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(Echelon) Planning for Sod

21 - 29
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  1. #21
    Elettra Vitale

    Listening to both Derek and Jack carefully, "Derek, I am going to have to side with Jack on this one, the Prince did just talk about this in court. Helping to protect the Domain is all part of being a member of this Domain and you should not request or expect payment. Now, say if this wasn't about a matter of the Domain security and it was strictly for Jack's benefit or for his Covenant's benefit then, you could request a boon. However, this is not the case in this situation. Also, just remember whomever helps or doesn't help is always noticed so make wise choices."

    Looking to both men, "Alright, how else can I be of help to you gentleman?"

  2. #22
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    If he were breathing Jacque would surely have sighed with relief at Elettra's words, "Precisely. Your request is more than fair for personal business, but we're all aware of how the Prince feels about it in regards to Domain matters."

    Turning back to Derek, "The spyware method you mentioned seems like the most solid plan of action to guarantee getting what we need. You did mention the Coroner's phone though, what did you mean by getting the credentials through that?" Pondering the complexities of the situation, "Also, will the spyware allow you access anywhere or would you need to be in proximity?"

    "Priscus Vitale, I certainly appreciate your help. There may be one more thing. I sent Priscus Wood and Mister Exlibrist to the Coroner's office to do some reconnaissance while I met with Mister Mitnick to work out how to get the information we need. Mister Exlibrist has been seeming a little... eccentric and it may prove beneficial to have another Shadow's eyes on his back during the infiltration. The presence of his Priscus may focus him a bit, which I think would lend well to not putting himself or others in danger by inappropriately deviating from the plan." He smiles and twists his wrist to gesture a hand palm up, "Are you up for a foray to the morgue?"

    Blood Hunt:

  3. #23
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    Derek unfolds his arms and looks to Elettra. "Yes of course, Priscus."

    As Jack addresses again, Derek leans on his elbows on the table to listen, his gaze wandering about the table but avoiding Jack's gaze directly. "It all depends on if the system has an outside internet connection in addition to its Intranet connection. The spyware would exploit that connection and open a port to an online portal. I would be notified of the connection and would remotely access the computer through that. It would allow me to view the monitor as well as intercept input and output. I would then store that data over a 24 hour period and review it for the credentials we need to access the private system."

    As Jack turns the topic to Adam, Derek begins to look uncomfortable. "Priscus Vitale, I should inform you that this evening I was a bit harsh with our Cousin when he attempted to contact me regarding this matter. I believe the eccentricity that Jack is referring to may be a symptom of the stress he's enduring in the wake of his recent faux pas. I don't disagree that your presence may help him focus, though I would suggest it more as a supportive role than a disciplinary one. Whatever you think best of course."

    Derek then stands, slinging his laptop bag over his shoulder. "Whatever the case, I will put together the Spyware device that you'll need and will deliver it to you, Priscus, if you are indeed planning to join them."

    Between scenes Derek will provide his Equipment (Spyware) for Elettra or Jack, for the express purpose of self-install to establish a remote connection

  4. Likes Killian liked this post
  5. #24
    Elettra Vitale

    Elettra nods her head at both gentlemen, "Yes, of course I can help support Adam and keep an eye on him. Derek, is it a situation where I should be made aware of it or did you two already work through it? Jack, will you let them know that they should be expecting me?"

  6. #25
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    Jacque arches an eyebrow at Derek's confession and adds, "Yes, I agree that it would be most effective as support." Turning to Elettra, "He hasn't done anything else foolish yet, but with his situation in the Domain I think he's distracted with how to make amends. It may just be my silly intuition but I just don't want him to end up taking an unnecessary risk or creating an unnecessary situation to prove his worth."

    Waving his hand dismissively, "I actually just have them doing recon as a simple task to have the two work together and build up their confidence a bit. We're supposed to meet here first in a bit to hash out the details of the plan with the basic layout of the building's access points after finding out if Mister Mitnick could offer a solution to our sealed electronic file problem."

    Turning back to Derek, "With this device, how long does it take to load up and does the device need to stay connected to the computer after it has been loaded?"

    Blood Hunt:

  7. #26
    Derek Menzies's Avatar

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"
    Derek Menzies

    Known as "Derek Mitnick"


    "It may take a few minutes. Just leave the device in the usb port of the computer you want monitored. It will light up green when it's finished," answers Derek to Jack.

    To Elettra, he answers, "I will look for an opportunity to...work through it with him."

    "If there's nothing else." Derek walks the short distance to the doorway with the intent to leave.

    Unless stopped, Derek will leave the scene

  8. #27
    Elettra Vitale

    Responding to Jack, "I will definitely give him my support. I appreciate you giving me a heads up on the situation." Nodding, "Alright, sounds good."

    To Derek, "Glad to hear it's something that you guys can work out. If it comes to a point where you think you need some mediation you can text or call me anytime."

  9. #28
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    He stands and bows in thanks to Derek as he leaves, "Thanks again."

    Looking to Elettra, "I'll check in on them here shortly if we still haven't heard back. I can send you a text when we reconvene..." He pauses to ponder a moment, "Unless you would prefer to get better acquainted with each other ahead of time?" He smiled, "I was regretful our introduction was cut so short at court."

    Jack is supposed to get a text from Mable when they are finished with their recon. We'll make a new scene when that happens. If you want to take Jack up on the Social/Psuedo business scene in the interim though I can close this one down and make one without the Echelon tag.

    Blood Hunt:

  10. #29
    Elettra Vitale

    Smiling, "Yes, I would like that! I was disappointed having to rush off to take care of some business."

    That sounds good to me! Thank you, I appreciate you including me in this scene!

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