On the Wednesday after the ballet, Ariana had Martha accompany her during her interviews with the leads that played Giselle and Count Alberecht. Giselle had been exquisite and was just as beautiful as when she had seen the Russian National Ballet perform Cinderella in New York.

Although Ariana’s personal focus was investigative journalism, she did not mind having the opportunities to review art, since this was another forte of hers. Martha had looked as if she was enjoying herself, but Ariana had not been quite sure. She had been pleased that Martha could accompany her to the show, as she often did enjoy chatting after the performances. They were in the foyer of the theatre waiting for the car service from the Sacramento Bee.

Ariana took caution not to use Masquerade titles in public, as she did not want to divulge those secrets to any mortals that may pass by. “Ms. Villiers, thank you so much for joining me this evening. Have you enjoyed yourself?” She smiled inquisitively to Martha.

Martha had made a real effort to dress up this evening. The same long red gown shed' worn at New Year, an added red shawl, long black opera gloves, handbag and a bad of cosmetics added to the ash blonde hair, all piled in a very elegant Gibson Girl style up-do. An aroma of minty toothpaste. She'd met Ariana earlier and had smiled an awful lot, clearly extremely excited about their evening out. Using her walking stick as little as she could get away with.

Having greeted Ariana with greet delight and apparently genuine friendliness, Martha had soon settled into watching the ballet with great attention! Wrapped up in the art and skill on display. The attention she lavished on the performers was intense. No less intense than the friendly chatter she'd indulged in with some of the stars afterwards, to help gather quotes and information for Ariana's articles.

Leaning hard now on her cane, for the first time this evening. Martha smiled happily as Ariana spoke, nodding eagerly; "Goodness me, yes, thank you! I hope I wasn't an impediment, ma'am! I had a splendid evening, ma'am, thank you!"

Ariana had motioned for Martha to sit with her on the chairs in the foyer. She had noticed Martha using her cane a bit more than earlier that evening. She sat down in the chair maintaining her usual upright posture with her legs crossed at her ankles and off to the side. She adjusted the skirt of her simple yet elegant deep sapphire blue dress. Short sleeved with an empire waist and with a gentle and conservative neckline.

Ariana slightly laughed as she spoke.“I do wish I spoke a bit more Russian sometimes. It would have helped to hear some of the background chattering by the other dancers.” She paused in thought for a moment. “Mikal Ekomov was quite the handsome Count, was he not? What did you think of Sahsha Chikachev as Giselle?”

Listening carefully, Martha took a sneaky look at Ariana's shoes. Nodded and smiled merrily...giving the answer some thought. "Hmm...handsome and beautiful...they were both that. Technically, I am only a novice at the ballet...so I cannot speak for their technical accomplishments, but...I enjoyed watching both!" another happy smile, she stayed standing a moment then joined Ariana at the seat. Her leg stiff at the knee and ankle, she clearly tried to seat herself so she kept her leg out of the way of any passers-by. "The performers have a long heritage to interpret and follow though." she nods, rubbing her knee. "What were your initial thoughts upon them and their work, ma'am?" she asks with genuine interest.

Ariana thought it was quite sweet the way she noticed Martha steeling glimpses at her strapped heels that matched the color of her dress. Her knowledge was somewhat limited with ballet as she had more classical dance training herself. Some items she knew only from other performances. “I believe they were ensuing the Enrico Cecchetti Method, he was an Italian born dancer who developed a specific method of instruction in Russia.” Ariana reflected for a moment.

“I had only read a little about the plot of it prior to tonight. The audience members were very captivated at such a tragic tale of love.” Glancing at Martha, “What woman would kill themselves because they could not have the one they loved? Even if you are just a peasant who falls for a Count, it is preposterous.” She spoke matter of fact to the story, no emotions appeared on her face, it was still peaceful and pleasant.

"I see it more of a story of triumph of hope over adversity. Sure, she dies...but...she survives in a manner of speaking and, defying expectations of her condition, she tries to do something worthwhile...using the time she has in the afterlife to save the life of the man who...who wronged her. Is she weak in this? I don't think so. How can altruistic good be necessarily weak?" Martha looked at her own shoes now, rubbed harder still at her thigh, then looked to Ariana. "I do not mean to be contrary, you understand...only...it is how I perceive the narrative. Love can transcend class boundaries...of that I am sure. The maid falling for the count? Well...why not? It is a fairy story, after all!" Martha giggles merrily enough, rubs at her stiff knee, smiles at Ariana.

Ariana chortled,“Oh love like Romeo and Juliet is always romantic.” She smiled sweetly mainly disguising the fact that she did not really remember love.“It is rather beautiful though, often still happening in present time. Only now it takes on another form such as the girl next door falling for an actor. Tales like Giselle are timeless.” She had opened her handbag that was in her lap and pulled out her cell phone to change the volume. There were barely any people standing around and the driver would be calling any moment.“I do not think altruistic good can be weak.” Inquisitively she looked at Martha.“Enough with the story, what did you think of the dancing?” She still held a smile.

