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In the Cards for Us

11 - 20
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  1. #11
    Thomas Boyle

    "The Brood? Has the Domain had much troubles with them in the past?" With how accessible the city was, by air, water and land, it could be an easy target for the Forsworn "What about the VII?" The Kindred boogeyman. The ones hiding under your bed, in your wardrobe... everywhere. Boo!

    Free will. Adorable "And you've made your decision in accordance with the character you inherited, your life's history and current stimuli. You could have abhorred your father's practices and become a police officer, and that still would be only because a certain set of external and internal factors acted together to make you the way you are. That is why free will is impossible - for every supposedly uninhibited choice there is a set of factors that made this choice true, and the others false. True freedom is therefore not to know one's desire, but to learn of its causes" He needs barely any time to formulate the thoughts, as if he's thought it out long ago and had this talk many times in the past.

    "Ah, but the truth is never in the middle. The truth rests where it rests - even if I told you that two plus two equal one, and you told me that the answer is nine, that wouldn't change the real outcome of that equation, would it? That's what I'm getting at - you need to make your due dilligence, or trust that someone else has done it. In the recent dispute, Moretti was right and Simmons was wrong, there is no way around it. If the matter concerned politics, it'd probably be the other way around" He smiles, shrugs. For all her merit and skill, the Daeva Sheriff didn't seem like the political mover-and-shaker type "At the end of the night, I suppose the question all rulers face is if they are better off with a bunch of drone bootlickers or a set of people who make their voice heard and back that voice with reviewable evidence"

    Of course, that is all in the past. The future, however...

    "And how would you like to... move forward?" Ah, shit. Seems business crept into an otherwise pleasant conversation, like a centipede crawling into a shoe. Yet, it would be interesting to know what the Prince has in store for Sacramento.

    He kind of expected his mention of stealing books would bring amusement "Arson, two counts of manslaughter, four counts of burglary and one kidnapping, and that's just the ones mentioned in the arrest warrant back in Colorado" He deadpans at the Prince, aware of the joke's intent but sounding no less serious because of that "I'm not telling you that to impress you, but if you allow me some unsolicited advice - when you think you have understood the final layer of a secret, most of the time it means you are not studying it hard enough"

  2. #12
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    An absent nod, “We did a few years ago. Ever wonder who burned the Crone farm down? It was them.” She wondered if he knew about that. “But the Domain came together and we were able to push them out. There was a whole long story with what their issue with the Domain was, but they don’t appear to be a threat anymore. Unless they decide to return, and then we’ll just defeat them again.” She didn’t think they’d come back, but, with the Brood, you never know.

    Smirking, “I could have, but back then, the police were more corrupt than anything else. Times are of course different now. But, you don’t have to see it as free will, it’s one of the joys of having discussions, hearing other viewpoints. You say it’s impossible, I say it isn’t.” a shrug. “But I will always believe each and everyone of us has the ability to choose how we act, what we say and what course our lives take.” No judgement, just thoughts.

    “See, I’ve learned throughout the years, that each person has a memory of how something happened or what was said. No two remember it exactly the same, hence the truth being somewhere in the middle. If two people tell you the exact same thing, word for word, someone is lying.” Everyone lied though, it was nature. “Personally? I look into things on my own. I trust what I am able to hear, see and touch for myself.” Everyone had an agenda in the Danse. “I’m aware that Harpy Simmons was in the wrong, and it’ll be dealt with. But she wasn’t the only one in the wrong.” But she wasn’t going to debate something that was over. Though he was wrong, it did concern politics, he just didn’t see the game being played.

    “Depends on a few variables. I don’t trust people who, with a term you used, lick boots. Those who seek to tell you what you wish to hear and attempt to fill you with praise are only seeking a weakness or a place for the knife. When it comes down to it at the end of the night, it is the voice with evidence I can see and believe, not simply a loud voice with backers.”

    Chuckling with a shrug, “How things move forward will be seen in time. If we’re talking about this talk? Less business and more enjoyable topics.” She says with an easy smile. Pointing to the cards, "Like how'd you get into tarot?" she asks.

