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(1902) Shadow Priest in the Corner

61 - 70
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  1. #61
    Alessandra's Avatar
    Striking Looks
    (Tattooed Beauty)
    Blood Potency(+1)
    First thing you will notice about Ale is the abundance of her tattoos. They go from her face all the way to her feet, and not much is left bare. The second thing? Her strong Italian accent.

    Known as Sofia De Luca

    Gabriel, Ghoul
    Cain, Hell Hound
    Alessandra Scenes
     -1 Vitae Blush of Life, -1 WP


    There was the answer. That was what she needed to hear.

    So she laughs, it wasn’t a humorous laugh though. But a cold, calculating one,

    “Your cardinal can send whoever and whatever they want, it makes no matter to me.” That was obvious.

    “Sheriff Moretti has been busy attending real threats to this Domain.”
    Not whatever he went on about.

    Eyes narrow, “I do not take kindly to threats to my Domain. And I would hardly compare the skill and class of an Archon to whatever the church has. Let them come, then let the Crone take their ashes to plant in their fields.” Fuck the church.

    “You walk in here, into my Domain, and throw threats around because Sheriff Moretti won’t drop everything and tend to your precious needs? Clearly you feel your needs outweigh the Hunters we are currently dealing with. I don’t know how things were done wherever you come from, but around here, things are done a little differently. You work around the Sheriff’s schedule, not the other way around.” She was done with him and the coldness to her tone made that clear.

    Without looking to Lina, “Sheriff Moretti, I believe I have my answer. I’ll leave this, Kindred, in your capable hands.” And turns and walks away. Cain leveled one more murderous gaze upon Adam before following his master.

    Ale leaves the group and will not be stopped.
    Alessandra Antinori │BP 6│Strong Italian Accent

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  3. #62
    Atticus James

    Atticus just shrugs. That could have been worse. Atticus is third in line in this little convo, so he looks to the Sheriff, it would be up to her how this conversation actually ends.

  4. #63
    Lina Moretti

    So, it came down to this, the Prince leaving it to her. Had the Prince wanted him dead, it would have happened; no, this would be handled more diplomatically, but equally finally.

    "Here's what's going to happen," the Sheriff said quietly. "Deputy James and Deputy Blackbird will take you to the Moore House. You will gather what property there is of the Lancea Sanctum's that must be returned to San Francisco, as opposed to granted to the other priest that just walked in the door," she said, nodding toward Arturo, who had just introduced himself. "If the property there can be left for him, then so be it. My Deputies will give it to him and the Lancea et Sanctum can find a new building outside of Florin.

    You will then be escorted to the edge of the city, unharmed. You will drive to San Francisco, and you will carry a letter to the Cardinal. That letter will indicate the Prince of Sacramento's displeasure and expectation for payment of significant Prestation on his part for your deeds as his agent."

    She paused, considering a moment longer.

    "You will not return to Sacramento unless Prince Antinori specifically calls for you. Some other runner can bring the Cardinal's reply back. If the Cardinal isn't paying? They might as well not send a runner.

    You will advise the Cardinal that any Inquisitor sent here with violence in their hearts will be destroyed, and that such actions will have repercussions for the Cardinal, personally. After all, we all have militant orders with significant power. That balance is why people don't tend to invade other people's Domains often - but y'all do you. We'll be watching."

    She raised an eyebrow.

    "You return home with your mission accomplished - but your time here is concluded. Any questions? Am I understood, envoy?"

  5. #64
    Adam Exlibrist

    Adam stood slowly and calmly. Picking a piece of lint off his suit.

    "If I may, allow me to present a more lucrative offer for you. In an effort to calm tempers, and place everyone on amicable terms, may I offer a Blood Boon to the Prince? My loyalty belongs here and not with the Cardinal. My Blood belongs to Prince Antinori. To you, a Life Boon, as mine is clearly in your hands. I shall remove all contents from the Moore House per your edict. Whatever wyrm nest remains is yours. Additionally, as penance for insulting you both, I willfully banish myself to the Barrens for one year and a day."

    Adam paused only briefly to bow and continues while prone, neck exposed, "There are many dangers to the domain that surely I can prove my loyalty and earn your trust in combating. I have reason to believe that a powerful Jinn is trying to free itself from within an artifact located in the city."

    Rising upright, "Furthermore, I will immediately compose a letter to the Cardinal informing her that the status of the Second Estate is secure, my service to her finished, thereby ending my relationship with her branch of the faith. Should she send Inquisitors, I will aid in combating them if they threaten the domain."

    Clasping his hands together, sincere in the following, "Sherrif, Regent, I humbly implore you for forgiveness. You see me as a viper in the grass. I am not. I am a scholar and an asset to your domain. Let me prove that to you." Adam finishes with his palms open in supplication.

  6. #65
    Lina Moretti

    It was all Lina Moretti could do to not have her mouth hang agape at the offer she was being given. In fact, her countenance was outstandingly calm as she considered his words. To be fair, he'd actually been pretty helpful so far, and to offer such deep Prestation demonstrated two things.

    First? He was fucking serious about not wanting to be back in San Francisco.

    Second? He was fucking serious about his service to the Prince and the Law.

    The Sheriff blinked. A finger came up. She was solid at hiding that she was actually impressed by what was being offered, but the fact was, he was putting his literal money where his mouth was.

    "Stay here. I'll take your offer to the Prince."

    It was as good a shot as he was going to get, but he'd put together some good Vampiring.

    Lina returns to the main thread and goes to talk to the Prince.

    6 sux to keep composure and not have jaw hit floor
    Date Action Roll Result
    2019-02-20 19:11:44 Lina Moretti rolls 4 to Composure + Subterfuge (10 Again) 8, 10, 8, 10, 10, 9, 5 6 successes

  7. #66
    Adam Exlibrist

    The hand played. The priest waited the turn. Turn a loss into a win. The Donald's Art of the Deal wasn't a total waste of ink and paper.

  8. #67
    Lina Moretti

    Moretti strolled back across the floor.

    "You have an accord from her, and from me, so long as you understand that if the Lancea Sanctum of San Francisco come here and mess with her Domain, you're probably toast. So, wrap it up convincingly and diplomatically. Cool?"

    A hand was offered for a shake, as traditional as it could be.

  9. #68

    Wrong account.

  10. #69
    Atticus James

    Atticus looks back and forth between the Sheriff and the Legate. As the decision is made, he just gives Adam a shrug and a wink. He's still here, that's a thing I guess.

  11. #70
    Adam Exlibrist

    Letting the Sherrif's hand hang there only for the appropriate length of time before he clasps it, and then wraps the conjoined hands with his other in a manner familiar with any who has shaken the hands of a priest. It was a gesture of trust and support.

    "You shall have nothing to fear. I will tend with the Cardinal properly. Her attentions will remain far away from Sacramento."

    Placing a few final pats on their clasped hands, Adam releases Moretti's.

    Turning to Atticus, "Deputy, whenever you are ready, Madame Simmons has the key. I can arrange a moving van to clean out the House of Moore. I'm sure the previous Sanctum failed to secure it with ritual wards. I am concerned that its former status as a funeral home may have made it a nest for restless spirits or corrupted energies. I am familiar with the Dragon's fascinations with such places. We may need to approach with caution."

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