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(1906) At the foot of the Warrior

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  1. #11
    Jacque's Avatar
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    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque's eyebrows raised at the apology. He was surprised at the proactive gesture, and it seemingly showed that the misuse of title may not have been another needling from the Daeva, "I accept, Mister Meadows. Thank you." He would have brought it up later to resolve the issue, but at least Ellis had saved him the trouble.

    The steely eyes follow Ellis' glance long enough to assume the subject of the advice before smiling, "I'm always willing to hear another's perspective... if they're willing to actually speak it. However, my preference is if we met another night on that point."

    Thinking back to their previous conversation, "Were you able to connect with the Bishop? If not, I can provide an introduction at your leisure."

    His eyes are drawn to the new arrival and her entourage. His Beast responded in kind to the presence of her's. Lingering over her features he shifts his gaze first to Vivian York and then a look to Lina Moretti . New Kindred don't make entrances like that for no reason.

    Hearing Mable's questions he smiles in response, "Nothing was ever 'bad' on my end, Keeper. When it became clear that seeking a better understanding of his perspective was provoking anger from Mister Madcap I offered to continue the conversation another night while starting to slide out from the booth. Apparently he didn't hear that..." like most of what Jacque said, "...and answered by calling you over. I apologize that you were involved at all."

    "There is one thing you could do," Jacque pulls a small piece of paper and writes a short line on it before passing it to Mable and adding, "Or at least consider."

    Blood Hunt:

  2. #12
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    "Glad it wasn't bad on your end. Cooling off time for everyone is good when a discussion becomes a bit heated."

    Mable looks at the paper, "Herald, if it wasn't bad on your end then why the note? Does this mean you are filing an official complaint? What course language or names did he call you? I agree he shouldn't have hollered across the room to me. But while rude, I did not interpret it as raising his voice in anger, more like in frustration." Since the men separated and were cooling off she was giving them both a chance to turn this around and remain positive.

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  4. #13
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

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    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "Nonsense Keeper. You are a delight, and it is an honor to have you join us." Ellis says with sincerity, despite the pinch of her Beast clashing with his at her sudden approach.

    Ellis raises an eyebrow at Jacque, pitching his words down so that they don't easily carry beyond the small group. Ellis shakes his head, shrugs, and eventually writes a short note that he hands to Jacque, but keeps his conversation quiet. Of course, he has no doubt that there are many keen-eared listeners that can hear every word spoken, but the point was that he made the effort.

    Mable, Lina and Jacque can hear, others need 2 successes on a perception roll to overhear

    Ellis is whispering to the people immediately surrounding him. Anyone in the Juno court or one of it's side threads that is not in THIS thread as of this post, needs to roll 2 or more successes on a (Wits + Composure) roll to overhear what is in the above spoiler box.
      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-09 09:52:23 Ellis Meadows rolls 7 to sotto voce Man + Sub (10 Again) 1, 3, 3, 4, 2, 7, 8 1 success

    As well, to head off any OOC misunderstandings, unless someone throws a (Wits + Empathy) roll at him, he is presenting as irritated enough to be very blunt but detached enough that he doesn't seem to have any nefarious motivation for apparently supporting Madcap in this situation. If you get a success on that roll, you can throw a (Wits + Politics + Successes on the Empathy check) roll in there for further context on what you pick up.

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  6. #14
    Lina Moretti

    "Hello, Herald," she replied to his greeting. Meadows's question brought a smile to her face, but with all that was going on in Court right now, she would keep it short. "Yeah, man. Short version? Hunters had gotten crazy future-tech guns, and the feds were trying to find them. Shotguns that were like grenade launchers. Pistols of incredible power. It was nuts. The hunter guns fell into the hands of gangsters, who were trying to sell them to Echelon. Me and my crew happened. Guns ended up quietly back in government hands, and the Feds bounced -- and with them, the last of the Hunter issues seem to have gone. It was a pretty big win for the home team."

    Her first campaign had been against multiple crews of Hunters. It had been a campaign of success after success that had helped to pave the way for the strength the Dragons enjoyed these nights.

