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Let's talk Business

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  1. #1
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Ale closed her laptop and slide it into a locked drawer, along with some folders. Locking the drawer, she places the key in her pocket, and grabs some other folders.

    Glancing to Cain, who was watching her, she commanded him to stay. She wasn’t going far, and he could easily be called if she needed him.

    Walking down to Vivian’s door, she knocks, waiting to be invited in. Not that she needed to, but she respected her Coterie Mate. And as such, would wait, glancing down at the folders, making sure she had the ones she wanted.
    Vivian York Selena
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  2. #2
    Vivian York

    Vivian has arrived a little before the time they established. She had a little paperwork to get done for some Domain things, and the Nox, but it was completed when Ale knocked on the door. Her wardrobe tonight felt like 'jazzy Daeva', where it was shimmery and deep red. She hadn't worn it yet, but tonight seemed as good as any. Fitted with white gloves to match the blouse beneath, she was ready for the Prince.

    "Come in, come in, Your Majesty." The Daeva said as she walked to the door quickly. Pausing a moment, to smooth her suit jacket and shake the Beast down so she didn't feel the need to push Ale across the floor and into a wall. Although, considering she was a Gangrel, Vivian probably wouldn't get very far. Opening either as Ale did, or before Ale did she whisked her arm openly to the office. "Let's have a seat." With that, Vivian didn't sit behind her desk, she had arrange the two chairs to be adjacent on the opposite side of her desk, where most would sit if they were visiting. However, she was at the same level as the Prince, so that wasn't necessary.

    "How can I be of service to you, Your Majesty?" Despite that they were friends, she still remained professional since they were in the Elysia. If Vivian prided herself on anything, it was the ability to keep business and pleasure. Sometimes it was mixed together, but not in Elysia.

  3. #3
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    At the invite, Ale enters the office, smiling warmly to Vivian, though her Beast wanted to end the challenger where she stood.

    “Thank you for making the time to talk Seneschal York.”
    She greets. While the Daeva looked amazing in the deep red jacket, Ale was more laid back. Though more colorful then usual. It was black leather pants with a yellow tank top over a black one. Her heels matched the yellow, and her lips were red. “I have to say, that jacket is simply stunning on you! You wear the color well! Wear that out and you’ll need a stick to keep the men at bay.” She says with an approving nod.

    Sitting in one of the seats, she waited for Vivian to sit as well before continuing, “I don’t want to bog the night down with too much business. But I’m sure you’ve noticed the rising tensions at Court lately. And quite frankly, it’s getting out of hand.” At least in her opinion, “With that in mind, I’m going to be stepping back a bit. I’ve made myself too available and as such, I believe some take advantage of that and some take me less seriously as well.” Could just how she had perceived things. “So I would like to see if we can work out a way to have requests for meetings with me go through you and possibly Herald Jack as well. As Senescahl, there is a lot others could go to you for. And lets be honest here, you have a way with words I simply don’t.” it didn’t bother her, she was blunt and abrasive. Vivian was smooth and refined. “But, I wanted to talk to you about it first. I don’t want to put more on you than you have time for.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  4. #4
    Vivian York

    If anyone could pull off sexy, biker grunge, it was the Prince. She had a flare for things, even if Ale didn't want to fully admit it.

    She laughed and clapped a little when the Gangrel mentioned a stick to hold off men. There was only one man who currently ran through her mind, and Jacque had still wanted their relationship to remain a secret. So she would still refrain from telling Ale for now, no matter how much it bothered her. "Well, a stick, flog, gun, something will hopefully keep them at bay."

    Vivian understood Ale's concern. The burden would be put to Jacque, herself and perhaps Mable. Yet, it didn't bother her that this was Ale's wishes. What bothered her was that Ale didn't seem to be enjoying herself given the tensions mentioned. "If I may speak frankly, Your Majesty." There was a small pause, but she continued. "I have all the time to do whatever it is you need me to do. Of course, I do not know all of your wishes and how you would like some things handled. Yet, we do think like minded in many respects. I'm also not so delusional to think I can just do whatever I deemed fit. This is Your Domain."

    "If you permit me to speak candidly, there is far more I could say." She said with a Cheshire grin. There was plenty she wanted to rant about, but wouldn't until Ale allowed her to do so. This was business, this was the Elysia and she was not the Prince, she was her loud lipped messenger of sorts.

