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From Dusk Til' Dawn

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  1. #31
    Nil's Avatar

    Anasztaz Veres
    Nosferatu, Ordo Dracul

    Blood Potency ••
    Striking Looks ••
    Status (Ordo Dracul) ••

    Beast (Hunterheart)

    That was an opportunity, assaulting those who were standing while they were staggering and before they could interfere with those who were pushing the cab.

    Anasztaz circles from the cover of the car slightly, and as soon as one of them is in a clear line he darts forward in a full dash, leaping upon him as soon as he's in reach with a pitch bestial scream. He rapidly tangles himself upon him,his arms surrounding the neck and legs twisting around the torso.

    His fangs had been ready since he was in the car, and with them he proceeds to tear the flesh from his opponent's neck in a feral feeding reverie; trying to sever muscle, veins, nerve, anything he could bite into. Gurgling on the blood and spitting the torn tissue.

    Anasztaz Veres | Presence ••• (Pleasant) | BP •• | SL •• (Androgyny) | Nosferatu (Alien Beauty) | Vitae 4/11 | WP 4/4

  2. #32
    Player of the Month
    GB82's Avatar


    Ajax makes good on his promise of violence, moving forward the other dude who was standing up and giving the son of a bitch a swift kick in the nuts. With his steel toed boots. It was a damn good kick, probably good from about 40 plus yards even in the windy Meadowlands.



    The Deputy can see the man trying to get away on the makeshift raft.

    "Floater and one on the door" He says to the others in the group as he draws his .45, loads a fresh magazine and pulls the slid back.

  3. #33
    Brenn Lawrence's Avatar


    1 suxx

  4. #34
    Conner Greyson

    The shadow of death that is Conner Greyson looms over the last standing kine. Each of Conner's hands goes to the small of his back and draws a wicked looking curved blade in each hand. His voice is calm, and quiet, like a man at a church or a library. "Where are our people." The Deputy says spinning the blade into each hand. "I assume one is in that box." Conner points to the box floating down river.

    "I I I I I don't know."


    A long slash across the man's chest. "hehehe"

    “Where is the second person?”

    “Cut him up Conner...”

    “I am...” Conner said

    “Wha Wha What?” The homeless man staggered...

    “Nothing..” Conner slashes the man across the chest again. Cutting a X in his chest. “Where are our people...”

    “They’re both in the box...” The haggard man says, “I swear to god. I swear...” he’s crying now.

    Conner's Aura reading eyes tell him the man is not lying. Conner thinks for a moment before saying... “Stand up..” Conner says and the man obliges. “Ask me how many homeless I have killed before tonight.”


    Another two slashes. This attack, the blades cut into him, giving the homeless man a glasgow smile. “Ask me...”

    “Haaw many”
    He spits blood and sobs. “Homelesh ave yaou khilled.”

    “Before tonight, none.”
    Conner says, “Now.” Conner drives the blades into the mans chest, in a downward angle “ … several” , one blade into each of his lungs. “This was your war, and we end it.” Conner removes the blades and can hear the man’s lungs fill up with blood.

    Conner looks to Thomas, bloody blades still in hand, “Did you hear him?”

  5. #35
    Brenn Lawrence's Avatar


    The cab refused to move, no matter how hard she pulled, it's metal bottom buckling uselessly against the cliff edge. Taking a moment to re-set her footing, the young Haunt heaved backwards once more. The metal back of the RV gave and pulled free with a screech, fooling Brenn into thinking she had managed to shift the RV backwards. Eye's alight with triumph, her mouth open to shout in triumph, before she realized that the massive weight was shifting forward as the metal in her hands detached itself from the RV.

    "Oh shit," she gasped.

  6. #36
    Max Heinz's Avatar

    Maximilion "Max" Heinz

    Maximilian "Max" Heinz
    Mask of Tranquility
    Occultation 2
    Auspex 1 (Unflinching Eye)
    Presence 3 (Nonchalant)

    City : 2
    Ordo: 3
    Mekhet: 1


    *Max waits for the passengers to exit, desperately scanning for a safe way down to the river. Nothing presented itself, leaving Max only one option: the hole created by the van as it went free-wheeling into the water. Every second spent dickering over a decision meant the "raft" was getting farther away.* Fuck it, I'm already dead... *Max sighs, throwing the taxi into reverse until the tail end smashes into the barrier on the other side of the road, lining the front of the car up with the cookie cutter gap in the opposite wall.

