewing him on a crisp, clear winter day.


    Reed gives Sonnie a nod. Seems like their next stop is Pound Town. Reed sits back and wait for the rest of the crew to ready up.

    I'm good to move off to dog jail!

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