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In the Cards for Us

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  1. #21
    Thomas Boyle

    "Very well, I respect your loyalty" Even if it is a little rigid, given that there is no one to be loyal to anymore "A hunt it is, then" Because really, Thomas isn't going to just drop it. First thing to figure out is if it's more expeditious to search the entire sewer system or master Auspex and just roam about in astral form.

    "That's a shame" In more ways than one. On the one hand, Thomas genuinely felt bad for people who don't have anyone to talk to and unload (must be the Man's influence, to care like that). On the other - when a Savage Prince is a bundle of unresolved issues and emotions, it's... well, like they've seen. Shit isn't healthy "I hope you find someone like that. In the meantime, I will be my bold self and offer myself as a candidate. I've been told I'm a good listener" In the rare occasions he isn't talking, that is "Oh, and since you are probably wondering: yes, I'd get something out of it, too. One, an interesting conversational partner. Two, I won't scoff at having some worth to the local... what'd be the appropriate expression? Capa di tutti capi?" Pretending to be a charity where there is none to be found, and to an Invictus member at that, would be a wasted effort. Making the terms of a deal clear - for it was a deal, even if it felt like something else - produces a lot more mileage. Or at least, that's the plan.

      4 successes
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-13 18:25:46 Thomas Boyle rolls 5 to Speak the language (Int + Exp) (10 Again) 9, 10, 7, 9, 6, 9 4 successes

    Thomas didn't speak Italian at all, but the beauty of general knowledge is that you can conjure fun bits like that to make the conversation that much more pleasurable. And show you're making an effort.

    "It is. Research into Kindred history, practice of magic, mundane science and humanities... that is my way of achieving that goal, the goal of Golconda. And I intend to get there, even if it takes eternity" Beats castrating yourself like the Order does, or genuflecting before an uncaring tyrant, like the Judges are wont to do. In fact, in the long run, it beats all other ways of spending your Requiem, at least as far as Thomas is concerned.

    He listens to Alessandra's explanation about staying and leaving "I am simply a curious person that seeks to understand the history of my current home better. Besides, Kindred - especially powerful Kindred - fascinate me. Each has a story to tell, and stories are something I chase with remarkable tenacity, if you allow the small bit of boasting" Well, it's already done. Can't put the words back in his mouth.

    "I thank you for the offered help, truly, but this is something the Circle must deal with on its own, if only to prove it is worthy of the property in the first place" The issue is as much philosophical, as it is practical. After all, it wouldn't do to be indebted like that.

    Thomas doesn't attempt to hide his motives or feelings. Even cursory scrutiny will reveal he's been - up to this point - forthcoming with Alessandra.

  2. #22
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Loyalty is important, it’s pretty much all we have these nights.” And even then, who could you trust? Laughing, “Then I wish you luck on your hunt.” Which she meant.

    She absently nods, “Maybe I will someday. But it’s hard to find someone you can trust with that sort of thing. Especially among our kind.” There would be a hunt for a weakness to use against her. There was a look of surprise at the offer, “That is bold, and not an offer I was expecting from you.” What was his angle? Was he looking for a weakness? One he could exploit for his own personal gain? At the Italian, her eyes widen and a genuine smile appears, Molto bene parlato! compliments the Savage, “I wasn’t aware you knew any Italian.” She was clearly impressed. “Good pronunciation too.” Seemed he had a few surprises of his own. “Those are two viable reasons, and I would appreciate a good conversation partner as well. But I’m sure you can understand my hesitation. Though you do have worth, and I’m starting to see the more I talk with you.” It was true, there was more to him than she originally thought.

    “I’d imagine Kindred history is quite fascinating. Something I’d enjoy hearing more about. I’ve learned over the years that knowing the past can help one not make the mistakes of those before us. There is always something to learn.”
    She wasn’t above learning.

