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  1. #21
    Lina Moretti

    "You want a cult, go see Wood," the Sheriff muttered dryly, letting Atticus fill in the gaps. His recommendations were good. Blackbird would have things to say, and she'd say them compellingly, whatever they were. It was actually pretty good timing. She knew how close Blackbird was to her first Chrysalis, and she was studying the Elysian Coils, too.

    Perhaps by the time they spoke, Blackbird would have already figured it out.

    Or lost herself to the Dragon...

    "I'd talk to Blackbird. And, actually, Prosper. He's had a very different experience of all this, I think, from his time in Germany. In any event, not every Chapter practices the same way, but... I believe in discipline and collective action for the greater good of our work. That is what matters. Accordingly, we have a method, and it does involve plenty of theory and preparation. Rashness is the enemy of science."

  2. #22
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    "The choice in the end may have been an easy one for you, but there sounds like there was a significant time before being confronted with that choice. Was it the trust in the Dragon or was it the preparation for the question that made the choice easy?", as true as the statement might have been, Jacque wasn't going to let Atticus off with such a vague memoir.

    Jacque smiles at the obvious reference to the Crone, but was curious why she'd associate it first with Mable (someone she's very clearly been at odds with recently) instead of its leader Krieg.*

    Hearing the recommendations from both he nodded, "I appreciate the consideration in recommending a talk with Prosper in addition to Blackbird, with his different viewpoint and experience carried from other chapters of the Order." He pauses briefly before adding, "Would you mind sending them a warning that I may approach them with such questions? I would hate to try and pick up where we leave off tonight and unintentionally provoke guarded responses from either of them."

    Lina please roll a Wits+Subterfuge if you were actively concealing your feelings about the Crone/Mable.
      1 success*
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-15 21:40:16 Jacque rolls 3 to attempt to read into Lina's feelings about Mable (WIT+EMP) (10 Again) 8, 2, 5 1 success

    Blood Hunt:

  3. #23
    Atticus James

    "In my experience the Dragon does not come with easy choices, just correct ones. For me, it was the correct one," Atticus lights another cigarette and enjoying a swig off his beer.

  4. #24
    Lina Moretti

    Apparently, Jacque had caught Moretti in a challenging moment. Though the inherent power imbalance between them was of assistance to the Sheriff's efforts to maintain her stony countenance, something about the Circle of the Cronebothered Lina. It wasn't about Krieg. It wasn't even about Mable. It was an inherent... discomfort with the Covenant as a whole, itself, for some reason?

    The request he had made was reasonable, and she nodded. "Deputy James, please let Blackbird and Prosper know he'll be coming to speak to them."

    She glanced to the Ventrue, plainly feeling like things were wrapping up. He'd asked his questions and learned a great deal tonight. He could investigate the newer Dragons and see if the Order was for him, or if he was going in some other direction.

    "Was there anything further you need of us at this time, Jack? We probably ought to get back to work. I need to put my mind to the Echelon case..."

      fail, even with Domain Status considered!
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-18 18:26:03 Lina Moretti rolls 7 to Composure + Subterfuge + Domain Status (10 Again) 5, 3, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2 failure

  5. #25
    Jacque's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    Mask of Tranquility
    New Identity
    (Alexander Krait)

    Goes by Jack.

    Educated, scholarly, lawyer, scientist.
    Jack's outward demeanor and tone are a baseline of respectful and calculated.

    He actively debates, persuades, negotiates and even at time tries to intimidate, as core skills of any lawyer worth his salt.
    Jacque Scenes


    Jacque frowned at Atticus' response as it simultaneously contradicted the original answer and evaded the follow up. He briefly considers prodding further but ultimately resigns himself to not add strain to a fresh relationship with a man claiming to be able to box God himself.

    Turning back to Lina, "No, I don't think so. This has been a very enlightening conversation Grand Wyrm, Deputy James. I truly appreciate you taking the time to entertain and nurture my curiosities."

    He stands, sensing the natural closing of the conversation. It was interesting to see Lina's micro-expressions betray her feelings of the Circle, but he was uncertain if it was a vulnerability of her condition or just a lapse of guard from the pleasant conversation. Like any good scientist would agree, more data would be needed.

    "If either of you think of anything else, please don't hesitate to reach out. Thanks again.", he offers a bow of his head before turning to leave.

    I'm okay to close unless otherwise stopped by the foosball champ.

    Blood Hunt:

  6. #26
    Atticus James

    "Yes Ma'am." The deputy says and pulls a flip phone out of his pocket. This was going to take a minute. "Catch you later Jacque."

  7. #27

    Great scene, gents!

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