    “Only two counts? I was hoping for a higher number.”
    She replies back.

    Shaking her head, “You never struck me as the type to try and impress someone, so I didn’t take it that way.” Some advice? Oh this should be good, “Well, advice is good and all, but we all have secrets. I don’t make it a habit of studying others secrets. I study behavior and how some presents themselves, it’s more telling.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #13
    Thomas Boyle

    "Oh" He reacts at the news of the Brood burning down the Farm "Do you know why they did it? I can think of a few reasons, but why guess when you may know, right? And I wouldn't dismiss them so easily - the Forsworn are like ebb and flow: predictable. They'll be back at some point" Not that he was happy about it. Damn locusts "So, no VII" Alessandra omitted them completely, and she didn't seem like one to forget things - meaning the Betrayed have yet to make a move on California's capital.

    "I don't want to force my hardcore determinist viewpoints on you. For the same reason I'm not trying to make an Acolyte out of you - proselytizing only gets you so far, there are conclusions one must come to on his own time" Yet, judging from what he's seen or heard about the Prince, gods and the spirit worlds are the last thing that's on her mind in any positive context "But thank you for taking the time for this little discussion"

    Alessandra is really onto something here, saying that memory is tricky - they should know, the Fog of Eternity is a constant menace. But it doesn't yet mean...

    "Perception at once shapes the mind and rules over time. Time, however, erodes human perception and then in turn warps the mind. The mind is capricious, having various effects on perception, time, and the mind itself... with harmony, progress is made" He says, as if reciting something "But that's just the thing, as a general rule physical reality is immutable by will alone. Have you noticed that all the commonly known Disciplines only affect either the minds of others, or the vampire herself? However, short of blood sorcery and perhaps some obscure bloodline powers there's no way for us to magically alter the world around us?" Evolution, and vampires are subject to it like everything else, apparently couldn't get past that barrier "It's a fascinating issue, one I have been studying extensively... ah, sorry, lost my train of thought here" He says and clears throat to begin anew.

    "If you stab two people, a masochist and a non-masochist, with a knife, one will report feeling pleasure, and the other - pain. It doesn't change the fact that there is a blade in your hand. In other words, the degrees of being right can vary - to the point where both sides are completely wrong! - but argument doesn't imply merit" He says "I am not going to tell you how to run your Domain, though. But your hands-on approach tells me that you have either been burned many times by those around you" Something she said previously could support that observation "or that you are a field operator at heart. Or both. I think I heard from the others that you were Reeve at some point?"

    Will be seen in time? Well then, we will see. Vampires are nothing if not patient "It was easy to pick up various methods of divination as a member of the Circle. Tarot, extispicy, the I Ching... I've made it my trade to know things others don't, and that is just one of the venues I pursued. Magic and legendry of various stripes, true or not, provide ample insight into their adherents"

    Hoping for a higher number? What's that supposed to mean? "I tried to keep my hands clean. Kill to survive, sure, but if there's another way? Why take the risk? Contrary to the belief of some, death doesn't solve all problems, in fact it creates a host of new ones" And when she speaks of not studying the secrets of others "Tomayto, tomahto really. Presentation and behavior are used in the world of Kindred to hide secrets, as you know - or they can be secrets themselves. It's a matter of semantics, to be sure" And unworthy of dragging out, probably boiling down to different definitions.

  4. #14
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Guess he didn’t know. Interesting, she figured it was common knowledge among the Crone.

    “From what I remember, Dirge, was the one connected with the Brood. Who was actually a member of the Crone, a Nos and former Domain member.”
    If it mattered, “She viewed the Farm as being hers, and something about some type of kings work there and she wanted to remove all trace of it. She felt none were worthy of the Farm. So the Brood helped her, and she helped give them an in to the city. Now, I my memory might be lacking here and there. So I’m sorry for that. But it appears it was a vendetta that goes back farther than even my time in the city. Though I was there the night the Farm burned, and that was a whole other mess.” Yeah, that was right. Ale was at the Farm the night of the fire. “Oh I’m sure they’ll come back. They’re not too happy about losing that night in the warehouse, or about me ordering the one they worshiped ashed. But they’re welcome to try again, Sacramento will rise to the challenge again, and drive them back.” She had faith in the Domain and those that resided in it.

