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Heart of Darkness

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  1. #51
    MethodofDestruction's Avatar


    "Wise, Watery lord, we regret that we must decline destroying the Levees - the wise Uratha who sent us here forbade us from breaking your chains. However, we can offer loyal patronage to a spirit of your brood. We will be champions of the River, guided by one of yours and yet venerating you and your brood by our simple existence. However" Crys Havoc makes a gesture to her three packmates. "I expect more than simple existence from our pack. I expect us to be singing the Glories of the River all throughout this land. With every foe we defeat, we will sing praises to the Highest River of Our Land. Such an offer can do nothing but increase you and your broods power, correct?"

  2. #52
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    <<Wise and Powerful Spirit my Sister speaks the truth, our pack requires a Patron to bind us together and cement our purpose. As a child of Sagrim I have been tasked by the Patron of my Tribe to Honor My Territory in All Things and my Tribe traditionally watches and guides the Herd. With a Patron Spirit tying this pack to your Waters, I would be compelled to attempt to make the humans care for and respect the River that represents your form.>>

    If it wanted a pack to look after it's business in a part of Sacramento, to care even a small part of it's large body, it could have that.

  3. #53

    <<Very well. I will send your totem to you, and allow the Uratha of Sacramento to traverse my depths in order to deal with this threat.>> Their seems to be a certain...smugness to its tone. As if it felt he had outmaneuvered them in some way. And then, just as abruptly as it had appeared, it disappears beneath the surface of the water which immediately returns to a glassy smoothness.

    Apparently they got to figure out their own way back.

  4. #54
    MethodofDestruction's Avatar


    Character Development, i promise

    Emily stands there, behind Matt, when her knees start to shake. Oh.....oh SH- She buckles to the ground, puking for a good 3 or 4 seconds. She stays there, breathing in great, gulping pants, for a moment before rising. "Im...Im sorry bout that. But...it felt like that thing wanted to kill me when it showed up." She wiped her mouth off on the sleeve of her jacket. "Hopefully the guys back in town will be able to deal with this threat. Lets hope they leave some left for us." She begins pulling her hiking pack back on, intent to look determined and focused, but really it was her anxious to get away from this spot...away from the God that just minutes ago could have squished her without a second thought. That he even gave me a second thought is scary....

  5. #55
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    Matt stands absolutely still for a moment, focusing on his breathing. Counting 1 ... 2 ... inhale ... 1 ... 2 ... exhale ... 1 ... 2 ... inhale ... 1 ... 2 ... exhale. He can hear his sister vomiting next to him but he cannot seem to unfreeze his gaze from river. Seconds begin to tick by, dragging along like hours ... hell longer than hours, like days. A remembrance of an old Einstein line about the true nature of relativity, about the perception of time and how it differed between courting a pretty girl and sitting on a red hot fire poker.

    In this case more like the red hot fire poker having been shoved up his ... uh not going to say ... not going to think it.

    He doesn't know how long it takes him to regain the ability to move, but his first gesture isn't some smart assed remark or even a thought along those lines. Instead he moves over to Emily and shifting down to his human form, he wraps an arm around the Blood Talon's shoulder's.

    He pulls her closer to him and looks at the other two girls. His eyes searching out the eyes of Morgan and Widowsight, silently asking them if they were okay.

  6. #56

    Judgement was given, and when the last traces of Stoneripper disappeared below the rocks, the breath that Kamaria held rushed out in a relieved sigh, followed by short, shallow breaths, hand clutching at her stomach as she struggled not to decorate the ground with last nights dinner. The world around her was spinning, and all sense of balance was lost as she finally fell flat on her back. "Don't you feel bad, girl," She replied in a daze, taking a good few minutes of lying there before she began to wobble to her feet. "I was about ready to pass out when He answered the call."

    Once her vision began to settle and the drugs effects slowly ebbed away, Widowsight grasped up her bag in one hand, giving the pack only a nod as she turned back, ready to begin the long march back to Sacramento.

  7. #57

    Morgan had stayed completely silent during the exchange, not out of respect, but because she was starting to realize exactly who and what the others were about to tie their new pack to. Of course... of course it would be with the waters of the river, and with her luck the ban would be swimming daily -- she shakes her head with a quiet growl and meets Matt's gaze with a nod.

    She was ok. And if she wasn't... she was like hell going to show it to her new pack.

    Now it was about getting them home safely and dealing with the aftermath of their choice here.

    ...did it -have- to be water? Bollocks.

  8. #58
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    Matt watches Morgan and Widowsight carefully. He locks eyes with the Storm Lord and nods at the Crescent moon, the Rahu would watch the Rites Master's back in her weakened state.

    "Everyone at least have some water and something to eat if you can keep it down. After that experience we'll need to take a couple of minutes to get our heads on right." They were still in dangerous country after all and one of their number was under the influence.

    Matt waits for almost ten minutes, downing a bottle of water and making sure that the rest of the pack had something to drink and were in a condition to move. Satisfied that they were as good as they were going to get, the Elodoth shifted to the Wolf Form and began the long trek back to the city.

    Damnit the movies always forgot about this part. Fucking Hollywood.

  9. #59

    End Scene? It's been a while since there've been any posts here.

  10. #60
    MethodofDestruction's Avatar


    yes please. Ill be starting a new thread shortly.

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