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A meeting of the Lords

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  1. #21
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Aiden's defense of her desire for structure was... unexpected, but welcome.

    Then came Jack's answer to her inquiry.

    "Thank you, Herald," she said, "In the event that the Heirophant is selected, consider us informed."

    Then came the repeated offer to reveal deception, but only if asked. No actions were taken to do so.

    "With respect," she offered, "It is not our responsibility to deconstruct your opponent. That responsibility is yours alone. To refrain from doing so suggests either you feel your arguments are complete without these actions or you have not developed a cohesive strategy. Given your position, I will assume it is the former?"

    A nod is offered at the expansion regarding Boyle's entry to the Folsom incident. Lenora suspected that elements of truth existed in both stories. That was most often the case.

    The continued implication regarding the clan's status being reduced to fools was likewise noted.

    "Understood, Heirophant," she says in response to Boyle's affirmation that he believes his argument done. Then she splits her attention between the occultist and the Herald, "Gentlemen, I believe I am satisfied," she says, "Barring any closing statements or inquiries from Mr. Whitney towards either party or the contacts the Herald has suggested, I am ready to proceed to a vote."

    After some pause, Lenora relaxed in her seat, waiting to see what this final chapter held.

    Apologies, I am writing via mobile and cannot easily color Lenora's dialogue. I have bolded it for your convenience. In accordamce to our agreement on Discord, the new PO is: Lenora, Aiden, Jack, Thomas

  2. #22
    Aiden Whitney's Avatar

    Aiden Whitney
    (Master's Degree)
    Aiden Whitney


    Jacque's urge to ease his support was mulled over by Aiden for a moment. "Herald, you are right. My apparent enthusiasm for Mr. Boyle might be premature, however, acknowledging his shortcomings do not necessarily improve yours."

    There was the potential for a final candidate to enter the fray, but that seemed unlikely to Aiden. Especially now that a vote had been called for, and Thomas' sudden calming gave a measure of reassurance should they not.

    "I am agreed with Ms. Black. It is not our job to tear either of you down, and I am strongly opposed to bringing another kindred from outside the clan into our internal politics." Had Jacque truly learned nothing during this debate? The mere suggestion only made the Herald appear weaker than he already had. Wherever the truth lie between these men it was beyond Aiden's ability to uncover without embarrassing the family or violence of the Blood. "If either of you have final statements, now is the time. Otherwise, let the vote begin."

  3. #23
    Jacque's Avatar
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    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    The order agreed upon was Lenora, Aiden, Thomas, Jack, Thomas Boyle is up

    Blood Hunt:

  4. #24
    Thomas Boyle

    Ah, let the final act begin. Now the weight shifts from Thomas and Jack to Lenora and Aiden. They will, if only indirectly, decide the clan's future.

    "Like I said, I have no further points to make" He says "Except for maybe this: do I think Jack a good candidate for Priscus? No. Do I think myself a better one? Yes. But if he is selected I will respect that choice. Likewise, if you deem me worthy of the seat, I will not favor either of you, or myself, at his expense. Tonight, I'd like to see our... rivalry put on hold, if not wholly extinguished"

    And with that, Thomas falls silent, wondering what more the night will bring.

  5. #25
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    "Opponent?" Jacque shook his head, "The tone set by Mister Boyle has furthered this view of divisiveness within the clan." His hands flipping and flicking through the air as he talks, "All this conversation has been to this point is accusations and poison. He speaks so highly of his deeds and so lowly of my alleged self-serving nature."

    "Here is the truth: our prior Priscus gave us rather simple goals for the family." A single finger rises, "First, to earn the council's favor through service to the Domain." A second unfurls, "Second, to earn Domain positions to strengthen the influence of the family and lastly," A third to complete the bullets, "to do what we can to involve our cousin's expertise in order to support the first two goals. The last goal being a suggestion of my own that the Priscus accepted."

    He turned his gaze to Thomas, "The only opportunity for a Domain position that arose after those expectations were known was to become Her Majesty's Keeper of Elysium. When meeting with both Mister Boyle and a third cousin they made it known to me that neither had any interest in pursuing the position. As this inaction did not fit our Priscus' request of us I moved forward with a plan to earn it myself where Mister Boyle supported his covenant-mate, the current Keeper, and our third cousin supported a Kindred of another clan."

    Looking now between Aiden and Lenora, "As fate would have it, another Domain officer heard part of a conversation between our Priscus and the Prince and knowing only the limited details they heard at that moment decided to interrupt their conversation to publicly chastise our Priscus. I was a sole voice that spoke out against the discord this Domain official was causing where Mister Boyle joined the voices of the many allies of this Domain official speaking out against our Priscus. In the aftermath that Domain official was stripped of their regency and I was made Herald for showing that I will stand for unity and stability in this Domain even at great risk to myself." Not all battles were fought with swords. "He says I did these things as self-serving. I did them because our Priscus said it would lend well to the influence of the clan of Kings. She was right and I encourage Mister Boyle to cease this pattern of undermining..." or envying, "...the clan's leaders for his own ambitions and gains."

