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Cheques and Balances

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  1. #11
    Richard Price's Avatar

    Call me Rich
    (Volcanic Pressure & Ash)
    Richard Price

    His skin appears to take on a deep gray color with distinct parallel lines crossing his body, in what almost looks like scars but is much darker then his normal skin but as the same vertical lines connect the horizontal the brickwork pattern becomes clear. His elbows, knees, and hips seem to crack and creak as he moves and if he stretches one can swear they see the outlines of gears but they seem to be missing on second glance. His midsection bears a jagged and broken looking scar that looks as though it threatened to tear him in half, looking as thought stone had almost been chipped away.

    ”She wanted him to pay? She flat out offered me any of the stationary in the cupboard in the middle of a rant. God bless Fawkes’ ability not to blow his lid.” There was another soft chuckle from the Iron Spear, as he looked back into the copper mug in front of him as he took a moment to relish a moment of casual conversation, even if it was about the in’s and out’s of Court life.

    ”You know...I can’t speak for anyone else, it would make me a real hypocrite but it would be unfair if I didn’t do the courtesy.” He glanced back at the Winter, his grin gone once more, a more serious face.

    ”My department will not be used for unsavory jobs. Not while we are in the middle of restructuring, and not before everyone makes it through the wellness policy.”

    Richard was going to make sure that the Crimson Court was properly taken care of, and that they were not taken advantage of.

    ”Don’t take that as a job at yourself, Max, but I have seen too many bad things happen when those like us live in the wild west. If everything is on the level, I am sure we won’t ever have an issue. If you aren’t sure if that is the case than I assume it may be worth double checking.”

    It was not a fun job to have to lay down the law, Mr. Pierce was a professional though - or played the part really well - and was likely to understand the concern, and the need for boundaries. No one wanted to be the fun police, but Rich was aware there wasn’t going to be anyone else to do. They wouldn’t even trust him with a gun.

  2. #12
    Maxwell J. Pierce

    Pierce gave a quiet 'mmhmm' to his initial question about Circe's intentions. That had been his understanding, at any rate. The Chatelaine made a reasonable living in his business, but it was far easier to be of assistance when one realized that money was only a will of the Wyrd away if it was truly needed. When the serious look crossed the big Ogre's calm face, and he told Max how it was, he merely raised an eyebrow.

    "Note that I am in the business of acquisitions and intelligence, Mister Price, not hostile takeovers. Do not worry. The kind of work I would ever ask of your department would be, in my understanding, precisely the sort of work a talented manager of security would think appropriate. I know the way the game is played. There are rules."

    Theft and espionage were one thing. Murder was quite another, though given his background, it seemed as though Fawkes had plenty of experience with it. If killing was required, it would either be justified or it would be silent. The former, the stone-faced Elemental could do in good conscience.

    The latter? Those contracts came at the end of a long rifle, handled by a professional.

    "I am, however, pleased to see someone telling me a concern that actually makes sense. Do not hesitate to call me if you should require my particular set of skills, Mister Price."

    As quick as it came, the drink was gone, the empty copper Mule mug replaced upon the bar. Still, Maxwell J. Pierce lingered a moment longer, pausing to ask July's paragon one further inquiry.

    "Perhaps I remain as bold as a glass of water in asking: what do you wish to accomplish here? By the sounds of what you are saying, it appears retirement is unlikely for you."

  3. #13
    Richard Price's Avatar

    Call me Rich
    (Volcanic Pressure & Ash)
    Richard Price

    His skin appears to take on a deep gray color with distinct parallel lines crossing his body, in what almost looks like scars but is much darker then his normal skin but as the same vertical lines connect the horizontal the brickwork pattern becomes clear. His elbows, knees, and hips seem to crack and creak as he moves and if he stretches one can swear they see the outlines of gears but they seem to be missing on second glance. His midsection bears a jagged and broken looking scar that looks as though it threatened to tear him in half, looking as thought stone had almost been chipped away.

    A silent arrow, straight and true. He was honest, Rich liked that, no lies about what he did and he understood the need for one another they may have, and understood the professional concern. He could see why people had not been a fan of the Wizend, the truth hurts like a cold blast of air in the face.

    ”I will keep your name in a rolodex, Mr. Pierce. If you find yourself in a position where you need me, feel free to do the same.” the soft smile had returned to the ogre as he too finished his drink, but then came the next question.

    Rich chuckled, but didn’t look up to answer.

    ”I’m a builder deep down. I spent a lot of years building myself, my life, my career. Then I got stuck under a bridge. Crumbling, decaying, and something I could never fix. Then I came back home, and I was fired up, so I built and built and built. I built walls, towers and ramparts. I built boys into men and men into soldiers. I built myself from who I was when I got back to the man I am now.

    Eventually I got old, and I got tired, so I figured it was time to let some other people do some building. Now here I am, walking down the street and I see a pile of bricks that have knocked over, and before I know it, I’m stacking them up again. Sometimes we can’t escape what we have always done.”

    It was heartfelt if not clique answer, but he felt Maxwell had earned it.

  4. #14
    Maxwell J. Pierce

    "It's for the best. A builder is precisely what these people need, even if it is what only some of them deserve."

    A hand reached out and gave the Ogre a gentle clap on the shoulder, one of brotherhood.

    "Hoo-rah, soldier."

    It sounded natural, like he'd once said it a thousand times. Had Pierce once embraced that sort of ideal? In a moment of distraction, perhaps between baskets scored, the stark Winter was gone through the crowd, leaving only a couple of bills in his wake.

    Great scene!

  5. #15
    Richard Price's Avatar

    Call me Rich
    (Volcanic Pressure & Ash)
    Richard Price

    His skin appears to take on a deep gray color with distinct parallel lines crossing his body, in what almost looks like scars but is much darker then his normal skin but as the same vertical lines connect the horizontal the brickwork pattern becomes clear. His elbows, knees, and hips seem to crack and creak as he moves and if he stretches one can swear they see the outlines of gears but they seem to be missing on second glance. His midsection bears a jagged and broken looking scar that looks as though it threatened to tear him in half, looking as thought stone had almost been chipped away.

    We will have to do it again if you are buying!

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