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(Folsom) Measure Twice

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  1. #1
    Lina Moretti

    Sorry for the delay in this, all.

    The word had gone out.

    The crew was to be assembled.

    The Prince had a mission she needed done, and it was both time-sensitive and important for the First Tradition. The Sheriff had flagged it as a priority: a meeting in relation to an extremely dangerous Kindred that was imprisoned in the lower levels of a prison in Folsom. Though the being was still contained in the lower levels - for now - they needed to figure out a way to stop this creature once and for all, lest the Masquerade be breached should it escape.

    Thinkers and infiltrators would be invited first to help plan: Menzies. Jacque. Prosper. Krieg. Plus, of course, the Prince and her Seneschal, and Arturo Garcia - perhaps he would dig himself out yet.

    They'd come up with something good, and they'd get the right crew to go from there.

    A map of Folsom sat on the table in the big conference room beneath Nox, along with a blank whiteboard on the roller. The Sheriff paced back and forth around the map, a formal pantsuit on with her trusty blade on her hip, sensible flats clack-clacking as she went.

    Vassagon Krakenbox ErlangShen Strong King Selena Orianna Killian - your PCs are invited to come help out with this phase! Join if you want; if not, please do send regrets and we'll carry on forward.

  2. #2
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    Derek receives the call and makes his way out to the Nox, once again clad in familiar dark clothing. Hoodie, jeans, sneakers. A suspicious look by its vary nature to conceal the frame and appearance. As he comes in, the hood comes down, the laptop bag draped over his shoulder. The knife is checked in. And the Shadow arrives at the Sheriff's office.

    The swell of potent Beasts, for those that bear one, cause him to shudder before pushing through and entering the door frame. He glances to the maps, the whiteboard, and the official looking director of security within the Domain. She had called on him a number of times since his arrival to the Domain, all for the sake of their collective safety in Sacramento. What task does she have for him now, he wonders.

    He nods to her. "Sheriff Moretti," and hovers among the gathered. No doubt the task required a team, which likely made it a difficult one.

  3. #3
    Arturo Garcia

    It was just planning for now wasn’t it? There was no harm in that, no need to exert oneself and flip the script. From the hidden hole in the ground in the Barrens the Bishop of Sacramento journeyed to the Nox, interested to see what this whole ordeal was about and maybe contribute something to the benefit of the Domain. It may help. It may not. It was a reprieve if anything.

    Once the check in was done, coat, knife, etc...Garcia made his way to where the Sheriff had said they would be meeting. His steps were slow, a zombies shuffle of sorts as the only alive part one may pick up were the unblinking eyes that would often dart around faster than anything the host body was doing.

    Wearing a black buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up just above the elbow, and matched the black slacks. There were a few extra buttons fastened around the collar than normal, but prying eyes could spot the hints of the gold chain around his neck still. Everyone needed to bear weights.

    ”Sheriff, Mitnick.”

    Simple greetings. He had experience with the Shadow, and had recently met with the Sheriff. Unless prompted to sit somewhere specific the Lord moved to the table and looked at the map, his eyes taking it in the lay out - processing what it all was.

    ”I suppose we aren’t going to waltz in like Johnny Cash.”

    Humor, he still had some - less so as he dealt with the wailing serpent that demanded he pounce and dominate the weaker beast and revitalize himself. Thankfully the toll on the best was enough to let the placid body hold some sort of composure.

  4. #4
    Garrett Prosper's Avatar

    Supplicant of Terror
    Garrett Prosper


    Garrett arrives in the usual business casual and clean-cut affair, checking in his firearm and giving a small courtesy knock out of habit before waltzing in. If he has any reaction to the present Beasts, he only blinks. "Sheriff, Deputy Mitnick, Herr Garcia," he rattles off, already distracted by the display.

    The Savage assess the map with electric interest, brightening at a bigger project than the last few. Serious shit, as always, so might as well be excited about problem solving. Detaching the leather messenger bag, he perches on a seat while he waits with a faint smile.

  5. #5
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    The time had come for the meeting. Time to put together the team to take care of the issue in Folsom. A matter that had to be handled with careful planning and execution.

    She arrives to meeting when she was supposed to, which was whenever. Her office was just down the hall, so her and Cain didn’t have far to go.

    The Savage was dressed in her usual black. Fitted dress with a leather jacket over it, the only color was the blood red lipstick she wore. Walking in, there was a pause as she surveyed the room, seeing who was there, and reigning her Beast back. It growled and bared its teeth at the weakness in the room. But its master wouldn’t loosen the chain. Cain stared, with hate and malice, but that was nothing new.

