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Werewolf Recruitment 5

21 - 29
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  1. #21

    Faith Taylor
    Henry Pym

    "From the river to J street and the I-80," Gwen answers Morgan with a nod. Give or take a few blocks, but really, who's counting? "I wouldn't recommend going over to the north shore. For any reason. They", she says, with a certain emphasis on the word to imply exactly who she's talking about, "are probably still sore about the last skirmish we had over the city." On this very soil, she's tempted to add. But that was part of the city's secret shame, she decided, and it would stay that way.

    The large woman's eyes lock with Morgan's sunglasses, though the look in hers is calmer than might be expected. Not feral, or even challenging. Just confident. "What brings you to our town? If you don't mind me asking." She breaks eye contact momentarily to look at Matt. Something had just clicked about the way he spoke, the way he stood. There was nothing to be done about it now, though.

  2. #22

    Morgan speaks matter-of-factly, though her voice is warm when she talks about the other pack, with a tinge of regret. "The pack that found me and raised me up were of the Lodge of the Maelstrom. They had, about a decade earlier, bound some Cthulu-eqse creature in the Sound and well, time had come to refresh the chains, so to speak." She pauses, and takes a breath.

    "Only I wasn't in the mood to join a Lodge just yet, so we parted ways. I came here, where the howls said needed help, and they went up to B.C to deal with... whatever it was."

    She goes quiet, then shrugs it off after a moment. "So, now I'm here, learning the lay of the land."

  3. #23
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    Matt sees that his body language has been read by Gwen and understanding that his point has been made, loosens up. Slightly. Still as cool as Steve McQueen though.

    "After speaking to Eternal Sentry my pack learned about a bound Spirit, a chained prisoner, that could assist us against the Gardener. It is dangerous, not to be freed and located deep in the Spirit world. I'll be leading an mission to find it." A look of sadness touches his face.

    "It's going to be a volunteer mission and might not be based on pack alliances."

  4. #24

    Morgan looks back to Matt. "Sounds dangerous, exciting, and the best way to make friends. If you need a Rahu, count me in." She pulls off her sunglasses again, her eyes lit by the chance for ... something. Proving herself maybe? The Iminir were big on that.

  5. #25
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    "Well I don't think my current Rahu is too keen on the long journey." He shakes his head with a touch of sadness in his face. "So we could more than likely use the assistance of a Rahu looking to get active."

    Matt looks at Gwen for a second and then back at Morgan. "Although things seem different than when I got to town and the more established packs seem to be recruiting these days." He remembers his stressful and frustrated first month in the city, how Jeremiah of the Sworn was one of those who had promised a tryout and never bothered to call him back or even say sorry. The Elodoth wondered if the guy even bothered informing the rest of his pack about him.

    "There may even be a new pack formed because of this."

  6. #26

    Morgan's expression softens for a moment, listening to Matt, but it fades away almost as quickly as it showed up. For all of the world, the Elodath sounded as bitter and accepting as one of the Iminir did. She wondered if she'd push further, if much of their experiences since the First Change aren't similar. She makes a note to ask about that later.

    "I have never been one to rest on my laurels when there were things to do. Miles to go before I sleep, so to speak yeah?" Her smile is a slow curl of the lip that exposes one lengthened canine. If she had been in Urhan, the wolfish grin wouldn't have changed much. It's the grin of a predator ready to hunt.

    "And hey? When you descend into the abyss and look around -- if anyone's insane enough to follow you, they're the folks you want at your side. If it's just talk, and no action ... then it wasn't meant to be." She rubs the back of her neck, rolling it and her shoulders as she speaks. "All I need is to drop off my stuff at a motel and then?" She drops her hand and holds it out to Matt. "You've got yourself a Rahu."

  7. #27
    Matthew Kelly's Avatar


    "Alright then. Don't worry about getting a hotel room, you can crash with my Sister and I. It might be a hotel room but it'll be a nicer one with fresher towels and a better free breakfast." Matt smiles and laughs, just a bit as his own joke. Humor was good way to keep his mind off the coming journey which had him starting to think he was Captain Willard. Well it fit ... following the River to deal with a powerful spirit ... that might even have taken the form of Brando.

  8. #28

    Morgan smiles at the offer. For normal folk, a place to crash was just that, a place to crash. For wolves though, at least as far as she's seen, a place to crash meant that the other guys trusted you enough to let you into their den. And that meant quite a bit.

    "Sounds wonderful." She glances to Gwen. "Before we take off, do you need anything else?" S she asks it politely, even friendly-like.

  9. #29

    Faith Taylor
    Henry Pym

    Gwen watches the exchange between the two, a certain kinship evident. Her eyes dart from one to the other as they speak. That business was apparently easily settled. At Morgan's question, she inclines her head at the Iminir, briefly. "Nothing," she tells the woman with a small smile. The mention of a new pack doesn't go unnoticed, and she makes a mental note to ask about the Hounds later.

    Next she looks into Matt's eyes, then Morgan's. "Take care of yourselves out there. Both of you," she adds as what appears to be a sincere offer goodwill. "Weird things abound right now." The tone she uses makes it sound like yes, she knows who she's talking to, and yes, she knows they already know. She'd just feel terrible not saying it.

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