    Smirking, “Boast away, I have no issues with it.” Everyone had something to boast about. “But I barely knew him. He was a private man, only talking to you if there was something to discuss. He longest conversation I had with in was during a car ride. It was mainly Invictus related, but I found him easy going and very intelligent. If you’re still curious, you could ask around. But I believe you will find pretty much the same responses. Powerful Kindred are private for a very good reason, if they are open, then people are able to find weaknesses and turn it against them.” It was how it was.

    A nod, “I can and will respect that. And should Keeper Wood require Tenancy to help, please have her call me.” She was willing to work with Mable.

    “Where do you intend to start? If you don’t mind me asking.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #23
    Thomas Boyle

    "Well, I live to surprise" It was a cruel joke of fate that the tiny penchant for showmanship Thomas had wasn't paired with any natural charisma "But that's the funny thing, I don't know any Italian, besides what I might've picked up forever ago - certainly not enough to hold even a simple conversation. I do have a thing for dead languages, however, Latin especially. Helps me keep up the 'dignified yet spooky' reputation and image" One he's cultivated ever since his Embrace. It certainly serves as a nice sieve to figure out who possesses the trait Thomas values most: curiosity.

    Of course the Prince was wary of him. How could she not be? The Lord has only got here recently, has yet to prove any major achievements and is, well, a Lord. Who blindly trusts a Ventrue with their dirty laundry? "I didn't expect an affirmative answer tonight. The offer stands, though - think on it, and if you feel it's a good one... you know my number" Thomas winks at Alessandra, the sly bastard. It's exhilarating, this whole thing - feeling about in the dark, looking for boundaries and gates and windows. Exciting!

    "Hm" He smiles. It was a tad disappointing she couldn't share more, but it was true - the power of Kindred stems partly from that ambience of secrecy "Private. Of course. That's what makes them so fascinating"

    And he leaves it at that. Whoever this Asa was, his influence on the Domain seems to be waning already. Unlike the mark the truly ancient vampires have left, on their lands and the lands they have never even seen.

    "In the Middle East, the Bible speaks of Cain, who cannot be sustained by mortal food and is an outcast of society, bearing a 'taint'. Lilith from Hebrew legends commands animals and drinks blood of the living, so does the Mesopotamian Lamashtu, the bringer of nightmares. In India, sacrifices of blood are made to Kali, a being of terrible frenzy. In Greece, the lover of moon goddess Selene was made into an ageless man, and their combined blood transforms mortals into similarly undying beings. Baba Yaga stalks the woodland of Russia, her ugliness and appetite for flesh legendary. The list goes on. Does that sound familiar?"
    The question was rhetorical, really. Even a blind man can see the signs here "That's the starting point. Add about a hundred thousand years of evolution and poof!" He makes the 'explode' motion with his hands for dramatic effect "Here we are"

    Honestly, he could talk about it at considerable length, if Alessandra shows any interest. But there's one more 'mundane' thing left to do.

    "Ah yes. Mable. There's a tiny subject regarding that I'd like to raise - you see, we were recently notified of Hierophant Krieg's departure from the Domain. It was sudden, really, and there is no telling when - or if - he will be back. That means Citrus Heights finds itself without a Regent - and I'm not going to make it a secret that I'd like for it to remain in the Circle's care. Now, I know we agreed to not talk business, and that this decision rests entirely with you, so I'm just going to say I recommend Mable to be the new Regent and leave it at that" Even mentioning it now was a risk, but he is going to stay true to his word and not talk about it anymore. There's nothing he can possibly say to influence Alessandra's ruling on that.

    "I told you, more or less, what I intend to do with the inside of it, but there's a decent patch of grass out back as well. Most Acolytes have gardens, why can't I?" It'd be an amusing thing to do, to grow flowers and fruits he could send to people as a means of conveying hidden messages. Like you are speaking a language foreign to your company but with all the polite.

