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(1909) Ms. Black and Company

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  1. #1
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Lenora had not been entirely idle. She had heard Mitnick and Heinrich's intent to speak with her, but had not seen fit to run for their attention. Such an act would be seen as desperate and Lenora was anything but a desperate woman. Instead she bided her time, awaiting the tell tale footsteps behind her and, without turning around, she smiled as Mitnick at last introduced herself.

    The cordial expression remained as she turned around fully, granting Mitnick a nod of acknowledgement as he spoke his name and greeting.

    "And yet your reputation precedes you Mr. Mitnick," she says, "Though I'll admit our inability to connect has been regrettable."

    Then her eyes, land on the handsome Daeva the little Shadow has brought along with him.

    "And yet I forget myself. My apologies," she offered, extending a hand to the thus far quiet man, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Heinrich. I am Lenora Black, childe of the Alder Baroness Louisa von Kleist, Commissioner of Philadelphia and the former steward of her estate. Unbound, but not without loyalty."

    Lenora had already made her reasoning from a lack of affiliation with the First Estate clear before. One does not simply ask to join the Invictus and Lenora would not debase the organization to accept her as one of their own.

    Returning her attention to Derek, Lenora considers his words and then speaks again, articulating her thoughts in her mind before issuing them forth.

    "I am finding Sacramento to be quite suitable, thank you," she responded.

  2. #2
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    Being introduced was so much more of a pleasure than introducing oneself. Edward smiled, mostly with his eyes, and gave Leona a gentle handshake. "Likewise, Ms. Black. It seems we share loyalties. I find myself bound, if lightly." He chose not to take up the mantle of The Most Honorable Order of the Thorned Wreath, so stating his lineage would be something of an insult to his Sire. The omission of his descent was conscious. Someone with ties to the First Estate might recognize the coil of barbed wire over his breast, they might even recognize the weight of what was left unsaid. Maybe.

    Lenora's statement closed the "settling in" line of conversation. To let Derek open another or to interject? Well, he didn't seem the type to take offence.

    "Were your inclinations in alignment with Stewardship, Ms. Black? My service has never led to such a role. Any stories you can tell that would not breach confidence?"

  3. #3
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    "As does yours, Ms. Black," Derek replies. "A proud pedigree of the Midwest that casts a long shadow. I myself had a similar experience in service to my Sire who in turn served the First. I'm certain we could fill several evenings speaking of our commonalities."

    "As I've heard it, your interests are wide and varied, as are your beliefs. I would be interested in hearing about your plans for your stay."

    Sorry for the delay, didn't notice you were waiting on me!

  4. #4
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Lenora offers Edward a cordial smile.

    "Then you are most fortunate," she says, "I spent many years in my lady's service, but, as my concern lay predominantly with her personal holdings rather than the agenda of the First Estate, I was not offered a place among them upon my Embrace. To be brought into the fold is a great honor... I am sure you will make a good account of yourself."

    There was no embellishment or sarcasm in her voice. Lenora, it seemed, thought highly of the Invictus, even given the fact that her entry was never considered. At the unobtrusive Daeva's question, Lenora gave a soft chuckle.

    "I can only say that the Alder Baroness was a private woman and a particular mistress. It takes more than etiquette to ensure one's success as her steward. Familiarity was a requirement and I am pleased to say I succeeded in that regard, hence my recent dismissal," she says before thinking about what her words might convey, "It was an amicable occasion. The end goal of my education was met and she felt satisfied with my representation of her lineage. Service to her was thus no longer required."

    Then she returns her gaze to Derek.

    "The Midwest, Mr. Mitnick?" she asked slightly confused, "I'm afraid you may have my pedigree confused or were you mentioning your own? My sire's line hails from Europe and, more recently, from Pennsylvania. Admittedly though, I am from Montana. It seems I never picked up the accent of New England. Nonetheless, you've certainly caught my interests... that service certainly explains your dedication to security."

    The smile widens as Derek asks for her intentions.