    There was a nod, as she continued her way into the room and takes a seat, Cain sitting beside her.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  6. #6
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.


    Jacque made his way to the conference room wearing a double layered vest. He rapped at the door and entered upon seeing the others already inside. His beast first recoils from the potency of the Prince's. He presses his hand along his vest as he orders it to silence from its mixed reactions to the other predators in the room.

    Bowing his head first to Alessandra, then the Sheriff, he greeted the other arrivals in turn before asking the Sheriff, "Who all are we still waiting on?" He began to gaze over the map in anticipation for the discussion to come.

    Blood Hunt:

  7. #7
    Vivian York

    Vivian had been tied up with an issue that arose as she was leaving the condo. If anyone didn't like to be held up by something out of control, it was this Daeva. There was a drop of blood on the white gloves she wore, which were just supposed to be beautifully striking against her blue velvet suit. Her hair was also not as prim and perfect as it probably was when she left her place. Her bun was a little looser than it should have been, but it wasn't entirely frazzled. There was also some dirt on her other glove that she may not have seen. The dried blood on the one glove was distracting.

    "My apologies for being late. There was an incident near my condo." She was already a little edgy from the incident, and sighed a little while rummaging through her purse for back-up gloves. The Beast was pissed, and she needed a brief distraction before speaking.

    "Good evening, Your Majesty, Herald Jack, Sheriff Moretti, Mr. Mitnick, Mr. Garcia, and Mr. Prosper." Vivian looked around nodding to each of them.

    "Are we awaiting anyone else?" Glancing at the door before returning to rummaging through her purse.

    "And please, be at ease. There was an altercation from a traffic accident that was blocking the road. Some people need to be charmed with a swift hand and not words." She rolled her eyes, while searching through her purse until she said "ah ha". Quickly slipping off the white set, and swapping with the black set in her purse. Looking to the other heads of the Domain. "No, there needn't be a follow up, I took care of things. Besides, if he does remember, I doubt the man would want the embarrassment of retelling a story where some woman slapped his face, drawing blood. "

  8. #8

    After the Arrival of the the Seneschal, one of the knowing servants of the Nox makes his way to the door of the meeting space and knocks twice. Once being allowed entry he holds a ice tube, a blue tube with black caps on the end, in his hand.

    "Hello Ma'am," The servant directs to the Seneschal York, "this was delivered by courier a few moments ago, with your names associated." The servant gestures to the Seneschal, the Sheriff and the Prince, "The only return address reads Folsom"

  9. #9

    Sorry, the notification just popped up on my main account.

    Krieg's thunderous footfalls herald his approach. He was dressed in jeans, a long sleeved shirt, and gigantic sized shoes. "Sorry, I'm late. Some jackass caused a massive car crash out by the Farm."

  10. #10
    Lina Moretti

    The delivery was well timed, and though Moretti didn't speak for York, she knew what that was. That was Uther Gungrieve, doing his part, whatever that would be. York could deal with the guy. She had a briefing to run.

    "Welcome, everyone, and thanks for coming. The nights are getting shorter, and with traffic being what it is tonight," the Sheriff quipped with the flash of a momentary smile, "We'd best get down to it."

    She gestured to the Prince.

    "The situation is this: Her Majesty was approached by the Eldest of a Domain nearby called Folsom. In Folsom, there is a prison. Beneath that prison, in the lower level, is a prison for an ancient Kindred. That Kindred is armed and incredibly dangerous, and it has escaped its cell because of foolish Hunters mucking about in things they ought not to have. If it escapes the prison proper, it's a huge danger to the Masquerade and will likely become a very real problem for us. The mission?"

    A fist knocked gently twice on the table.

    "Review blueprints, gather information that is available, and come up with a clever solution that lets us deal with this thing with finesse rather than violence - because based on what we've been told, violence means not everyone's walking out of there alive. Here's what we know.

    The locals have a wall of Kindred ensuring it can't get out yet, but there's no way to say how long the guards hold. The cell itself is laced with traps and fire-starters and whatnot that will absolutely destroy this creature if we can get it back into its cell, but the whole lower level is not. Complicating things, it's from a Bloodline that allows it control over its space, and it is a master of Dominate - meaning any Kindred or mortal it has had access to, it has almost certainly got under its sway and control. The locals do have cameras functioning in the area that'll let us see what's going on."

    Lina looked to the Prince. This wasn't just a Domain of Sacramento mission under the part of law enforcement. No, this was a conquest as well as an effort to prevent disaster. The Prince would take control of it. Lina was here to help.

    "Your Majesty, how would you like to proceed?"

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