    As Mable came over from her check-in with Madcap, the Sheriff's lips pressed into a flat line as she silently observed the proceedings: Mable, conciliatory and ever the caregiver; Jack, who had ever the silver tongue but little concept of how to make himself likeable...

    ...and Ellis, who actually had it dead right, though Lina kept her face well schooled in an effort to appear neutral. She wouldn't have called the Herald damaged goods, but... well, that was that. Moretti and he had worked their shit out, but the guy had a tendency to go on and on. Hearing was one thing, but listening was another. Whatever his issue was with Prestation, it was plain that he felt it was some horrible thing to owe it, like it was an admission of weakness or failure. It wasn't. It was purchasing friendship out of what could be animosity. People were invested in those who owed them, which was why Lina had been down to trade Minors with Rebecca Simmons. Her own alliance with the Prince before all the trouble of late had started with an offer of a trivial boon much like Ellis Meadows had made to her just mere minutes before.

    Of course, it seemed like it would be a cold day in hell before Jack took the kind of advice he was being offered, but as Ellis gave his advice, the Sheriff subtly observed the Herald*. She could be wrong, and Auras didn't lie...

    For Aura Perception, I have subtracted the four dice for the four Willpower set out in your signature, Killian. If you have more Willpower, feel free to deduct it from the right. If not, please advise as to Jack's primary emotional state when he is receiving Ellis's advice.

    One success on a Perception draw will reveal that the Sheriff, though she is trying to be low key about it (using Subterfuge), is carefully observing Jack as he is receiving Meadows's words.

    1 sux to Aura Per, 1 sux to be low key about it
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-09 20:31:53 Lina Moretti rolls 10 to Manipulation + Subterfuge + SL + Domain Status (conceal the Auspex Stare) (10 Again) 7, 6, 8, 6, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6, 4 1 success
    2019-06-09 20:30:58 Lina Moretti rolls 3 to Intelligence + Empathy + Auspex - 4 to read Jack's aura (10 Again) 5, 4, 10, 3 1 success

  7. #15
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque's expression shifted to disbelief at her words, "Filing a complaint?" Shaking his head, "It was, as I said Keeper, something to consider for the sake of consistency and precedent. I had no qualm with him calling out to you. I merely apologized that it came to that point."

    He hears the advice Ellis speaks, but his thoughts appear inward. Am I going insane? The mincing and twisting of words was one thing, but this is a complete perversion of reality. Wasn't it? Did nobody hear the loud anger from the Bruja? Could nobody see my desire to understand the Savage? Did nobody see my efforts to disengage while keeping a line open for future resolution? Did nobody hear the Bruja calling me an honor-less weasel and gnat? Offer two minors for someone being offended by my suggesting consistency and equitable treatment? What baiting? What fear?

    He shifted his eyes to the Sheriff, "Since the Keeper seems to have missed the details of the exchange, did you hear any raised voices or name-calling?" He trusted her to a reasonable degree following their last conversation. As much as Kindred could trust. If he was sane, what he heard should have been clear to anyone within earshot and Moretti could be accused of things, but not of being a bullshitter.

    Turning back to address Ellis calmly but matter of fact, "Mister Meadows, I told you as much last month of that very concern myself when you made your initial request sans a choice phrase. I'm not certain why you feel compelled to remind me of my own words when a simple decline would have sufficed." Not entirely true. It can be assumed he did it because he has everything to gain by speaking his mind with the current landscape. He shakes his head at the advice he specifically requested not be discussed tonight, half to Ellis and half to himself, taking the number and folding it before tucking it away in his pocket. Am I speaking a completely different language? Didn't I say another night? "I acknowledge and appreciate the gesture of discretion."

    Confusion is the primary emotion

    Blood Hunt:

  8. #16
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    At Ellis's greeting, "Thank you Mr. Meadows. That's very kind of you."

    Then Mable quietly listened to him. His advice seemed sound. Though she thought perhaps the level of boon was a bit steep, then she herself was just trying to get the hang of boons. Cause frankly, trees didn't need boons.