  4. #24
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Smirking, “Well, I’m not easily surprised, so hats off to you.” But she was still impressed. “For someone who doesn’t speak it, your pronunciation is wonderful, I could see you picking it up easily enough.” It wasn’t an easy one to learn. “Latin? Can’t say I’ve heard much Latin in my time, here and there, but not a whole lot. Is it a language one can become fluent in? With it being a dead language, it must have been difficult to learn.” Showed he worked hard, a good trait. “Dignified yet spooky? Not many like being spooky, but you pull it off well.” She could see what he was going for.

    A single nod, “Thank you.” It was a nice offer, one she hadn’t gotten yet from anyone else. But still, that nagging paranoia scratched at the back of her mind. Wait, did he just wink at her? The Savage wasn’t sure how to take that. No one did that. “I’ll keep you on speed dial.” The wink returned. That’s what you’re supposed to do, right? Oh well.

    She listened, interest on her face. “I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’d heard a few of those. Though, not all. Do the tales stretch across all cultures and religions? Well, we know they’re not tales, but I hope you get what I mean. Though the one about the moon is intriguing. I’ve read somewhere that all stories are based in some sort of truth. Or I could have remembered that wrong.” A chuckle as she shook her head.

    A look of surprise, “He left the Domain?” clearly this was the first she was hearing about it. “But I can understand the concern with Citrus Heights, the Circle has watched after it for some time.” And he recommends Mable. Interesting. “Well, I’ll keep her name in mind. I have to speak with the Dragons about Floren, so when I do, I’ll call the Circle in and we can discuss it. Just the Circle and I of course.” She wasn’t intending for anyone else to be there who didn’t need to be there. “But I have no issues with Citrus Heights remaining in the Circle’s care.” But Kreig leaving was worrisome, and she had to wonder what happened. But, Kindred come and go.

    “A garden? I believe I’ve heard Mable mention she tended to garden. And the Circle requested some ashes to spread in the fields last year. Anything special you intend to plant?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #25
    Thomas Boyle

    "Fluency in reading is certainly possible. Fluency in speaking less so - to be truly fluent in a spoken language, one must submerge themselves in the culture surrounding it. Obviously, that's not possible anymore, so I am forever damned to be a craftsman, rather than an artist" He shrugs. Nothing to do about it now (unless he builds himself a time machine), and what he knows is more than enough to decipher most grimoires and rituals, should it ever be needed "Being spooky is a tool of my trade. It scares off those of weak constitution, and spares me the endless debate of 'does this ritual really work', that I'd surely have if I went for more pleasant ambience"

    He nods and smiles at the returned wink. Thomas'd lie if he said he saw coming most of what happened tonight, as the evening bore fruits strange indeed. Thomas is glad to see interest on the Prince's face - even if clearly not her area of expertise, she had the good sense to learn when she had the chance.

    "They do. From Iceland to South Africa, from the plains of what is now Montana to Hong Kong, everywhere you can find the same whispers - of monsters that come at night to steal your blood, ancient beings beautiful and deadly, hated as much as revered. To pacify the fear, mortal cultures called them 'gods' or, in some cases, 'spirits' or 'demons'. Over the ages, these antediluvian monsters were wrapped in myth and metaphor like a cocoon, but under all these layers are our vampire predecessors. A lot of the links are missing, but there can be no doubt that you, me and every Kindred that ever existed is a descendant of those beings. They were alike yet very different from us at the same time, and to understand how they operated is to figure out how to become one yourself"

    He listens to what Alessandra has to say about Regencies "Thank you" Well, that went easier than expected. As for what he'd like to plant in this hypothetical garden of his...

    "An apple tree"

  6. #26
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    “Ah, I see the problem. But can it truly a dead language if there are still those who speak it and study it? So in a way, you are an artist, one who seeks to keep the language alive and never forgotten.” Sounded good in her head. “Not to mention it’s still used today. I don’t know a whole lot about the language, but I recognize some words when I see them. And who knows, maybe you’ll be the one to bring it back.” Though she heard it was hard to pronounce. “Oh, well, I think your ambience is pleasant. Have you found yourself having those debates often?” there was a hint of a smile.

