Her heart was pounding, both from the exertion and the excitement. Sonja Wu sprinted across the apartment building rooftop, dressed in black sweatpants, red tabi boots and a red tank top. The gap between this roof and the next raced towards her, and the Beast readied for the jump. Said gap wasn't more than five feet, and the rooftops were even in height, so the jump wasn't difficult. However, the mere knowledge she was four stories up raised the sense of risk.

Sonnie made the leap easily and kept going. She didn't even slow down. This was always such a thrill, parkour.

The members of her parkour club were with her, running and leaping with equal vigor. The Changeling could feel their passion for the sport, the surges of excitement as they made the jump. It was a simple thing to reach out and snatch the Glamour they created. It was a satisfying sensation, and the nature of the emotions only urged her to continue the path the club had set out. Not that she needed more motivation. Sonnie lived for this stuff.

Next came the fire escape, which she climbed down with more speed than most people would attempt. Speed was part of the point, to get from point A to point B as efficiently as possible, using the urban environment as a tool rather than an obstacle. The Beast's natural affinity for climbing helped her on this part, as she descended the fire escape more easily than anyone else. She hit the ground running, making a beeline for the next section.

Later, gathered in a local park, the club was cooling down after the great session. Men and women stretched and walked, and drank water or sports drinks. Conversations floated around. Sonnie sipped from a water bottle as she roamed in a circular path, catching her breath and wiping sweat from her brow.

A club member approached her, offering a high five, which the Steepscrambler accepted with a grin. Keith, his name was, a good-looking guy with dark skin and a nice smile. He'd been friendly and supportive of the newer members of the club, like Sonnie herself.

"I don't know how you do it, Sonja. You went down that fire escape like it was second nature. I'm impressed," he said.

Sonja feigned humility and waved off the compliment, "What can I say? I must be part squirrel."

"Well, Squirrel Girl, you doing anything later? You maybe wanna get a bite to eat?" Keith suggested hopefully.

The Spring Courtier smiled. Today's exertions and excitement might not be over yet.