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(1908) Jack n Co

21 - 24
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  1. #21
    Thomas Boyle

    "And yet" From his look, it seems Thomas has found something profoundly interesting just above Lenora's shoulder. Playing devil's advocate was so fun "The pendulum swings. For every mortal so desperate to achieve something that he inadverently ruins it with misplaced haste, there's a vampire convinced they'll live forever, mistaking complacency for fulfillment"

    He chuckles. History's life's teacher? Not really, not in all cases.

    "And then, one night, there's nothing but ash. Little more than a footnote to history and... who were we talking about again?" He grins at his fellow Lords.

    I have seen a wicked and ruthless man flourishing like a luxuriant native tree, but he soon passed away and was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found It went something like this, right?

    "Studying anything for reproductive advantage sounds incredibly beside the point" He says, commenting Lenora's admission, distaste at the ridiculous concept apparent in his voice

    Then he turns to the other Ventrue.

    "We should" He answers Jack's words simply. If the Herald was hinting at being open to consider Circle membership, it was not very believable. You cannot buy your way in to the Acolytes, and so far the Lord exhibited none of the passion the Hierophant expects.

  2. #22
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    "One might saw the faults of our humanity gnaws within us just as much as the Other," Lenora says to Thomas, a slight smile on her lips. However, she was not looking away from him. She was looking him in the eye, "Therefore, it is our task to push beyond these faults, no? Transcend them. Stagnation leads to death. In our case, it could be Final."

    Lenora could wax philosophical. When she wanted to. However, she wondered if Elysium was the place to discuss such things. The Kindred could be sensitive about such matters. Thus, it was decided that this would be all she said on the matter.

    "An invitation I will make good use of in the coming nights," she offered to the Herald, "Once I've established my haven."

    It seemed Thomas was of like mind, as he seemed to pull himself back from ranting. At his grin, Lenora gifts a cordial smirk and, at his comment regarding the reasoning behind her education, she laughed.

    "And yet,"
    she says, "It was the way of things in those years. Many could argue it still is. However, I've always found the notion of submitting to a partner based purely on social expectation to be incredibly ridiculous. Those who cannot prove their dominance do not deserve my servitude. Even then, my independence is showing me my preference for partnerships over servitude."

    The exchange between her two cousins regarding Jack's want to visit the Crone's temple was left alone by Lenora. The childe of Louisa von Kleist was not overly eager to jump on the comment to express her own interests, such a gesture could be seen as desperation. Desperation was not something she desired to portray. Lenora would see the temple in good time, either by invitation or by inquiry at a later date once she has ensured a secure place for daysleep and allocated her assets to Sacramento.

    Lenora let the silence hang momentarily before finally speaking.

    "Gentlemen, I must say that I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with you tonight," she says, "However, the night wanes and there are yet more tasks I must see to before the sun wakes. I look forward to seeing you both at the next court or the meeting, but should you request my presence earlier than that, you will find me receptive. Company provided by family is always welcome."

    Then she bowed her head.

    "I wish you both a pleasant night, even if it wears thin," Lenora offers. And, with that, Lenora turns and moves to depart.

    Unless stopped, Lenora leaves the scene

  3. #23
    Jacque's Avatar
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    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque lingers his eyes between the exchange. It is something all Kindred have to remember through our arrogance, our pride or even our complacency. We are eternal- until we are not.

    He smiles at the acceptance of his invitation, nodding at the prerequisite she had set for herself. Otherwise, he was content to watch the exchange up until the discussion of partnerships.

    "Of course it is. Servitude doesn't tend to be as mutually beneficial," he shrugs before adding, "At least over a long enough timeline."

    "Likewise, Ms Black." A card would be left for her at the staff desk. After her departure he turns his gaze back towards Thomas, waiting to see if he had anything left to add or if his attendance was simply taking an opportunity to keep Jacque from having her all to himself for introductions.

    Blood Hunt:

  4. #24
    Lenora's Avatar
    Lenora Black | Public: Lenore Greene
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    Confirmation: Lenora Exits

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