    She looked at Lina, very observant Lina. Mable lacked the skills she had and wondered what her response would be.

    Then Jack, "Well, I wanted to make sure you didn't have a bigger issue with it. For now then, I will consider this matter done." And she had missed some of the details, she never claimed to have had them all.

  9. #17
    Ellis Meadows's Avatar

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    Ellis Meadows

    Mister Meadows, Interpreter


    "Excellent work, Sheriff." Ellis says. "I'm sure a receding Hunter problem will be appreciated by everyone. If you would, please express my thanks to the team that made it possible."

    He observes the Herald as he speaks, growing slightly more frustrated at the issues that Jacque seemed to be missing or ignoring. He could see the man trying, but it trying just wasn't enough if you didn't learn from your failed attempts.

    "Herald. My god. You eat people." Ellis rolls his eyes. "Moro viejo nunca será buen cristiano, if you can not handle a pissed off Gangrel that clearly thinks you're trying to pull a fast one on him over a matter of honor that you've left to fester for two months calling you whatever unflattering animal name he can think of, then I don't know what advice I can offer you that will be useful." He waves a hand to dismiss the issue. "Whatever. Not my circus, not my monkeys."

    If Jacque didn't see how he had initialized and prolonged what extremely minor disruption there was, and was thus equally if not more to blame for the problem that Mable was kindly offering to smooth over to keep the peace and keep both Kindred from being made Her First Official Example Of As Keeper, nothing Ellis was going to be able to say within Court would convince the man. Hammering away at the 'but he called me names and was kind of loud about it' was not going to work out the way Jacque clearly thought it would in a room full of very social predators that were capable of zeroing in on the smallest weakness if it is shown. "Anyway Herald, last month I wanted his number from you so I could make contact with him myself. If you thought I wanted something else..." You'll need to start listening to what people are actually saying, Ellis thinks. "I apologize for being unclear."

    Honestly, if Ellis was Keeper, he'd have asked both men to extract their own fangs with a set of pliers for the rest of the Court to see the consequences of baiting another kindred so poorly and reacting to said baiting so overtly, before asking the Sheriff to eject Jacque from the premises for the evening since the Venture Priscus was not around, while the Gangrel Priscus would take Madcap into to his office where the three of them would have a short conversation about how loud you were allowed to speak at Court.

    Mable was obviously much nicer than Ellis was on his best nights.

  10. #18
    Lina Moretti

    Confusion. Genuine, honest confusion was pouring off of the Herald. Which itself confused the Sheriff. Had he not heard Madcap? Or was the Ventrue really just that unused to direct interaction and matters of honor the likes only the Gangrel could come up with? As the Herald turned to her, Moretti gave it to him straight, doing her best to keep the thing quiet for him by speaking low, but she wasn't terribly effective at it in the kind of way that would keep heightened senses at bay*.

    "He absolutely called you two names. And before he did that, he made it pretty clear what his issue with you was, what he wanted as resolution to the issue, and when you wouldn't do what Kindred do to make problems go away and said a further thing he found offensive, he made it clear that he wanted you to go away." She shrugged. "I feel as though you have this idea that Prestation is about equality, Herald. It isn't. It's purchased dispute resolution, in the context of asymmetrical power relationships that constantly shift based on position, context, relative right and wrongdoing, and political support. Like when I demanded Prestation from you in April, for example. That wasn't about you - that was about me and the Harpy, and it was a move that led to global resolution for all.

    But, as a hypothetical, let's pretend it was about you: whether or not you were upset at me or the people who spoke out at the time was not a concern of mine, which is why I ignored your proposal and spoke to the person who gave you any authority at all in the scenario rather than offering you anything. Then, your weight in this Court rose, and so I felt like resolving matters with you above and beyond my resolution with the Harpy was appropriate... and thus, we did, and our conversation was lovely. Power has benefits."

    Glancing over at Madcap, she returned her attention to the Herald.