    “I might not believe the same things you do, but I do still enjoy hearing about it and another way to look at things.”
    Sometimes it helped you see things differently.

    Nodding, “It does.” And vampire minds seemed more prone. Maybe it was how long they could live, or maybe it was the Beast. “Maybe we’re not intended to alter the world around us.” She says thoughtfully. “To be honest, I’ve never really thought about it, but it is an interesting point. How long have you been studying it?” was it a Crone thing? Or a Thomas thing?

    “I’ve been burned more times than I can count. It comes with my business, and it comes with being a Kindred. The hands on approach comes from me liking to know what is going on. I can’t effectively give advice on something if I’m not in the loop about it. But you heard right, I was Reeve. I was also Priscus and Whip before that. I led the attacks against the Brood."
    not that she thought he cared. “I’ve been in Domains where the Prince was never seen, someone you couldn’t talk to. And I didn’t like that. I wanted to be able to talk with them, get a feel for them and what they expected. So I try and be hands on. Though as of late, I believe it might be time to put some faith in those in offices and let them step forward.” She was being frank with him.

    A nod as she listened, “Despite what others may think, I don’t find joy in killing. Even when I was alive and breathing, it wasn’t something I actively sought. It’s true, I’ve done my fair share of it, and there are even some I regret, but, we learn. Take the mistakes, learn from them, and move forward.” It was all they could do.

    “But I have a question, lets say you were able to have Tenancy here,”
    gesturing to the building, “how long do you think it would take you clean the place up? Get it in a condition worthy of holding a Court? Something the Crone would be agreeable to?” she asks, “No, it’s not a trick question, it’s an honest one. I’m beginning to wonder if people are going stir crazy in the Nox night after night. Maybe a change in scenery would be good?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #15
    Thomas Boyle

    "King's work? Can't say that rings a bell" It was frustrating to acknowledge lack of information, but apparently even his sources had limits "Thank you for sharing the story. And I know the declaration alone doesn't mean much, but should there ever be a need of some scientific or occult backing, with the Brood or other threats, I'd be happy to help" Political intrigue and backstabbing is great and all, but it amounts to nothing but foolishness if all the Domain members get eaten by one of the myriad horrors lurking in the dark.

    "Then you are more open-minded than most of the population, Kindred and kine, and it amounts to a lot in my book, not that you need the flattery from me in particular" He smiles honestly at the Prince. It's so taxing, lacking the perspective Mable has of the Prince's journey, forcing him to painstakingly gather data on her character. Then again, he is a researcher by calling.

    "Not intended? A moment ago you tried to convince me we are free in our choices, and now you sound as if there's some kind of higher authority, wagging its finger at vampires who transgress" Maybe Alessandra was religious after all, in her own way? "No, it's not a matter of impossibility, but conservatism. Disciplines are easy to invoke and learn - bit of focus here, bit of blood there and the innate magic comes. Blood sorcery of various stripes is different. It requires study, devotion and taking risks. Most people simply don't have the resolve to even try, much less - succeed. To answer your original question, I have been studying blood magics, mortal and vampiric, my whole Requiem. They are intrinsically tied to what I believe and what I want" Something he could talka about for hours. Indeed, the strongest weapon in Thomas' arsenal was boring his enemies to death.

    "That is quite a journey you have undertaken!" He says, with genuine respect in his tone. From zero to hero, one could say "Would you care to tell me a bit about the time just before your ascendancy to the highest office? I imagine there was some period of transition?" The Lord already knew of the disappearance of this Asa person, but Alessandra surely was closer to the political inner workings of the domain than her Acolyte cousin.

