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(1902) Meeting of Light

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  1. #71
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    The youngest Arrow relaxed her hands slowly and dropped out of a combat stance slowly, watching the new arrival all the time. Between Abacus and Shark-girl, she could feel the Consillium getting mightily crowded and her heckles we rising.

    The mention of her name has her turn to Alastor, meeting his gaze. Her face tightens a fraction around the eyes, but she doesn't argue. "Barracks or Station?" She asks Alastor simply, stalking around toward the bestial Galatia.

    Her attention rests on (or rather, turns up to) the newest Arrow. "When most people want comfort they choose pajamas," she remarks drily to Galatia, arching an eyebrow and she looks the new girl up and down.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  2. Likes Hades_Roses liked this post
  3. #72

    The arrow in charge... Alastor , was it? And the Hierarch both seemed... Ok... with her actions. Which was good enough for Galatea. The Orphan gave a simple nod to the little bell, and turned to her... Well, leader. She supposed.

    "I have my own place- though if you've an open door for me, I will not say no to a place to crash. And yes, I suppose we do have a lot to talk about- feel free to set up a meeting whenever is convenient."

    The other talons had stopped... Whatever they were going to do. One was rather relaxed, if a bit goofy. The Fire Bird though.... At her comment, Galatea gave another chuckle, looking down slightly so as not to seem above the girl.

    "Yes, and I imagine most people don't experience discomfort in human skin. Does this form bring you discomfort? My apologies if I gave you a fright for a second."
    The Orphan offered a hand (a rather human hand, barring the hardened skin). The Fire Bird, Phoenyx , was built well- marks of rigorous training, as expected of an Arrow. Galatea made no attempt to hide her observations.

    "We should spar sometime. These shifts are useful, but I'm sorely lacking in more practical techniques." Galatea relied on her Life talents and brute force in physical confrontations- strengthening her attacks and defense to compensate for a lack of official training.

  4. Likes Ruach liked this post
  5. #73
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    Kaze nods, in particular when Galatea comments about sparring, as though he is thinking along the same lines.
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

  6. #74
    Phoenyx's Avatar
    Presence (Focused)
    Trained Observer
    Dexterity (Lithe)
    Spells and Gear

    Monthly rits (cloaked):
    Supernal Vision (Pot 6)
    2E Life Shield (Pot 5)

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), pair of daggers, tonfa, Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), motorcycle (street bike)

    Nimbus: a pair of fiery scarlet wings unfurl her with an eagle's screech.
    Plot Stats

    Def - 6 (4 Dex+Life/2)
    Armour - 3/2 (Life/2, Trenchcoat)
    Health: Matriarch - 1B/7
    Willpower 3/3
    Mana: 9/9
    Vulgars Cast: 0
    Personal Spells 2/3
    [6] Supernal Vision (Monthly Ritual)
    [5$] 2E Life Shield (Monthly Ritual)
    Active spells: 3/7
    [3$] Complex Transmission

    Gear: Smartphone, Pistol (Beretta M92, +2 lethal), 2 spare clips, pair of daggers (one is magical focus), Reinforced Leather trenchcoat (1/0), Purse ($57, gun permit, driving license)


    Someone who already stands more than a head above everyone else with the hulking form of a shark can't really come down to Phoenyx's level gracefully, though it's clear Galatia tries. Phoenyx gives a half-shrug. "We're still in an active Seer conflict, and it was... unexpected. Better we were ready to act rather than caught unguarded." She takes the offered hand, and doesn't flinch at the odd, rubbery texture of the skin. Her shake is firm but not forceful.

    The offer to spar pulls a slight smile from the lithe woman. "Never fought a shark yet... I run a self-defense class in the Circle, for anyone to learn basic techniques. Or, if you have some grounding already, you can join us when we train." She jerks her head towards the other Arrows. "If you want a space, I..." her eyes flick to Alastor, "can. Set. Something. Up." The last part is stilted, like a soldier obeying an order they dislike. Service is Mastery. Doesn't mean I have to like playing hostess.
    Obrimos Adamantine Arrow, Cloaked Monthly Rits (in minisheet)

  7. Likes Hades_Roses, Ruach liked this post
  8. #75
    Cosmo's Avatar

    Striking Looks


    A halo of white fire burns around his head.


    Eyes rolled at the pajama comment. Of course most people preferred pajamas, they lived their lives ignorant of the fact they're in a prison meant to divide, pacify, and control them. The fact that the world is full of lost miracles is a thought they don't even have the capacity to have with the quiescence weighing on them. The Wise were Wise because they knew the Truth, yet the the world of miracles and possibility was not one they apparently felt like exploring in even safe meeting spaces.

    "Is magic that uncommon to a room full of mages?" Cosmo said as rolling eyes landed on Phoenyx, though they quickly moved to her more Primal counterpart.

    "Why Marine life?" A finger traced up and down the Shifter's form. "Was your retreat on the coast?"

  9. Likes Ruach liked this post
  10. #76

    The fire bird was open to sparring, though seemed less than... Happy... Doing grunt work. Luckily, she wouldn't have to and they could skip to the training.

    "I have a space of my own, and I honestly prefer it. Closer to the coast, and it's more... adapted... To my particular shifts... Unless your home has an indoor non-chlorinated pool by any chance, and could handle a much... er... larger form?"

    Her home didn't have a pool- but it had a much larger tub, and reinforced furniture to handle her often-increased mass. It was comfy. Not to mention the mirror room, which was made purely to admire the self when she couldn't get out of the house.