    He slips the gear shift from "R" to "D", slamming down on the gas pedal. Half bald tires smoke, then squeal, and finally find traction on the asphalt; laying down a trail of rubber as the battered taxi speeds towards the same path the van had carved out seconds before. Up and over the road's shoulder, then straight down a 30 foot embankment of gravel and sand.

    Max struggles to keep the taxi from fish tailing, sawing hard on the wheel even as he keeps the gas pedal pinned to the floor. Just before dry land gives way to river, there was a sharp upturn in the slope. Max resists the urge to throw out his best Luke Duke "Yee-haw!" as the cab hurdles itself into the air and out and over the dark waters of the river; trying to close as much distance as possible on the escaping box.*

  7. #37
    Player of the Month
    GB82's Avatar


    The Gangrel looks at the other car and then at the group of Haunts.

    "That looked cool, up for an encore?"

    Thomas O'Connor

    Noticing that there is just enough of a slop to run down the Deputy begins sprinting, using celerity once he clears view of the road. The speed from his supernatural abilities get him down to the river quickly and he begins the chase of the box and the last homeless jerk.

    1 vitae for celerity, Speed 56 ( celerity, vigor and sprinting )

  8. #38
    Nil's Avatar

    Anasztaz Veres
    Nosferatu, Ordo Dracul

    Blood Potency ••
    Striking Looks ••
    Status (Ordo Dracul) ••

    Beast (Hunterheart)

    Anasztaz was crouching now on the corpse of his fell victim, still biting and tearing although the man soul had left the body behind. There still was blood in there even if he wasn't fighting back.

    As soon as he lets himself, he raises his head to reveal his bloodied visage. He smiled. He hadn't heard this song in so long...

    "There's still survivors." he utters to Ajax, as he perks and listens intently at the night, hearing the moans, cries and prayers. He licks off his fingers and there was the hunger again.

    He was tethering over the edge of delirium, but this is how he liked it. Not a surrender to the Beast, but a voluntary indulgence to its urges. A way to acknowledge it, but asserting control.

    At this point there was no coming back. There could be no one left to tell the tale. For Anasztaz that worked out just fine, he had wished to listen to the song just for a little bit longer.
    Anasztaz Veres | Presence ••• (Pleasant) | BP •• | SL •• (Androgyny) | Nosferatu (Alien Beauty) | Vitae 4/11 | WP 4/4

  9. #39

    Sidor moved among the fallen and began to patiently dispatch the ones who didn't get up, since it looked like the deputies had everything else in hand. He watched them moaning for their God. Well, they would soon find their God sitting in judgement over them, having being dispatched by his agent. He kept an eye out for the one who might be the Reverand, although by his luck, he'd probably have been crushed by the wreckage. His shadowed face was twisted in an amused snarl. This was good.

    Still. The Beast in him roared in pride, demanded that he sink his fangs into a throat to replenish the liquid. He shook it off, forced it back into the cage he kept it in. He was the master of the monster, a greater monster than that mindless thing could ever be.

    He casually reloaded, glancing at the others.

    "I have more of the Blood prepared if anyone's blessing has fully turned to ash," Sidor said, making sure his voice carried so that everyone heard.

  10. #40
    Dean's Avatar

    Hearing something snap, Anton glances to his right and sees Brenn holding a disembodied piece of metal. He grunts as he feels his joints begin to come apart and elects to heave the rust-fucked heap down into the bank, catching second wind and charging against the back of it with one brutish charge. The RV shunts forward over the bank, abruptly crushing two groaning hobos before they can pick their sprained bodies off the ground.

    There's a fibrous, snapping sound as the Haunt's tendons realign around dead bones. Wordlessly, he holds out his arm for Grigoriev's blessing, draws his knife and jumps down atop the tipped truck, searching for stragglers to gut.
    Amelita Cardoso|Striking Looks •• (Curvez)|Presence ••• (Miss Thang)|
    |BP •|Vitae 5/10|Slave of the Ordo Dracul|

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