    "And it seems that dedication remains despite the removal of your title given the vacancy of Sheriff. The Domain is fortunate to have you," she compliments, "As I mentioned to Her Majesty, it is within my intention to root myself here as a means of establishing the presence of my lineage here on the west coast. I plan to do so by being available to Her Majesty and the Domain should my skills or network be required while also building my influence among certain circles of the Kine. Other opportunities also exist, but they have yet to come to full development and thus I do not wish to speak of them."

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  6. #5
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    "I am unworthy of your confidence, Ms. Black."

    There was an edge to Lenora, although her courtesy clothed it. An edge hard to point to, no phrase to serve as a smoking pistol, more a vague feeling. Further, her story was: a high ranking Invictus sire, whose childe completes training, but does not undergo manumission? It was unheard of. Then, not even a throwaway anecdote about her time of service? It smelled wrong. And, then she said "Alder Baroness" which follows no naming convention. His body language stilled slightly, as he mentally ran over what she had said. Was she lying about her lineage and loyalty?

      5 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-09-21 22:53:30 Edward Heinrich rolls 7 to Spot Deception (Wits + Subterfuge) (10 Again) 3, 9, 7, 10, 5, 7, 10, 1, 10, 10, 3 5 successes

    "Admirable. Stunning for the Society to not pick up such a right-thinking neonate." five parts compliment, one part challenge.

    He listened while she spoke with Derek. Her responses sounded vaguely like answers to an interrogation, maybe she didn't feel as comfortable as she projected. Maybe it was a contextual joke. Maybe she just didn't want to talk to them. Edward was getting locked in his head again, an excellent way to make mistakes, there was time enough to think over the evening later.

    "Well, then Ms. Black," Edward clasped his hands, "what do you wish to speak of?"

  7. #6
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    "Ah, Europe. Many Elders are who are willing to cross the ocean. Indeed, I did mean your Sire's line, but my phrasing was unclear. But yes, my Sire did instill in me a respect for the First Estate and its importance in structuring Kindred society. And thank you for your kind words," he says with a grateful bob of his head to Lenora.

    "A network of Kine contacts, is it? A very practical use for them. I wish you good fortune in that. I do my best to maintain certain veins of information, but retaining my anonymity creates some limitations in that regard. Are you like Mr. Heinrich in that you plan to maintain an occupation among the Kine?"

  8. #7
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Lenora is not lying. As far as she is aware, she was not selected to join the Invictus because of the means she mentioned and was indeed told one does not ask to join. Her misuse of the titles suggests she may be unfamiliar with the particulars of Invictus title convention, but she had never said her education under her sire was related wholly to the First Estate to begin with*. She does, however, seem to be aware of her sire's place in the First Estate, given her earlier statement of Louisa von Kleist as a Commissioner, as well as both her titles of Esteem (Alder) and Tribute (Baroness).

    Given all of this, it may come as no surprise that Lenora does not recognize the challenge in Edward's statement.

    "You honor me, Mr. Heinrich. I am pleased you find my worldview sufficient, but there is much I do not know," Lenora says, her tone remaining as pleasant as it had been before, "Thus, in my want to establish myself, I will need to learn things beyond the bonds of family and general etiquette."

    To Edward's question Lenora considered for a moment.

    "Most of the measures I am currently developing are rather uninteresting I'm afraid," she said, her voice kind, if plain, "Chiefly, I am preoccupying my nights with the growth of assets and the disintegration of others. I retain some real estate interests in Philadelphia that I am in the process of selling off on the advice of my sire. After that, I will build a new resource network here in Sacramento, perhaps through investment or, once again, real estate. Then, as I said, I will seek better understanding and greater influence."

    As with many Ventrue, Lenora's favorite subject was often herself and there was no harm in sharing broad details of her plans with either party. After all what could they do? Tell the Prince and others she intended to be an asset? Tragedy.

    "The words are well earned from what I understand, Mr. Mitnick, though one is left to wonder if you will pursue the vacancy, given your prior accomplishments," Lenora offered, pondering the thought aloud.