    What the Prince says next takes him completely by surprise, however. He glances at the Gangrel, trying to glimpse some hint of her true intentions, but fails. Leap of faith it is, then.

    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-06-07 10:34:36 Thomas Boyle rolls 8 to What are the Prince's motives? (Wits+Empathy+WP) (10 Again, WillPower) 2, 3, 3, 7, 2, 7, 7, 2 failure

    "In this purely theoretical scenario" Thomas slows down, thinking his answer over very carefully "I could reorganize some priorities and focus more on renovations. So far, I have finally managed to put a book order together to start organizing a library - loathe as I am to admit it, even my occult knowledge has limits" He produces a coy smile "But I'd lie if I told you I don't have plans for the meeting room in the back - warmer colors, natural materials, some artworks to make people comfortable. As for the space that is already here... scrubbing the rest of the graffiti is a simple matter, honestly I was thinking to put some real frescoes on these walls when I get the chance. By the way, do you know of any Kindred artists around? So far only Mr. Kind has professed to be a competent painter" Thomas certainly isn't going to take up the paintbrush himself. He had zero artistic talent. "All in all, the final cleanup and opening of the meeting room should be done by... first half July, I'd say? It takes into account the need for scrounging some things, as well as making sure of the quality. I was never exactly well-off, you know?" He shrugs. Not that it bothered him... most of the time. It was an incentive to get creative "Expanding the library into something impressive would be, of course, a far bigger task"

    But if there's any commodity all vampires have plenty of, it is time.

    "Speaking of art... I think part of the problem is the lack of distraction. Simply put, pots simmer unchecked and before you know it streaks of bullshit trickle out. Idle Beasts, and all that" He snickers "Performers, art displays or set themes of some sort would be a simple solution. I'm certain between you, me and Keeper Wood we'd be able to think of something that would fit the place and at the same time be comfortable to those that don't share the Circle's ideals" Last thing he'd want is for the others to think Court equals Acolyte celebrations.

    "Of course, it is all purely theoretical"

  6. #16
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding, “It was some term I wasn’t familiar with, leading to me think it was a Crone position or something. Trove?” she seems to say to herself, “Grove?” looking thoughtful, then shaking her head, “I’m not sure. Archon Twist was there that night, she might have remembered more than I was able to.” Ale had been focused on the eliminating the problem. “Not to mention she has been in the Domain the longest, so she might have more history about it than I do.” But she wasn’t sure if the Daeva paid any attention to other Covenants. “Thank you. Should the Brood decide to present themselves again, I’m sure your knowledge will be most helpful.” Couldn’t hurt.

    Shrugging, “Being open minded is important. I spent a lot of my Danse being closed minded to a lot of things. My time here has given me the chance to open my mind to other things, and other ways of thinking. My time as Reeve taught me violence isn’t always the answer. I believe what some fail to realize, is there is nothing wrong with changing the way you think as you gather new knowledge. And it was Alice, who helped me open up and accept new ways of thinking. If more Kindred were open to that, I believe things would be smoother for us as a whole.” Just her thoughts on it.

    Laughing, “What can I say, it’s a topic I’m unsure about. But, like I mentioned before, my mind is open should my way of thinking be wrong. I’ve been proven wrong on more than one occasion.” No one was perfect. “Blood sorcery is not something I have any knowledge on. Aside from hearing things here and there over the years and in my travels. If you’ve been studying it for that long, you must have a deep passion for it. I’m sure that helps your studies, I’ve found when I’m really passionate about something, I can dive more into it. Then it’s less work and more enjoyment.” At least for her.

    A nod, “It has been quite a journey, one filled with unexpected twists and turns. But also filled with learning and growth. What did you want to know about? What the Domain was like before, my relationship with the previous Prince? Or something else?” she sounded willing to share, but was just making sure she shared what he was asking about.

    As he lays out his thoughts, dark eyes look around the room, nodding here and there.

    “I can see that. You have some wonderful ideas.”