    “That is really quite fascinating. History has never been a strong interest of mine, but I’m finding myself more and more interested in it as the years go on. Perhaps that is simply me seeking out ways to pass the nights, or improve myself. Maybe a bit of both.”
    There was always different ways to improve herself and become more than a simple Savage. “Now this might come as a surprise, so brace yourself,” she jokes, “but are there any books on the subject you would recommend?” she asks honestly.

    Nodding, “I’m always willing to work with each of the Covenants. Once I get the time, which I hope is sooner rather than later, I’ll reach out. I hope you’ll join the meeting as well.” She could make him, but didn’t want to.

    “An apple tree?” not what she was expecting. “Does it hold a special meaning to the Circle? Or are you just simply a fan of apples?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #27
    Thomas Boyle

    "Aw, when you put it like that..." The Daeva may be leagues ahead in that regard, but Lords were also suckers for flattery, even if they rarely hung their entire existence on it "We'll see"

    Is his only, curious response to the Prince admitting his ambience is 'pleasant'. He'll have to think if it was just a casual compliment or if maybe, just maybe... either of them is more messed up than he thought "You don't know the half of it. People, and I mean from fledgling to elder Kindred, tend to assume they are experts in esotericism because they watched one episode of 'Ghost Hunters'. Sometimes they just make fools out of themselves, and sometimes they get killed by a pack of werewolves, trying to defend themselves with wolfsbane" A click of the tongue is given "Oh well, the Dunning-Kruger effect pertains to vampires as much as it does to mortal climate change deniers and anti-vaccination activists, it seems" He shrugs "Thankfully, I have seen very little of that in Sacramento. Must be that meritocracy culture that seems to be rooted here" Sure, the show was ran almost exclusively by the Invictus, but nothing suggests they didn't earn that place with actual merit.

    "Books?" The Lord blinks "That depends on what you are asking for. If what you seek is some basic reading on the 'theory' of what I'm talking about, then some commonly available religious texts and research papers will do. The Bible, the Quran, Mahabharata and such for source material, Barthes, Eliade and de Saussure for conecting the dots" Which was a lot of reading. More than many mortals, uburdened with the savage Beast, could handle. But maybe she is different? "If you mean actual occult tomes, then it gets ever trickier the closer to authenticity and first-hand accounts we get. Between the Second Estate and the Ordo Dracul suppressing any modes of thinking other than their own, most of what we have is fragmentary and even then - mired in cypher and metaphor. Still, like I said, I managed to secure some of it, and it should be here any time now. It goes without saying, but you are always welcome to peruse my collection, in time I hope it will become quite considerable" But it was a matter of the future. For now, more immediate concerns were calling.

    "I will be ready, although it might be a long wait. Somehow I think you have more people clamoring at your door than your average person" The Ventrue didn't mind waiting, far be it from him to sit idle in the meantime. Certainly, there was plenty of things to do and accomplish.

    Thomas smirks at the notion of being a 'fan of apples' "I could make you a lecture on the symbolism of an apple in different cultures, but the truth is far more banal: I am a fan of quotes of dubious origin. Martin Luther, the German preacher is credited as saying "'Even if I knew the world would end tomorrow, I would continue to plant my apple trees' - it resonates nicely with my philosophy of inevitable decay and transformation, so an apple tree is a sensible choice" He explains.

  8. #28
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A light shrug, “It could happen, all we have is time. But just be careful, I hear when Latin is misspoken, one can accidentally summon a demon.” She jokes with a smirk.

    Laughing, “I have to say, I enjoy hearing about how arrogant and stupid some can be. And seriously? Wolfsbane? Like the flower?” dark eyes widen, “Wow, just wow.” Shaking her head. “Though I suppose if everyone conducted themselves with an ounce of intelligence, it wouldn’t give such humorous stories to share.” She’d come across a few utterly stupid Kindred in her time. “But I am glad to hear you haven’t run across much of that here.” Always good.