    Such a curious Kindred Mr. Mitnick was... but Lenora was more than a little certain the Shadow was plying her for information regarding her sense of security. Even without a title, it seemed Mitnick was heavily invested in the oversight of the First and ensuring those within the Domain exercised. So dutiful.

    "In a sense, yes," she answered, "I possess a public identity among the Kine in the form of an affluent socialite named Lenore Green. So not an occupation, so to speak, but an explanation for my income. It is quite secure and, given that the name is attached to real assets that funnel back to me, very airtight. It was a parting gift, if you will. And yourself? Are you known among the cattle?"

    * - The misuse of the titles is a Player error on my part. However, as Lenora is on record saying her sire's title technically incorrectly several times, I believe it's only fair that I offer an explanation and play it out so as not to disrupt continuity. If this is insufficient and in need of amendment, please let me know! Youngblood Steven

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  10. #8
    Edward Heinrich's Avatar

    Edward Heinrich

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    A vague feeling of missing some invisible mark filled Edward's gut.
    Look at me being paranoid, not as though I'm a Reeve for the First.

    He let the worry and his overthinking fall off him, mentally committing to enjoying the social experience. And then, Lenora opened a line of conversation.

    "Well well, you're living the Invictus life far more than myself! I should lodge a complaint with my Sire." He laughed at the idea. "Mr. Mitnick and I share disciplines, my specialty is in defending computing systems. Among that meagre circle, I'm recognized by the very name you know me by." Cybersecurity was a small web of trust. Elsewhere he faded away, his presence easily forgotten.

    He turned slightly, fixing Derek with a narrow-eyed look: "Give it to me straight, Mr. Mitnick, would I make it as a socialite?" He raised an eyebrow, making a sardonic expression. "No doubt less successful than Ms. Black shall become, but we can't all have her looks and charm." He smiled easily now. Much better, had my head in work mode.

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  12. #9
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    "One is left with only that, as you say, Ms. Black. I admire such foresight and preparedness. Walking such fine lines require no less. As for myself I do maintain a false persona, though mostly for matters of paperwork, not for any direct interactions. Otherwise I am merely a ghost in the machine."

    At Edward's attentions, Derek gives a side glance before turning his head slightly towards him. "I wouldn't know. It's so hard to look in the mirror most nights." He forces an expulsion of air from his lungs to function as a breathy laugh. "But I think the most charming demeanor is one of respect and civility, merits I would say you both possess."

    He looks back to Lenora. "But someone has to take the reigns at some point. Whoever does step up to the task would be wise to take advantage of your budding network of information. Certainly a way to earn some favor."

  13. #10
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Lenora smiled to Edward. His words were kind, of course, but fundamentally untrue. After all, if she was seen as a model Invictus she would not remain Unaligned. Would she?

    "Truly a boon for Her Majesty's Domain to boast two experts within that field. It took me a great deal of time to adapt as the years have moved along," she admits, "Admittedly, I still struggle on occasion. I couldn't fathom understanding any of it beyond the day-to-day."

    At Derek's continued shyness, Lenora simply looked to him. Silently regarding him until eye contact was made. Derek had a tendency for avoidance, Lenora would see to it that he understood it was always best to look to you betters peers when they were speaking to you. An important lesson. One he would need to learn.

    "And yet, tonight you are proving quite capable," she offers, "All skillsets grow when given attention, Mr. Mitnick."

    And you have potential.

    Then came Mitnick's compliment. In her mind, the Shadow's statement of her usefulness was true, but the stroke to her ego helped.

    "Indeed they would, Mr. Mitnick," she offers, "And I'm sure, given time, they will be in contact. If not, perhaps I will seek them out once I'm established."

    Though it always feels better when they come to me.

    "Once a new Sheriff is selected, I will certainly make my network available," she said, "I'm certain my friends in the justice system and cultural heart of Sacramento could be useful. As could my contacts in journalism."

    Then a moment of pause as a revelation hits the Ventrue's eyes.

    "Certainly they can be made to be of service to yourselves as well, gentlemen," she says, "For appropriate compensation, of course. However, Domain security is more important than our personal ambitions."

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