    Shaking her head, “The only artist I knew was Miss Weiss. I have some of her art hanging in Nox currently, and they are breathtaking. She had an amazing talent, and I cherish the pieces. But I have not found anyone else yet, which is sad really. I do enjoy the art our kind are able to create.”

    There was a nod, “You are right. And I’ve actually been collecting various pieces of art behind the scenes. My hope is to display them in Court. I often find that art sparks some of the most interesting and knowledgeable conversations. And I would love to see more of those types of behaviors. I also plan on meeting with Keeper Wood to discuss bringing in some more art, and themes, into Court. Live music might be a tad difficult, though it would be wonderful. Maybe I’ll pick up playing again.” She says with a laugh. “But if you had some ideas for art, I would love to hear them.” She was open to that. “And it’s not so much as others not sharing the Circles ideals, it’s about making Court a neutral gathering place. I want each Covenant, and those without one, to feel as comfortable as Kindred can in the same room as each other. So expect more art and themed Courts going forward.” Art would be good.

    Smiling, “Yes, it is. But it’s an idea that isn’t off the table. I would like to hold Court in various places, change it up from time to time. I’m afraid my warehouses aren’t all that exciting, and it would give others a chance to do something. You’re time line is doable, but what if you took more time? Like, lets say August or September Court? In this purely theoretical scenario.” She asks, with a knowing smile, using his own words.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  7. #17
    Thomas Boyle

    In an instant, all the pieces come together, producing an almost audible click "Ah, yes! Of course. The King of the Grove, or Rex Nemorensis. It's an antique position, technically not in use these nights and mostly referred to by its Latin name. Must be why I didn't register it at first" Thomas' tone is weird as he explains, as if he apologized for not knowing things, yet without actually saying 'sorry' "They were powerful Acolytes, hermits and keepers of secrets... meaning they had the power to protect and influence the Covenant. In modern nights, they are more the stuff of legend. It's an interesting thought that one might be or have been near Sacramento, but I doubt it matters now" If one of the Reges really was involved in this Brood mess, he's probably long since moved on, fallen into torpor or been destroyed. The chance that he's still out and active are negligibly low, and thus of no importance when so many pressing issues arise "I'll ask the Archon for a history lesson if I get the chance"

    "Alice helped you? How so?" Explaining the motives behind that question would only make the bold move worse. In the Ventrue defense, it was Sophia who brought the topic up. Regardless, what's the worst that can happen? Final Death is nothing but an express train to where all are already going.

    For a long moment, the Lord appears deep in thought. He shuffles the tarot without looking at his hand once, a clear sign of muscle memory "I suppose it's a trait of our species that the things we do, we do for power. Blood sorcery, and knowledge in general grants it, to be sure, but it's more a matter of philosophy than influence a naked eye can see" Those that though the point of magic was to summon lightning and bind spirits quickly learned just how wrong they were. And then they died horribly "We are already more than human. What if we could be more than Kindred?"

    "I'd like to hear about what the Domain was like before - when you first got here, and how it evolved since then. I suppose the figure of the Prince plays an important role in that image" Or else, they wouldn't be Prince. Mortal rulers enduring by inertia alone was a thing, but it never happened in the predatory world of Kindred "Tell me as much, or as little as you want. I realize the request is rather general" If Alessandra felt like a history lesson, a history lesson he'd gladly take. If she deigned to give him only a few words, he will squeeze wisdom from them as well. It's what he does: build a comprehensive picture from incomplete data.

    For a long moment, the Lord appears deep in thought. He shuffles the tarot without looking at his hand once, a clear sign of muscle memory "I suppose it's a trait of our species that the things we do, we do for power. Blood sorcery, and knowledge in general grants it, to be sure, but it's more a matter of philosophy than influence a naked eye can see" Those that though the point of magic was to summon lightning and bind spirits quickly learned just how wrong they were. And then they died horribly "We are already more than human. What if we could be more than Kindred?"

    And, of course, there is the matter of future Courts. Hung in a limbo between is and could be.