  5. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Chuckling, “A flog huh? Seems more fitting at the Asylum. Which I haven’t been to in ages, should probably stop by one night.” It was part of the Domain. "We should do that some weekend, take the Asylum by storm."

    Nodding, “You can always speak freely with me. I’ve always respected your thoughts and opinions.” And it was true.

    “Candidly? By all means, say whatever you need to and want to say.”
    The grin had her a bit nervous, it was hard telling what way she was going. “You should know when it’s just you and I, you can always be as candid as you want.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #6
    Vivian York

    Vivian waved her hand in approval. "Oh oh yes! That would be utterly delightful. There are a few who are curious too, perhaps we should hold a party of some sorts." She laughed maniacally. "I'm not that into punishment and the lot, but some tying up would be fun. Plus, I am a sucker for good voyeurism." Perhaps Jacque would accompany her as well. The tension would be wonderful.

    "I just hope all the rubbish in Court comes to a stop. There is no need for them to be bulling all their bloody bollocks in Court. It's supposed to be civil and none of this tattle tailing garbage that I've seen and experienced recently. Sure, Monomacy must be declared publicly. But, if they are so offended by words fired against then, they can just push on out of your Domain and seek residence elsewhere." Sometimes, the Daeva thought that it was Kindred-garten, and that needed to stop.

    "Alas, I digress. Please though, I would like to hear your plan for what's in store." Nodding to Ale, pulling out a notepad and pen, ready to write.

  7. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “A party at the Asylum? That would make for a memorable evening.” As most evenings at the club did. “Though I haven’t heard anyone express interest in visiting it. You hear more than I do.” She says with a grin. “Think I forgot everything Katya tried to teach that night. It’s been too long.” But had been fun.

    Then the mention of Court, and Ale takes a deep breath. Well, as much as a dead woman can take. “It is supposed to be civil and a place we can gather to talk. I don’t know what has caused the sudden explosion in the collective pissing and moaning going on.” She knew she didn’t have to mince her words with Vivian. “The whole Monomacy thing seems to have set off a series of things. One being that Kindred have more delicate feelings then I ever would have guessed. Maybe we need a safe room for them?” she asks with a smirk and laugh. “But that being said, I can’t step in everytime there is a testing of words and egos. I do expect my Keeper to handle it when it happens. So hopefully having one will put an end to this new behavior.” She hoped. “Because my patience is running thin.” And that was never a good thing. “Though I’m surprised it’s reached such a point with you. I’m curious, does anyone stand out to you in it? I’ve noticed a few myself who seem all too eager to add fuel whenever they can.” Had Vivian noticed it as well? If so, was it the same Kindred?

    “Please, if it’s on your mind and bothering you, digress all you want. It’s better than snapping in Court.” She says with a wink.

    “Oh, yes.”
    Back to topic. “I plan on stepping back a bit. I’ve made myself too available and some take advantage of that. Some of the thing’s others come to me with, they don’t need to. Making my schedule too full to handle the things I should be dealing with. I want to have people go through you or Herald Jack for meetings with me. Allowing you to screen who I see, and for you to take on helping with the issues that others might have. As the Domain grows, I simply can’t handle it all myself anymore.” And she didn’t have the patience anymore. “We’ve been friends for a while, and I believe you have a good understanding of how I want things handled. And if not, you’re not afraid to ask me, which is great.” She liked questions.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  9. #8
    Vivian York

    There were probably more people interested than one would think about the Asylum. In fact, even though some wouldn't admit it, they'd at least pay a visit for viewing purposes. "Well, I throw things out here and there to get a feel for interests, it's how I make small talk and pick the brains of the Domain." Vivian chuckled at her dirty little secret that she shared with the Prince.

    Vivian scoffed slightly. "Bloody delicate feelings. Some of us had to deal with several wars, hearing about persecution, civil rights, women's rights and that wasn't just in the America's, that was in Europe and Canada as well. Still, there are many countries that have it far worse than us. I am so utterly sick of the incessant arse-licking that needs to happen for people to be happy."

    She thought about the question a long moment, Vivian shifted in her chair trying to think. "No one particularly stands out to me. It seems a culmination of many, one picking up on something, then another chimes in like children in elementary school calling out the weakest on the playground and then having a run on that individual and kicking them whilst they're down."