    "This is how he behaved when he was not chosen as Whip. He cut off his nose to spite his face. If he cannot respect the roles the Priscus and Whip serve for the family, how can we expect him to adequately serve in that capacity let alone keep the promise he just made? Actions are better indicators of merit than words. My actions have demonstrated how committed I am to the clan goals." He smirked in clear disgust for Thomas' conduct this evening even though he's shifting gears thinking he can suddenly smell like roses after all the vitriol, "He describes his inaction towards the clan as my greed as if he doesn't place the Circle above his blood whenever convenient." Looking at Lenora, "You saw it first hand when Keeper Wood's position was leveraged to try and recruit you to the Circle during presentation to the Prince."

    Responding to Aiden, "A pity we live in a world where proven deception is apparently held in higher regard than proven truth. I wield influence like others wield a sword and shield. Do you not see the strength in that? The strength that lends the clan?" He paused with a face of stone towards Lenora in response to her proclamation, "I am not yet satisfied. I have yet to hear from the third Lord being considered for Priscus."

    His face erupted with a smile as his cousins digested the twist created by their own assumptions, "Ms Black, with what goals would you write the next chapter of the Lords of Sacramento? Furthermore, now that you have been made aware of the friction that exists between two of it's population how would you resolve such a matter to promote it's strength?" Jack had spent the evening shrugging off Thomas' accusations, providing sources of truth and answering any questions the newest of Sacramento had to ensure Thomas' poison did not carry into Domain affairs but not once did Jack ever declare he was the best person for Priscus. Hints were dropped throughout the conversation that there was always more than two choices for everyone to consider but if he wanted to secure the future of the family image subtle hints would no longer suffice. Clearly not everyone at the table was playing with a full deck.

    Blood Hunt:

  6. #26
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    (Lenore Greene)
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    Lenora Scenes


    A nod is offered to Aiden as he provides another moderate voice, albeit moreso following Jack's attempts to soothe him.

    Boyle's response is met with spoken word.

    "Worthy principles, Heirophant, I would expect nothing less from either of you," she said, offering the man a compliment.

    Then came Jack.

    At first, it seemed the Herald was formulating a parting argument. He was cordial enough, it seemed both he and Thomas were calming down. This was good. Then came the twist.

    Immediately, Lenora's eyes landed on Aiden, wondering if the Lord had previously discussed interest in the position during some private moment. Then Jack addressed her directly and, for once, Lenora's silence was not a calculated move. She was clearly surprised and the mask cracked as she found her mind thinking back to his previous statements.

    Did you not hear our wise cousin...

    ...I'm not compelled to measure fangs unless that kind of thing is important to you.

    No. I'm suggesting the family consider the message we send if he were selected.

    ...I am owed nothing except an end to your forked tongue.

    Not once. Not a single time had Jack voiced his intent to pursue the chair. More than once he had signaled he wasn't interested in the position. More than once he had suggested only that he desired the Priscus to be someone other than Thomas. And, at least once, he had referenced Lenora herself. The revelation of it all was plain on the Lady's face.

    Clever boy.

    "I won't lie, your nomination for my consideration is... not a possibility I had accounted for, Herald," she said, tapping her fingers on her answer, "but I will answer."

    Leaning forward, Lenora clasped her hands together, formulating her thoughts.

    "The reality within my situation is that the goals must currently be immediate," she affirmed, "Just as a general must accurately assess the the strengths of his soldiers before he deploys them on the battlefield, so would I need to assess the strengths of all of you before I can accurately predict the best way with which I can formulate goals that benefit the whole. However, if you are looking for reassurance, I will remind you of my candor when Her Majesty asked why I traveled to Sacramento. It is within my goals to establish a lasting legacy within my lineage. I cannot due that with a weak system of family here in Sacramento. Therefore, should I be your Priscus, it is within my best interests to ensure you succeed. Our individuals victories are a victory for the whole."

    "With this all in mind, I am not prepared to provide a listing of goals. That requires familiarity," she says, reinforcing her point, "Thus, the most present concern would be to foment that familiarity with the goal of determining the best arenas and scenarios in which we can establish our dominance. As a family."

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  8. #27
    Aiden Whitney's Avatar

    Aiden Whitney
    (Master's Degree)
    Aiden Whitney


    The avalanche of words that poured from Jacque was largely filtered out by Aiden. Until the end. That twist end. The maneuver would have been more impressive if Lenora had been in on it. Yet, her expression said that she wasn't. No. Clever though the deception was, it was a hail Mary. The third Lord. He's saving face and cutting down Thomas. Not bad.