    "I'm not one for defense. I usually rely on heavy armor and healing, winning through brute force if I can or attrition if I can't.Techniques that enhance my ability to strike harder and faster would be effective."

    A nervous laugh at that statement- her methods were far from subtle, and she was well aware that over-reliance on healing abilities could come back to bite her at some point...

    The curious one had questions, naturally. He also had a curious finger. To the former, Galatea was happy to answer. To the latter, Galatea showed the mages what a shark snarling might sound like. Combine that with a less-than-gentle hand swatting away the fingers.

    "Lad. Admiration is fine. Touching out of the blue is not."

    Seriously. I mean she'd expected questions, but still. It's not like Galatea had a problem with touching- more so the sudden assumption that he was allowed.

    "And I was deeper in- nowhere near the coast for most of it. Less chance to run into humans. I always enjoyed marine biology, so it was natural I suppose."

  11. Likes Ruach liked this post
  12. #77
    Kaze's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (An Extremely Fit and Healthy Glow)
    (Disconcertingly easy to talk to and open up)
    Toxin Resistance
    (+2 vs drugs, alcohol and toxins)
    New Identity(Steven Chojun Trueheart)

    Nimbus. The sound of rushing wind and flashes of lightning surround Kaze, and his clothes and hair move as if he is in a windstorm.
    Monthly Rits

    Monthly Rits Spell Cloaks Spells do not show unless scrutinized
    Transform Aura pot 1 (Aura is as a Sleeper)
    Organic Resilience (Life Mage Armor 2e) pot 3 ( Armor 2; Defense 2 + Higher of Dex or Wits)
    Body Mastery pot 1 (x2 rate healing Bash, Letha, Agravated; +1 success on all extended and instant rolls to resist diseases, poisons or drugs; +100 years lifespan)

    Scene specific spells: in mini-sheet 4
    Scene Specific

    (Portrait) Portrait of an Angel
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 5
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [1]Transform Aura[M]
    [2] Supernal Vision[D]
    [2] Organic Resilience[M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)

    (Bad House) The Return
    Armor 3 ( +1 vs Bashing: Kung Fu 1)
    Defense 9 (Dex 6 from Honing the Form)
    Vulgar -1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3
    Spell Tolerance: 3/3 Spell Rolls
    [4] Honing the Form
    [3] Organic Resilience Aurora's Life 5
    [2] Body Control [M]
    Key: Potency | Effect declaration if needed | Turns remaining ("M" = Monthly Ritual)


    "Huh." Kaze says, apparently intrigued at the possibilities. "A salt water pool?" he asks. "That wouldn't have to be chlorinated anyway...and could come in handy."
    Spells: Monthly Rits Transform Aura (aura appears to be a sleeper) Spell Cloaks (See mini-sheet)

  13. Likes Hades_Roses liked this post
  14. #78

    If you see the start of a conversation sparking up please start a side thread so that no one gets left behind in the main thread.

  15. #79

    When Juris was last in Sacramento the Lex was in chaos and yet an emergency had stolen him away. He had planned on starting anew, but it wasn't meant to be. Finally, many months later, he was back in Sacramento, having to start from scratch. Hopefully this time permanently.

    As he made his way back to the Circle, which he hoped was still the meeting location for the Awakened, he racked his brain on who he had met before. The only name that stuck out in his mind was Samuel, but who knew if the fellow Thearch was even still in the city. It didn't sit well with him how little he knew about the city. Juris was a man who liked when things were certain. He liked being sure of things. Luckily he had heard that a man named Campenella had proven himself worthy of being Heirarch. The known stability eased some of his anxiety over his return. But as he stepped up to the front door he couldn't worry about what ifs or his lack of information. If he wanted to live in Sacramento he would have to step through that door and meet the mages of Sacramento all over again. With that thought in his mind he fixed the sleeves of his shirt under his simple grey suit and stepped inside.

    Immediately he recognized several faces of people who were present when he was last in Sacramento, but still their names alluded him. Then he noticed what appeared to be a woman who was apparently part shark. Well at least he was sure he was in the right place. Looking down he brushed some dust off his jacket just as an eager, young man with an impressive presence sarcastically asked about mages not being used to magic, so he smiled wide and spoke. "Magic can be common and yet still result in surprise. For example I've seen untold magical wonders and yet I don't think I've ever seen someone transform partially into a shark. At least not on dry land," he said, giving the shark woman a friendly smirk. He then paused for a moment before adding, "I'm Juris by the way. Mastigos. Silver Ladder. Nice to meet you all."

  16. #80
    Campanella's Avatar
    Allies (City Hall)
    Allies (Criminal)
    Allies (Culture)
    Allies (Finance)
    Occult Skill
    Campanella's Scenes


    Armor 0
    Defense 2

    Vulgar +1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 3/1

    [2R] Analyze Artefact (Deep Scrutiny of Artefacts, Prolonged, 1 scene)
    [4R] Dark Matter (Matter Sight, Prolonged, 1 scene)
    [2R] One Mind, Two Thoughts (Prolonged, 1 scene)

    Tangled Threads

    Armor 4
    Defense 2

    Vulgar +1
    Active Spells: 3/5
    Personal Spells: 1/3

    [4] Aura Perception (Concentration, 1 scene)

    [5] Third Eye (Mind Sight, Prolonged, 1 scene)

    [2R] Unseen Aegis (Armor, 1 scene)


    The Hierarch did not move. He did not even blink.

    "Juris. Welcome back."

    He remembered the Warlock. Exchanging thoughts on how their Consilium should be organised and then disappearing into the night.

    "I take it your stay will be longer this time?"
    Gnosis: 4
    Occult Skill: 3

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