    "A lot of it has been a blur from the past courts of discombobulation, but please, give me names of those you want me to keep an eye on. Hell, I'll go further and twist their knickers to keep their traps shut."

    Shaking her head. "No, I've never been afraid to outright ask questions. Beating around the bush, and asking veiled questions when they could be asked straightforward is ridiculous."

    "But, with that in mind, could you please tell me at what points you would like me to either send them to you for a meeting, or that would require a meeting with you. Each Seneschal is given instruction from their Prince. While I have a very good idea of what you want, and your interests, I also don't want to have you upset with me for something I did or permitted without dropping it by you first. Obviously, I can't go about calling for blood hunts, but you know what I mean." Even though Vivian could probably sort it out, she wanted to hear the direction from Ale herself.

  10. #9
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “That works, let me know. And even if there’s no interest, might be good to go just to get out.” And away from the office and responsibility. Even for a night. Smirking, “And here I thought it was simply because you enjoyed small talk.” Though maybe even small talk has it place.

    Nodding, “Oh I know. I learned a long time ago, when I took over the business from my father that my feelings had no place in it. I’m growing pretty sick of it too. We’re undead monsters for fucks sake, not some sewing circle of old ladies.” It was pretty sad. "Or maybe we need pacifiers and bottles handed out when people enter Court." shaking her head.

    “It wasn’t even this bad when Keeper Wood was having her problems. So something has set it off, and the sooner I can figure out what and take care of it, the better.”

    The Savage laughed, “Now that would make for a fun Court! And no one would see it coming.” She was genuinely amused. “I want to observe a bit more before pointing fingers. But you’ll be one of the first I tell.” Twist being the first. “I just don’t want to point the finger, and have my judgement clouded. That serves no one, and only causes more problems.”

    Smiling, “And that’s just another reason I respect you as much as I do. You’re always honest with me and not afraid to ask me something.” Though she understood why some were hesitant to be straight forward with her. “I especially enjoy it in meetings. People seem to feel the need to use flowery language instead of just being blunt and to the point.”

    A nod, “When it comes to things like Regency or feeding rights outside of the Communal Zone, I would like to be included on the meeting. I will be putting new plans into action in regards to Regencies in the next few months.” If things feel into place anyways. “I’m not opposed to you handing out Tenancy, I just ask to be kept in the loop as to who has it and where. But it shouldn’t be handed out simply because someone asked for it. Though I have a feeling you get that.” She trusted the Daeva’s judgement. “Obviously anything related to Domain security, or envoy’s from other Domains. Not that we get a whole lot, but you never know. I just don’t want to play babysitter and have to remind people of how to conduct themselves.” Her forehead was rubbed, “Not that I expect you to handle the petty nonsense, but I can’t handle it all myself anymore. And of course if there is someone you simply don’t want to deal with, send them to me.” Everyone had someone they didn’t want to deal with.

    “I would also like you to work with Keeper Wood for themed Courts. I need to sit down with her of course, but I think she could learn a lot from you. But I’m hoping more themed Formal Courts, plus a rotating display of art, will help with some of the tensions. Give others something else to talk about.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  11. #10
    Vivian York

    "Oh yes, getting out with no business involved would be fabulous!" She said with staunch enthusiasm.

    What Ale said was all there needed to be said about how court was going the last several months. Vampires acting like teenagers. "I wholeheartedly agree."

    Nodding in agreement. "Pointing fingers doesn't solve anything. Granted, I'm not the type to just say 'things will work themselves out'. But more watching and observing is definitely on the menu. There are some that are definitely brow raising, but none that are outright ridiculous and should be tossed in the proverbial closet. Yet." She smirked, still none did stand out, but there were a few that made her question how they managed to exist this long.

    Jotting down the things Ale wanted to be included for, she nodded as each was said. "Regarding Tenancy, do you want them to do more than just exist for that, or to have a fair amount of time in the Domain before it's granted?" There was probably other things that could be done for that, but perhaps minor. More writing as security was mentioned. "Divide and conquer will help alleviate some of your duties. You shouldn't have to do all of it. The smaller things done by myself are easy."

    "Yes I can make sure they are more neutrally themed, or themes that would be of some interest to the general populous." She hated Covenant Courts, things hosted by them were fine, but something more than their personal reasons were more palatable.

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