    An eyebrow raised and Aiden turned towards Lenora to give her pitch his full attention.

    It was a good pitch. She had said all the right things, but there were implications of her speech that raised concerns.

    "Ms. Black, I will admit that your candidacy is appealing, however I have questions and concerns of my own." Aiden's tone is more relaxed and calm than when the other two had been arguing. "You said you would need to assess the strengths of the family in order to set goals. I am obviously new, but the others are clearly established in the Domain. Is there a reason you aren't familiar with them? How recent of an arrival are you to Sacramento?"

    "Additionally, you saw no reason to pursue the office of Priscus before the Herald's questions. If you did not seek to compete before, and had reached a decision, why are you electing to compete now?" There is no hostility in Aiden's voice. He appeared genuinely curious and forthright. "Far be it from me to discourage ambition in our clan, but...preparation is a virtue."

    Aiden leaned forward in his chair for emphasis. "To be totally frank, Ms. Black, I worry that the Herald offers his support to you now because he sees none for himself. If you had been absent this meeting he would have offered it to me instead; if only to deny the Hierophant. You appear to have the proper temperament to lead, and your intentions seem good, but is this truly the right time to make a power play?"

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  10. #28
    Thomas Boyle

    And just when you think Jaque's antics have reached the lowest level possible, you hear them knocking from below the bottom.

    "Herald, our Priscus and Harpy advocated torture as fun pastime activity in open Court. If you think defending that position was building up the clan as a whole, I have some bad news for you" But he is unwilling to pay the man any more mind than he has to. Especially since Jack catches a severe case of chickenshit, hiding behind Black.

    Thomas listens to Lenora's little speech. It's not a bad one, considering she obviously didn't plan to enter the fray tonight. Then came Aiden's questions, all on point, and all of them would be asked by the Malkovian if the other Ventrue didn't beat him to the punch. The Hierophant smiles, looking beyond Lenora.

    "So to sum up your platform in a single sentence" He begins, slowly measuring words "You want to be Priscus because not being one impedes your goal of making a name for yourself. But! You were previously interested in knowing my accomplishments in the Domain. I'll give you the same opportunity: since your arrival, what have you achieved that would, if only possibly, reflect well on our clan as a whole?"

    Because if you're willing to be Herald's pasty, then like a patsy you will be treated.

  11. #29
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque's head tilted as Aiden made his assumptions, "Mister Whitney, you would do well to stop jumping to conclusions and focus on evaluating the circumstances as they stand. If I were truly doing as you suggest it would have worked better to present the questions to the both of you. I am Her Majesty's Herald. I enjoy power, influence, resources, tenancy, and access to the rack. I gain nothing but a stroke of my pride to be elected by the two of you where the Lord's influence could collectively grow with a different and successful Priscus- if such an alternative exists. Think back on my words carefully. When did I ever say I was the only choice for Priscus, let alone a candidate at all. If the clan wished it of me I would answer the call."

    He chuckled at Thomas' defense, "I spoke out against the discord created by the official but I did not immediately jump to defend her in that forum. That served as an adequate, neutral ground on the matter until you joined the fray. You chose to pile on with the voices of the many against your own blood in public. After tonight's conduct I wonder if you did so as a means to try and begin tearing her down too." His eyes flipped to Aiden, "You didn't know her tenure? Wouldn't it have been prudent to ask about her experience regarding the many accusations made before declaring your support of Mister Boyle's lies if you assumed she had tenure here? This suggests you either had already made up your mind before this evening or you're not as acquainted with bullshit as you thought." Which was it though?

    Speaking to the whole group, "Tonight I have been weighing all of the options for our clan as you all should have been. I am considering the sheer amount of snake oil Mister Boyle came prepared to sell you each with, coupled with the lack of respect he shows the Domain, it's officers or it's Prince." Another history lesson for the Lords, "During the Whip debates, our prior Priscus pitted the family against each other to determine who would come out on top. I see now that only served to damage the Pride of my cousins and subsequently fragmented the family. I am gravely concerned that this pattern would not cease if I were selected as Priscus. Mister Boyle has demonstrated as much tonight with his rhetoric aimed at tearing the family's self-image apart."

    He smirked at Thomas' loaded question. So quick to measure dicks with a woman. So fitting and so transparent. He wondered what Lenora might be thinking about him now that she was in his cross hairs.

