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Contemplations on the Soul

31 - 35
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  1. #31
    Lina Moretti

    "At this point, unless someone has let our location slip, the Chapterhouse is a secret -- and if we were to move to another secret location, then that would cut off that avenue," Lina mused, giving it a nod. "I want to have a conversation with Scribe James about direction here in short order. If you've got an agreement with Simmons, that's good. She honors her word."

    She paused on the question he asked about how her relationship with the Prince had been, and a low chuckle sprang forth. "It's weird. We have a tiny scandal in Court that the Harpy and I work out in no time flat, the kinds of clashes that happen all the time in Kindred society between people of equal standing. She flips out, takes my stuff, and even though I've made it very clear I've accepted her dictates, she won't take my call for a meeting, and has to be sent reminder letters to answer my reports on the defense of the Domain. I'm rapidly hitting the point where I no longer give a fuck. My intention was to support the Invictus because the Invictus was stable, but it is no longer stable. They can't defend the Domain without us and the Crone. They're desperately short-staffed for competent front line doers. What's the nature of your agreement with Simmons?"

  2. #32
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Prosper gestured, "You were the Regent of Florin. Everyone can assume we are in Florin. That is a point to ping, is what I was getting at. They are not psychic and this is not the age of air raids, but I like tipping odds."

    He stretches as she vents her frustration. "It is still early. In respect with Simmons, she wished to cement an alliance and offered me something I could not scoff at. It balanced the power dynamic from what she was asking of me in terms of assisting her in intelligence with the Court. Due to my respect for those terms, I will provide her more than enough time from the point this breech occurred before I start moving more pieces. The First Estate is so much more than the Domain of Sacramento," he said, blinking slowly. "They do so love their stability and image. It has been consistent for very, very long time."

  3. #33
    Lina Moretti

    "Sure. A mafiosa could drop mafia all up in Florin and try to complicate shit. It's a fair point, one I'll be on the lookout for. I've got contacts who'll be able to help me keep tabs if the Mafia tries to make a move. We'll get to discussing motion of our own for the Chapterhouse. You able to give Tenancy to the Gangrel Dragons? That opens up the Communal Feeding Territory, and a conversation with Krieg will probably open up Citrus Heights." She paused. "Some folks are going to be thinking that this land is a symbol. Something special. It's not. It is simply space, and if a conflict happens, space can be given up for time and positioning. I've got no concern about shifting our position." She wasn't an expert in tactics, but in martial arts, you kept a sense of your measure. Know when you could strike. Back up if you needed to so that you could strike from a safe position later.

    The fact that Simmons had offered Prosper something that he'd accepted given his opinion of her fleeting connection to her human side was quite something. As far as she was concerned, the Harpy was all good, regardless of what was going on with Antinori. "Well, that's good. We'll see what Simmons does. I asked her to give me time to see if Alessandra and I could work shit out. But it has been two months, now. If you cause her to move forward regarding the broken boon... well, who could fault the good Harpy for doing her job?"

    For Rebecca Simmons, this was a risk, but also a very interesting opportunity to show that this wasn't an Invictus problem. After all, this wasn't a labelled Invictus Domain.

  4. #34
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Prosper shrugged a shoulder, "Publicly? Keep trying to obtain Florin. The symbol acts as a shield and throws them off the scent. And yes, that is what I was getting at when I mentioned we had two Priscii," he clarified.

    "For Simmons, she has placed herself in enough debt that we can operate openly with each other knowing we can detonate each other's career. Or, really, it slants in my favour," he chuckles. Like the Dragon Savage gave a fuck about Domain and Acknowledgement if the Praxis was a joke. The Invictus Lord, however, would be twice invested in dodging scandal. "I just want this fire put out. She was at least willing to put on airs to redirect her sadism; I may have sent her your way for ideas about social experiments and peer review. Enjoy that."

    His humour drops, "Now we just need Atticus and Madcap on the same level of communication. Are you familiar with Elettra's talents?" he tilts his head, Mekhet were good to have in these times. "I loathe for this to interrupt her advancements but it is good for her to be aware of such things. As for myself, before we are on the precipice, I will be able to pull triggers with asserting will over another Kindred's Beast," he taps his fingers as he leans forward slightly, "I can have more than one pair of eyes hidden among hundreds. I am not sure about your experience with guerrilla warfare, Grand Wyrm, but I have lived it for most of my unlife."

  5. #35
    Lina Moretti

    Lina nodded to his suggestion. At this point, she wasn't able to do much in the way of seeking to negotiate for Florin when the Prince wasn't responding to her or putting out hails of her own, but his idea was solid. As for Simmons? "Mutually assured destruction is a stellar motivator to keep shit copacetic," the Grand Wyrm quipped with a little laugh. "I'm sure we'll have a grand old time redirecting her onto something more... stable?" She shrugged. If Simmons wanted to dive down into the arms of the Beast, that was her call, but she would lose more and more value as a resource to her Clan and Covenant the further she fell. Lina could help her improve herself, but only if that was something she wanted to.

    "I spoke with Cap recently. Needless to say, he's not Alessandra's biggest fan at all. He'll do what has to be done and support the Covenant. Atticus, I'll be speaking with shortly to see where he's at. As for Elettra, I understand she's a nurse. Young. Beyond that, I'll have to ask. She's in line for a talk, too, since I want to do her Paths of Fate as well."

    Moretti rose to her feet, dusting off her pants idly.

    "Hopefully it doesn't come to all that. But we'd best be ready. I'll be speaking with the other Covenant Heads shortly to see if I can't suss out where their heads are at. Anyway. I'd best get to it."

    She gave him a wave and headed for the door.

    "Good night, Prosper."

    Great scene, thanks!

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