    "The question you must always ask yourself is, is a grievance left outstanding more or less expensive than paying a Boon or two to end it? What power does an individual have? How about their allies? How invested are they in that person compared to the investment your allies have in you? Positional power, social power, even physical power, must always be considered, and it's a risk-management exercise."

    She shrugged again, a frequent action, something that she did often to indicate that it wasn't a judgment being levied, just simple advice. Turning her attention to Ellis Meadows, she replied at a more normal tone, "Thank you. I'll let pass your thanks on publicly."

    fail to effectively whisper the advice
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-11 00:50:08 Lina Moretti rolls 6 to Keep It Quiet (Man + Sub) (10 Again) 6, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3 failure

  11. #19
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque eyed Ellis as he responded with true statements, just like his own had been, “Your memory serves you well. Perhaps you also recall my response to that request?”

    Shifting his attention to the Sheriff he heard her words. Matching her effort to continue discretely he replied, “I do consider the cost, Sherriff, but when I do, I also weight the cost of precedent such an agreement sets. Maybe that is an old habit from studying law.” Shrugging his shoulders, “Perhaps even an incompatible one as it seems. How about I explain how I have answered those questions and you tell me where I’m being unreasonable.”

    Continuing in his lowered voice, “Do I wish to resolve all matters with Mister Madcap and seal such a cessation of hostile feelings with prestation? Absolutely. There is considerable amounts to gain from such a working relationship. However, we are Kindred. Most consciously look for signs of weakness from each other, things that can be exploited to our advantage. If I were to agree to prestation for merely suggesting an equitable alternative to what you were seeking, then most any other suggestion could be bent into a perceived slight and drawn upon for prestation going forward. This would make that gesture significantly more expensive. To avoid this potential spiral of debt, I needed either a better understanding of his point of view, or to separate the issues. With him refusing to provide any insight, I offered to resolve his perceived offense with what I intended to be a friendly offering, while we forge a working relationship with prestation as a separate matter. Unfortunately, my offer was again received as an insult, and here we are.” He didn’t disagree with the Sheriff, but he did consider more.

    Looking to Mable he continues his quiet conversation, “Which is also why I asked you to consider the note. Regardless if you agree with the words spoken or reasons behind it, the more you allow such a precedent to take root, the harder you will find it to resolve unquestioned when it continues.” Glancing at Ellis before returning his gaze to Mable, “To eliminate any incorrect assumption about personal gain or being thin skinned, I’m offering a Minor Boon for my role in causing the raised voice should you seek to enforce the expectations.” Regardless of the intent of friendliness, he failed to predict Madcap’s response accurately so he had some blame in the matter. “This should give you the appropriate counterweight to do so and remain neutral as you should be in the dispute. I will not offer this every time someone loses their temper, but in this case I view the importance of enforcing the decorum outweighing most anything else.”

      1 success
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-11 18:53:14 Jacque rolls 7 to keep the convo on the down lo (Manip+Sub) (10 Again) 10, 6, 1, 6, 2, 6, 7, 7 1 success

    Blood Hunt:

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  13. #20
    Mable Wood's Avatar

    Warden of the Sacred Grove
    (girl next door)
    Striking Looks
    Mable Wood


    Mable listened quietly, to everyone. A smile twitched at her lips with the comments about the Echelon and the guns.

    Mable then turned to Jack, “I will consider the note. As far as a minor boon, you are more than welcome to offer one to Mad Cap at any time. But wouldn’t that have solved some of the issues to begin with?”

    She tilted her head. “I am assuming that is who you meant the minor boon was for since I am just doing my job checking in with you both. I am to remain neutral which includes not taking bribes to make things sway one way or another.”

    “As I have said before. You two have separated and things did not get wildly out of hand. I would prefer it to remain that way. If you feel the need for answers by him then you need to have a meeting outside of court. Perhaps I would suggest having your Prisci there as mediators of the conversation.”

    “Perhaps you can clear up a few questions for me...
    Was there some pressing need to clear up a two month old subject tonight? Couldn't it have been cleared up in a private meeting?"

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