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From the Ashes We Rise

41 - 45
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  1. #41
    Arturo Garcia

    ”Know that the churches doors are always open when it comes to those seeking knowledge and guidance. Unlike other Covenants we tend to have a more forthcoming policy when it comes to libraries, a holdover from our more mortal counterparts. It just happens to be an unfortunate circumstance that we have been left in such a state, but I truly appreciate your offers.”

    His eyes turned between Jack and Ada, trying to make sure that he was attentive to both. When it came to business there was a time and place for everything.

    ”We will always have a place to help those who seek to expand their horizons, and so long as you remain true to your own brand of faith you will rewarded. There is a plan, a path, a purpose for us all.”

    That statement held equal parts of his faith between his mortal and unlife.

    ”There will be a sermon once we have sorted out some of the issues regarding each of our recent arrivals, and I will be delighted to have you there. I will make sure you receive word when we have a time and place. And should we need a hand hammering a few nails, rest assured we will reach out.”

  2. #42
    Adam Exlibrist

    Adam simply nodded in agreement to Arturo's words.

  3. #43
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    The change in the pace of conversation did not go unnoticed to Jacque. His hosts appeared to be reactive now instead of inquisitive, alluding to a natural or desired close to the conversation. Perhaps they were being polite and his viewpoints had no place within the Sanctum. Perhaps this is how their disappointment manifested itself if they felt the man before them was not a viable recruit.

    He smiles in response to Arturo as he slowly rises from his chair, "Gentlemen, I appreciate your time this evening. Unless either of you have any other questions for me it seems like a good enough point to retire."

    Offering a bow of his head to each, "Thank you again."

    I'm good to close unless either of you had anything.

    Blood Hunt:

  4. #44
    Adam Exlibrist

    Standing to bow to Jacque. "Mr. Jacque, you are always welcome within the halls of the church. I would love to hear more regarding your philosophy, theology, and other matters of interest. Perhaps, at a debate club I am hoping to organize in the future." Reaching in his jacket pocket, Adam produces a simple business card with his contact information.

    "Should you wish to know more about the Covenant or wish to join us, I am only a phone call away."

    Let me know and I will close the scene. It's been a good one.

  5. #45
    Arturo Garcia

    ”I only apologize that we didn’t have more to offer. I will make sure invite you back once we have settled the issues that seemed to have plagued the covenant prior to Mr. Exilbrist’s and my own arrival. The future can only bring us a new trove of information and knowledge I am sure we would all be happy to share in.”

    Arturo stood and offered a hand to Jack, ensuring his free hand was pressed to his jacket.

    ”May your quest for knowledge bring you peace and purpose.”

    Those who had seen Arturo in action in other areas may not recognize the kindly man of the cloth, but most men wore many masks.

    ”We are always in touch.”

    Great Scene, had lots of fun!

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