    "In this purely thoretical, but oddly specific scenario"
    ​The Prince's smile is mirrored "I'd say hosting Court in September would be doable. In addition to the expansions and improvements I already mentioned, it'd make implementing the themes discussions possible, and give me time to secure some solar panels and maybe even a decent sound system. Give the place a bit of a modern touch. Ponder some appropriate art to display" If he wanted to fully embody the 'pagan witch hermit' stereotype, Thomas would make his haven in a cave. But with more attention on the Temple, from eyes mortal and immortal, changes will have to be made. Besides, the thought of playing Bach in stereo as guests enter was just too amusing to not try it out "Other than that I'd need to think and ask Mable. She's the nurturer in our little group, not I" If nothing else, it'd give the Savage something creative to do. It was quite obvious all she wanted or needed was to belong and be accepted.

    "You know. If" And it was a big if. Still, in this deal both sides have things the other wants. Say what you will about the Invictus - they understand capitalism.

  8. #18
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Nodding eagerly, “Yes! That!” she agrees. “I hope you get the chance, I believe she would be the only one who would have memory of this King of the Grove and what happened to set the balls into motion. I know the Brood's motivation, but not Dirges.” It might be good for the Crone to know the history. Or not. She didn’t know.

    She didn’t see the harm in sharing. “She used to invite me down to the pools in the Necropolises. We would sit with our feet in the water and just talk. Over time, I learned it was ok to let people in and get close to me. That it wasn’t weakness to ask for help, and to acknowledge my feelings. When I was roaming Italy, and for some time, here, I was alone. So I grew a way to shutting people out and shutting emotions off. And she helped me get in touch with that human side of myself, and that it was ok.” Though she had shut herself back off lately. Maybe she needed to be open like she was with Alice. But to who?

    “That’s a fair enough point. Every Kindred is seeking power of some kind. Political, magical, influence and wealth.” An eyebrow raises, “More than Kindred? Now that’s an interesting concept.”
    How could one be more Kindred?

    “Oh, well, lets see.” She thinks back, “There was a lot more Kindred around when I got here, and I wasn’t keyed into the political state of things. I had only planned Sacramento as a stopping point before moving on. I was Unaligned when I got here, though I don't recall much about the standing of the Covenants. There were a lot of Kindred I saw come and go, but that's typical of any Domain. The Prince wasn’t a figure I saw often, let alone spoke with much. Though he was quite charming the times I did speak with him. The most I got to work with him was when I was made Priscus, and when I was made Reeve. He was usually hands off, but when he began to let me decide the punishments, he would sit in on the meeting. If he thought I was too harsh, or too soft, he told me, and we moved on. Was a great way to learn. Not sure if that’s what you were looking for. If not, I can try and be more specific.” No one had ever asked her these questions before. It felt like someone might, maybe, probably not, want to know who she was. Probably not.
    There was an honest smile and laugh.

    “You know what? Lets do it. I’ll grant you Tenancy, and allow you to host Court here in September.” Worse that could happen was he screwed it up. Best that could happen? Maybe she could foster a relationship with the Crone. “Should it go well, we can look into making it more often in the future. Would that sound like something agreeable? If it does, I’ll let Keeper Wood know.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  9. #19
    Thomas Boyle

    Mental note: arrange a meeting with Archon Twist ASAP. Mental note #2: refresh memory on the intricacies of Invictus manners, so as not to appear like an asshat.

    "There is a Necropolis in Sacramento?" Thomas' eyes gleam with excitement, like a kid window-shopping for a new toy "Interesting. There must've been quite a number of Haunts to pull it off" But the fact that Krieg never spoke of it said volumes about its probable current state. Or maybe he didn't trust the Lord after all? "I don't suppose you could share the entrance's location?" There's probably only stink and cobwebs left in there now, but you never know what might be accidentally left behind by a Nosferatu on their way out...

