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(1904) De Luca and the Doctor

  1. #1
    Rebecca Simmons

    If Cain had been a Kindred Rebecca would have had concern, but seeing as he served more as a protector (though the Prince hardly needed such a thing) his reaction was expected. "Why thank you your Majesty." Rebecca's eyes had followed Ale's as she looked towards Garrett, a soft smile resting on her face. Focusing on the conversation though she held her smile and said, "I'm doing quite well. And it's interesting you ask," she said with a chuckle, "Vinny, as I believe he was called," as Rebecca's test subjects rarely kept their names, "made quite the excellent test subject. He confirmed to my satisfaction what Ms. Blackbird had said, that pain would not overcome the Vinculum. It's quite fortunate she was there. I do always enjoy learning something new." The smile on Rebecca's face was wide, and to anyone else would most likely be quite unnerving due to the subject matter. "I have kept him secured should I come upon another exciting experiment idea."

    "Oh really," she said at the mention of family impressing. "I'm excited to learn who handled themselves so well."

    Then Rebecca's ears catch some aggression coming from the poacher and Mable. She would have to keep them in mind, for things could get messy. Luckily it would be Lina that had to deal with the mess.

  2. #2
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    A nod, “That was his name, Vinnie.” Easy to forget. “And that’s an interesting find, curious that the bond would survive pain. Good information to have.” Who would have thought? An eyebrow raised, “He’s still alive? Have to admit, I figured he’d be dead.” But whatever. "I had my own methods back in Italy that I'd use to get information or send a message. Though not many survived them." she then shrugged. “Any good ideas yet?” she was curious.

    There was a soft chuckle, “Oh, I’m not sure you’re going to be excited for very long.” Maybe her sarcasm didn’t come through. “Seems Mr Garcia, believed he should be rewarded for assisting the Domain with either a Boon or a title. I shut him down, but found it quite odd that one would expect such a reward for defending the Domain he’s being allowed to reside in. Like I should hand a title to some random Kindred who has been here a couple months.” looking to Rebecca, “Maybe he doesn’t have a full understanding of how Boons work, or thinks I’d owe one to someone.” That last part was obviously amusing to her. Kindred owed Boons to her, not the other way around.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  3. #3
    Rebecca Simmons

    "It would seem what he lacked in loyalty he maintained in resilience," she said playfully. "I'd be curious to learn your methods sometime," she said with a smile, which widened at the Prince's question. "As a matter of fact, I have had some ideas for new drugs I'd be interested in testing on him. I believe he will be most useful with hallucinogens specifically, since it's usually quite hard to find addicts willing to risk complete mental breakdowns. It may also be an opportunity for me to test how far a Kine's mind can actually be pushed. Study their breaking point and all that," she said with a smile.

    Rebecca put a hand to her face, shaking her head slightly before returning her hand to her side. "What is it with new Kindred and a desire to be rewarded for doing what is already expected? I will clearly have to have a discussion with him about proper service to Her Majesty," she said and a nod of her head. "Did he provide you proper assistance after you corrected his flawed way of thinking?"

  4. #4
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Smirking, “So it would seem., never would have pegged him the resilient type.” Which went to show the power of a blood bond. “My methods are a bit archaic, meant to cause pain and send a message, nothing else. But I’ll gladly discuss them with you.” Could be fun. Nodding, “I can see how important that type of research is. Especially if we need to get information but not completely break them. Please keep me up to date.” Might be fun to use on some Hunters.

    There was a shrug of her shoulders, “I couldn’t tell you. And don’t get me wrong, I am all for rewarding those that have gone above and beyond. But to waltz in with that, well,” she chuckles with a shake of her head, “it set me on edge to say the least. Of course, that foundation had already been set by another.” Which reminded her, she needed to speak with Elettra. “I believe him and the others are hard at work on the task.” She knew it would take some planning to get all the pieces into place. “How are you enjoying the new Lords?”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  5. #5
    Arturo Garcia

    ”Rest assured, that the few of us that took the situation seriously are working diligently. Some did not seem to think it was worth their time so fled as soon as our initial meeting was done.”

    The giant beast threatened him, made his inner beast whimper. The eyes of the serpent kept darting to the weaker beast of the Harpy, a desire to rip it apart, consume it, and grow larger, and maybe match the true monster in front of him. It was a challenge, and the hand he had in his pocket was a clenched fist the entire time he moved across the floor. The white knuckled grip helping to brace himself. He made sure to pull his hand from his pocket once he reached the two.

    ”Your Majesty, Priscus Simmons, I hope the evening is finding you well. It happened to reach me that there may have been a falta de comunicación, a miscommunication. If you wish, I am more than happy explain the rationale of such a request when one comes from a different perspective. I would hate to see an appreciation of your strength be misconstrued, Your Majesty, nor do I want to waste your time running this through others.