    Smirking with a chuckle, “Yes, books. I might be a Savage, but I do enjoy learning and reading here and there.” She jokes, clearly amused. As she listens, there were nods, “I suppose starting with the more common would be a good way to get into the topic?” she asks, seeking advice. “Those should be easy enough to get.” Maybe not all that interesting, but maybe they would be. It’d be something new. “Oh, why thank you! That’s very generous of you, and I believe I will take you up on it. The way you’ve talked on the subject certainly has me curious and interested."

    Shaking her head, “I don’t think it will be a long wait. With the events of Court, and then the loss of the Regent of Citrus Heights, I would rather get to it sooner rather than later. In both instances, there is a disruption in the nightly life of two Covenants. The quicker it is handled, the quicker things can get back to normal.” The punishment was for Lina, but had hurt the Covenant as whole, and it needed to be fixed. “I decide who takes priority with meetings, and this is a priority.” Then things could move forward.

    The smirk was returned and she laughs, “Is it that big of a symbol? I know a few tales of apples, but didn’t realize one could get a lecture on it.” That would be something. “I never knew something as simple as an apple tree could hold symbolism. I suppose I’ve never really taken the time to really study the world around me.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #29
    Thomas Boyle

    He, of course, understands that Alessandra is making a joke, but Thomas' expression is remarkably serious.

    "Demons do not come to us in fire and smoke, and they do not bear fangs. When the devil comes knocking he is beautiful, offering you your heart's desire. It takes remarkable force of will to engage in its game, and even more to know when to disengage. Do you know why?" A rhetorical question of course, and so the Ventrue answers it promptly himself "Because they pervert the meaning of words. They take justice, prudence, temperance and all the other virtues and make you believe this is what you serve, while in reality you only further their own goals" Clearly, the Lord is speaking from experience. Small wonder: dabble in blood glyphs long enough, and you are bound to meet one of the inhabitants of 'hell' "The only thing they can't underestand, and therefore twist? Mercy" And he leaves it at that. Towards some lighter topics.

    "Yes, like the flower. He said, and I quote 'It's right there in the name, dude'" He changes his tone slightly to indicate the extent of the quote "I'm afraid it's only humorous until it's your skin on the line. Like you said: there will always be that one person that doesn’t do what they need to" Which is why Thomas would rather listen than speak on subjects alien to him. Many benefits, no downsides.

    He nods "I'm glad I could stoke the interest", and then nods again as Alessandra all but admitted she kicked all the Dragons with aiming for one only. An effort at restoring balance is appreciated.

    Rather than correct Alessandra and guide her on ain intellectual journey throughout all the instances of apple symbolism (heavens know it'd take forever), the Lord opts for a slightly different approach. He smiles, as someone saying "I knew you'd say something like that' would smile and speaks softly:

    "To see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour"

  10. #30
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Sore subject? It seemed more serious than anything else.

    “Then I hope you’ll excuse the lame joke I attempted to make. It was one of those picture joke things on the internet I came across.”
    Making a note not to bring up demons. “I often figured the devil would come as someone or something you would least expect. Something that will make you lower your guard, be more susceptible to his or her charms and ways.”

    Thankfully they were moving to something else. “Well yes, of course it’s only humorous until then. But having had my skin on line more times than I can count, I tend to find humor in anything I can. Ever been strapped down and had gasoline dumped on you with a road flare near your head? Quite an experience. But, I can laugh about it now. Maybe I just have a twisted sense of humor.” She does. She knew it. “That is why I am more cautious when defending the Domain. As much information is gathered as we can get, I try and not send people in blind if I can help it. Ask questions and get answers. Then move forward.” It had proven to be the safest way thus far.

    “I like to think everyone has something they can teach or spark interest in for someone else. For you, it was the passion in which you spoke.”
    Means it held a great deal of interest for him.

    As she listens, Bellissimo.” The Italian exclaims, “What a beautiful saying. Who said it?” she asks, "And you are a fountain of knowledge!" she compliments.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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