    Tilting his hand towards Lenora while still focusing on Aiden, "I am considering her because she carefully observes and collects information to make informed decisions. She has done this beyond just this evening so I am reasonably convinced that this is an ingrained instinct for her. Even her response to my questions reinforce that theory. She conducts herself well in conversation and has even managed to impress the Prince in that regard in her short time here."

    "To avoid either of your short tenures from being taken advantage of this evening what I'm considering is a safe bet for our clan." He sits back in his chair as he outlines the idea, "If there is remotely any truth to either of our arguments, there would be dire consequences for either of us to be Priscus. I would not be particularly fond of leaving the image of our clan to what would effectively be a coin flip on truth or lies. I propose that Ms Black with her unsullied reputation represent us as Priscus and we reconvene in three months after you've both been able to feel out the political landscape first hand. We then should have a conversation centered around discussing what goals will most effectively move the family forward instead of this ridiculous and destructive smear campaign that has occurred tonight. At that time we can either confirm Ms Black as Priscus or choose another if it is determined to be better for the clan."

    A hedge bet with an option to switch investments after seeing how the market plays out? That certainly should be attractive to any investor. "I am, of course, open to discussing any concerns and vetting out such a plan. I will ultimately support whatever logical plan of action we can agree on that results in the advancement of the Clan of Kings."

    Blood Hunt:

  12. #30
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Now it was Lenora's turn to smile, though the stoic woman offered little more than a smirk.

    "You both misunderstand," she offers, looking to Aiden and Thomas, "I never directly declared my intention to compete, though I understand if it appears the implication was there. Perhaps I should have formulated my response more thoroughly. For that, I apologize. Consider for a moment that my surprise at the nomination may have altered my focus. However, the Herald asked me a question at a meeting with the family. I answered it because it would have been uncouth to ignore. It is due to this same courtesy that I will happily address both of your points."

    Then to Aiden,

    "As the Herald and the Heirophant have both mentioned, my tenure here has been short thus far. I have only been here a month longer than yourself," she says, "However, allow me to impart some reassurance. Though my Embrace has been comparatively recent, I have been a part of our world for nearly a century. There is a reason why I was able to establish a reputation for etiquette early on and it comes from a literal lifetime of service to a Baroness of the First Estate. I am quite familiar with them - as well as the attempts some might field to establish easily controlled puppets. If that is the Herald's intention, you can rest assured he will learn that I am no marionette, regardless of the outcome of this meeting."

    THen to Thomas, Lenora lightly shakes her head at his statement.

    "Incorrect, Heirophant," she said, "I believe I've already proven that my lack of a title has not impeded my progress. However, I will admit attaining the position would benefit my goals if I was able to prove successful. Given your response, I assume you think that's selfish, but I consider the matter simple politics. Would you have preferred I lied and painted a tapestry of promises I have no intention of keeping? I prefer to leave that sort of art to the Kine - or the Daeva. That said, you've requested my merit and, truthfully, you've noted my contributions have been minor. For sake of sating your curiosity though, I will only say this."

    "In the brief time I have been here, I have shown myself to be adherent to the etiquette that the Invictus requires in many of its domains. My approach to politics and social matters has served for me to be held in good regard by the Prince and many others, including yourself given your recent comments," Lenora says, recounting the recent flurry of positivity regarding the night of her entry, "If memory serves, I believe you mentioned my wit and manners. Truly, if my heart still swelled I might have blushed."

    At Jack's offer of Lenora keeping the seat warm, she looks to Aiden and Thomas.

    "Believe me when I say that I understand your reservations and the frustration you both must feel, but can you truly say that you believe our family will achieve stability if either the Herald or you, Heirophant, take the title tonight? I am convinced the turmoil will continue. The Herald believes the Heirophant is a snake and disrespects the Prince. In turn the Heirophant thinks the Herald to be a coward and a manipulator. In honesty, I doubt either of you would let the matter rest if your rival was selected for the seat, regardless of your promises to the contrary. For this reason, I believe the Herald's compromise is worth considering," she says, "The reality we face is that we cannot maintain the vacancy beyond this evening. The posting was public and I am confident that more Kindred beyond Her Majesty know we are meeting. Someone must sit in that chair. By choosing Aiden or myself, it affords the Clan of Kings time. The only reason I believe choosing myself would be beneficial is that I consider my visibility to the powers that be to be slightly greater. If you choose to place the stipulation that I cannot then pursue candidacy at the end of that tenure, it is a term I will accept, albeit begrudingly."

    Why take Priscus when I can pursue the other vacancy?

    Gestures are made to both Jack and Thomas.

    "For the two of you, it allows you the time to reconcile and settle your rivalry in whatever manner you deem fit," she said, "An opportunity I strongly feel both of you should pursue. And for Aiden and myself it affords us the time to establish ourselves and afford our names the appropriate network of merit to be worthy of consideration.

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