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(1903) Dirt Nap and Wilhelm Schroder.

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  1. #51
    Thomas Boyle

    He nods to Moretti "Just indicate a place and time, Sheriff, and I will be there" One cannot help but wonder if the distinctly human-like Lawbringer just wants to have a five o'clock tea or if it is about something else.

    As the Prince leaves, it looks more and more like a Dragon table, and when Mable also departs that is an unmistakable sign that there's nothing for him here tonight. Waiting for a few more moments he looks to those still gathered and says "It was good to meet you all. Don't let me keep you from chatting up your fellow Dragons"

    And with that...

    Thomas returns to the main thread

  2. #52
    Dirt Nap's Avatar
    New Identity Clayton Jordan Carter
    Obfuscate 2 Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation (Vampire)
    Dirt Nap
    Dirt Nap Scenes


    Dirt Nap smiles at Thomas Boyle's question, "Well, I guess that could sound like a philosophical thing, but really it's just a simple matter of fact. The young man who was using this body before me died. He was in a hospital and everything. Cancer. I admit, I am a little fuzzy on the exact timing of my embrace, but I do remember hearing them declare him dead. So, that name and life is dead and gone, even if I have the memories of it." he explains.

    Dirt Nap nods to the Prince, as she leaves, "Your Grace." he says in acknowledgement.

    He nods to the others as they leave.

    Dirt Nap isn't sure if Lina Moretti and Whilhelm Schroder are going to talk here or leave for more privacy, so he waits a bit in place to see if the Grand Wyrm has any further assignment for him before leaving. He is aware that she has already assigned him to show Madcap to the Chapter House in Florin.

  3. #53
    Lina Moretti

    "Enjoy your evening, Your Majesty," Moretti said, noting the time. They wouldn't have too much longer before this Danse had to pause for the rising of the daystar. Nodding her farewell to Wood, to Boyle, and turning her attention back to Wilhelm and Nap, the Grand Wyrm flashed an all-too-human smile at the pair.

    "Yes, Mr. Schroder, I think you'll have to come by. You are, of course, welcome to reside at the Chapterhouse so long as you contribute to the place and the Regency, and maintain the mysteries of the House - including its location to those outside of the Order. Florin is currently closed to those not of the Ordo Dracul, given specific issues in the area that our Order is best suited to handle. Dragons, on the other hand, find themselves quite welcome to feed and make their Havens there."

    It was good to speak to new Dragons. Their Order had grown in the recent past, even with the loss of Blackbird, with fresh Slaves seeking to make their way toward Transcendence and swelling their ranks even further.

    "In fact, I believe we're due for a meeting of the Covenant. We have new Slaves who wish to petition to join us, new discoveries to share, and new arrivals to meet. I'll have to call the meeting in short order."

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