    But this Alice character really must've been quite someone... "I hope you have someone like that presently. To just talk. It's absolutely fascinating how the supposedly solitary, self-sufficient and competitive creatures that we are crave companionship" 'Crave', that was a good word. Like something that starts as a rumble in your stomach, only to infect every fiber of your being over time "I'd say in your case it's even more important. In many ways the Prince is the Domain, just like a gardener is one with their garden" Perhaps Dirt Nap or Mable would be more believable delivering that kind of talk. They were the nurturers, they were connected to nature in ways Thomas could only hope to be.

    "Yes, more than Kindred. A surprisingly big number of vampires believes that to overcome our limitations we must either deny the Beast even exists, suffocating it at every turn... or that the Beast is all there is, and we must be the monsters the so-called curse has made us. But what if the answer lies outward, as much as inward? What if Man and Beast can be made into one?" He grins "The cosmic opposites, merged together by will and deed alone. If that could be accomplished, would there be any limit to our influence on the world?"

    He listens with interest as Alessandra describes the Domain of nights past to him "That's intriguing. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you about staying... and leaving. You said you didn't plan to make your permanent home here. What convinced you to... put down roots, so to speak? And the previous Prince, Asa... I heard he left rather abruptly. Do you know the details of that? I have personally witnessed that the makeup of our city can change night to night, but such an established presence..." He leaves it at that. If she didn't know, maybe Twist did? Thomas absolutely refuses to believe the boss of all bosses can just pack up and go, like some undead vagrant.

    Thomas nods in thanks "Thank you for your trust" Interestingly, 'trust' almost sounded like 'test' in that sentence "It's more than agreeable"

    Sacramento proved to have a very transformative effect on Thomas. A year ago, would he even consider caring about things like Court setup? And yet, now he was determined to use that chance to its fullest, to provide something that will be a point of reference for a long time.

    Crazy, right?

  10. #20
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    She thought everyone knew about the Necropolis. Learn something new every night.

    A nod, “There is. I haven’t been in every part of it, only the baths.” She never pushed being allowed in there. “From what I’ve heard, it was. They put in a lot of hours to make it.” Least from what Alice told her. Smiling, “If I could, I would. But Alice brought me in there on trust, trust not to share its location. I don’t feel comfortable sharing it without the permission of the Haunts. I’m surprised your Hierophant hasn’t spoken about it. Though with him being the only Haunt, it could very well have fallen into disrepair. Which would be a shame. Maybe he can be talked into breathing new life into it.” It wasn’t her place to share the location. Well, she could. But she wouldn’t. Trust was big.

    “Not really.” She could talk to Twist, but it was different. “And I agree. Even the most hardened Kindred wants someone around. Maybe it helps us keep in touch with the human side of ourselves.” Was a thought. “That is true. But what they don’t tell you is that once you assume the role, people tend to want to spend time with you less and less.” A shrug.

    She looked thoughtful as she listened, “Deny the Beast? I see the Beast as both a blessing and a curse. When you’re on your own, you learn to rely on the Beast to keep you alive. Yet at the same time, it’s dangerous. A fickle thing that can turn on a dime.” But to completely deny it seemed like suicide. “Made into one? Hmmm,” a slow nod, “Is that your take on it?”

    Nodding, “It was a few things actually. I liked how welcoming the Domain was to someone who was Unaligned. And that it wouldn’t hinder my success in the Domain. Some Domains frown heavily on those Unaligned. Then there was those I got to know and work with. Each was easy to work with, and none pushed their Covenant on me. The Prince had fair Laws and didn’t exclude anyone from his Domain. I’ve been in Domains that outlawed Haunts, and I hated that. So it just felt like a more progressive place to stay for a while.” And she had been tired of moving around. Why were people so curious about Asa? There was a smirk, “I wonder if the interest comes from curiosity, or something else. You aren’t the first to ask that question. But tell me, what is to be gained from the information? But you are right, he was an established presence in Sacramento, one here for many, many years.” But she wouldn’t talk about it.

    “I look forward to seeing what you’re able to do. I have to confess, this is my first time seeing the Temple, so I’m curious how you’ll fix it and add your touch to it. Should you need assistance, please let me know. I happen to have a lot of pull in the city.” She jokes with a smile.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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