    Garcia was polite, smile on but still respectful, offering nods to the stations above his own. The Prince was the pinnacle of the domain, and he respected her as such. He was happy to have a chance to explain the reverence in his actions.

  6. #6
    Rebecca Simmons

    "A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one," she said with a smile. Her smile did not waver as she listened to the Prince. "I will say that generally I don't have a great deal of need for torture for information sake, seeing as the power of my blood makes it nigh impossible for many to resist coercion, but sometimes messages do need to be sent. But torture for science, that is something different, and I will absolutely keep you up to date on my efforts on pushing his mind to the limit."

    "Ahh, so more than one expected payment upfront? I hope they were not also Ventrue." It would set a dangerous impression. "Other than what you are telling me I am enjoying them very much. We had quite the lovely Clan meeting not too long ago in fact, though a new Carthian decided he wanted to start his fight against the First Estate with me," she said playfully. "It did not go well."

    Then Arturo appeared, as if summoned by Ale's talk. "I'm glad to hear you're hard at work assisting Her Majesty and the Domain." The man's beast was strong. How strange to know she was the social superior and yet her Catalyst feared him all the same. The Danse was complicated and mysterious as always. Then Arturo went to explain his faux pas and Rebecca merely watched. If a Lord could not handle themselves, what worth were they after all?

  7. #7
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    Her Beast snarled at the weaker ones approach. Oh how it wanted to remove his limbs and flesh, hang them as new art on the walls.

    An eyebrow was raised, “I’m quite curious about how there was a miscommunication. So please, enlighten me.” The challenge in her voice. She knew what she heard. “I’m sure I’m not the only one wanting to know.” He might be smiling, she wasn’t.

    Turning back to Rebecca, “Oh, well this was well before I was Embraced. I found many, interesting, ways to get what I needed. Or to simply make sure the right message was sent. But I would enjoy seeing you work, I’m sure it’s fascinating to witness. Granted you’re comfortable with that sort of thing.” A wink was offered.

    “No. The other showed no respect and would not shut up. He’s spending his nights in the Barrens, though I do need to make sure I speak with his Priscus. And no, he’s not a Lord.” Thankfully, most were smarter than that. “Oh? Now that sounds like a story I’d love to hear.”
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

  8. #8
    Arturo Garcia

    The exchange was very insightful, Arturo appreciated the banter and waited for a break in between their words to grant the Prince her explanation.

    ”Firstly, thank you for this chance to clear the air, Your Majesty.”

    He bowed his head to her before launching into his explanation,

    ”Now, we all understand what prestation is at face value, however, beyond that there is a secondary role it played in the culture I come from and that was value of the presenter. As much as a boon may be called, it was only ever worth as much as those who gave it and the owning of a boon was a status unto itself - more so then the actual task which may be owed.”

    “The Archbishop I served owed a great many boons but they served more as trophies to those who collected them, a show of who is in favor and who was not. In turn loyalties became cemented because what good was prestation when the person no longer held power? It gave everyone a vested interest in seeing the seat of power remain consistent.”

    His voice was even, expository, and held no traces of double speak as he spoke of his own experiences.

    ”It was rare if ever to see a Kindred called to arms, as the tasks were normally reserved for the likes of the Sheriff and their deputies - when it did happen there tended to be the lending of titles to ensure a sense of duty and professionalism were maintained as there was now an office to represent. Even if only for a short time.”

    “As there seems to be different perception of duty and prestation, I have since acclimated. As I previously mentioned, only myself and one of the three Shadows even made it to the planning phases - and we are working diligently towards the completion of the task at hand.”

    As for the exchange and the stories being told, he listened to Rebecca’s recounting of the events.

    ”A fiery speech from a Carthian is almost as synonymous as a prayer from a Lance. If he decides to seek acknowledgement following the little disagreement that was had, I am sure you two could reach a fair price.”

    He nodded to his Priscus, having faith in her negotiation ability.

  9. #9
    Rebecca Simmons

    Rebecca listened to Arturo in his explanation. She could understand his position; different Domains had different understandings of prestation and Rebecca could accept his confusion, but what mattered more was if the Prince would accept his explanation.

    Then Ale shifted back to their conversation of torture, information, and science, but she was not the only one to speak up. It would seem others wanted to take the opportunity to try and seize the 'moral high ground'. "I'm sorry your Majesty, it appears some have taken offense at our topic, so we will have to continue this conversation later. I apologize, please excuse me," she said, offering her a respectful bow of her head before she stepped out into the main court.

    Rebecca returns to the main thread

  10. #10
    Arturo Garcia

    Arturo reacts to the main thread and move to the fray

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