Martha, who'd taken the chance to glance about while Ariana was on her cell phone, was caught sneaking a look at the shoes of another lady walking outside to her own ride home for the evening. Blinking a bit bashfully, she smiled to Ariana. "ohhhhh, " she cooed, all wide eyed. Gripping her knee tighter as she talks...her eyes watching Ariana's blue eyes now...captivated by them in some way, it seems, "I thought the dancing was...spectacular! Inspiring, even! Such skill...such delicacy and power in their gestures! How can one fail to be moved or impressed! Such dedication to their art too! Practice...endless hours of practice and rehearsal shown in each action!" Martha was very enthused now! "As I say, ma'am, I wish I were more technically adept!, to better comprehend what I was seeing! I hope you enjoyed it too, ma'am!"

Out of the corners of Ariana’s eyes, she watched Martha looking at the shoes of others. She spoke, “Technical jargon is not needed to describe the beauty of it all. If you are moved by the ballet, then you need not worry about a pirouette, plié and relevé may be. The fact that you are excited while you are describing it is all that matters.” Ariana smiled pleasingly just as her phone made a tiny chirp. She read quickly that the driver was here and slipped the phone back into her purse. “Ms. Villiers, the car is now here. Let us continue on our way back.”Ariana stood up, elegant as usual - pausing only to wait for Martha.

Nodding eagerly to Ariana, Martha smiled...she seemed in full agreement. Her smile faded as Ariana talked of getting to the car. Sighing, she used her cane to get to her feet, nodding again...and trying another smile, she obediently got up and limped heavily to follow Ariana...checking behind her to make sure nothing was left, then hurries as best as she dare to catch up with Ariana.

Noticing that Martha seemed apprehensive about the car, Ariana smiled and said. "Not to worry, Felix is an excellent driver. He is also completely deaf, which makes conversation a bit more relaxing." Felix was waiting outside with the door open for them to enter. Ariana stepped into the luxurious black Lincoln Town Car while Martha cautiously got in. He closed the door, and got into the drivers seat.

Ariana looked at Martha quickly speaking hoping to distract her. "Keeper Villiers, did you enjoy the shoes I had sent you?" Since Felix was deaf, there was no need for guarding the Masquerade.

Martha nodded happily enough, her unease at the car not fully diminished, but she obviously appreciated the effort Ariana was going to. Nodding more eagerly as Ariana spoke about the shoes, she hitches her gown a few inches to show them off! "Indeed, ma'am, yes...very much, thank you!" she giggles merrily, pleased she was wearing them. "I had meant to thank you with a reciprocal gift!" another giggle. Buckling herself into the car, she rests the cane at her side.

Ariana smiled pleasingly as she had finished buckling herself into her seat. "I am happy to see that you are wearing them, and that you like the Louis Vuittons." She turned and looked at Martha, her eyes curiously peering. "Keeper Villiers, may I ask you a personal question?" Her voice was beautifully questioning.

"You may, ma'am, so long as I may keep the option to change the subject!" she giggles

Ariana paused at how to word her question. She smiled and asked pleasantly. "Why do you have a fascination with shoes, Keeper Villiers?"

"Shoes..." she nods to herself, as if in wistful thought...she pauses, rubs harder and harder at her stiffened knee. "I...I...that is to say...dreams..." she smiles, slightly cryptically and more to herself than anyone. Another happier smile as she seems to notice Ariana's eyes again and gets lost in them. "Goodness...goodness me...don't you like shoes too, ma'am?"

Ariana's eyes became slightly more blue while she listened and thought. "Oh, I do enjoy shoes - especially heels; as I love to hear them click on the ground." She smiled, slightly more intrigued by how she did not quite answer the question. "Is there a reason for your fetish of shoes, Keeper Villiers?" Her voice took on an airy lilt to it while she attempted to inquire further.

she adds, all playful and excited at the thought. "Oh...a fetish?" she paused in rubbing her leg as she gave this some thought, watching the shoes she wore as she thought. "A reason? You mean an explanation of it's origin...or by way of describing its purpose?" she eyes Ariana's legs and shoes now, as if seeing them for the first time this evening. "I can see why you are a successful journalist, ma'am! Of this I can be certain, ma'am...my watching of your shoes in no way indicates any danger to them...I am no thief of shoes!" she giggles happily, as if almost imagining some shoe stealing scenario.

"Though wouldn't that be exciting!" she asks, all happily playful now. "Imagine! Trying to steal as many as possible...evading capture! What a sport! Of course, I should return them to you...I am no thief!"

Ariana quite aware that Martha is looking at her calves and shoes. She laughed at her comments on shoe steeling. "Yes, by reason I mean explanation of origin." Even though Martha may not have been looking at her eyes at the time, Ariana's gaze grew slightly more intense with inquisition. "Keeper Villiers, as a journalist, I do notice more than what the average may see." Her smile was still calm and sweet, the only emotion that showed was of inquiry.

Martha fell silent, watching Ariana watching her. She blinked..this wasn't a stare-down of any sort, but Martha had gone quiet, rubbing her leg with renewed vigour, almost pouting in her silence...she looked out of the window as Modesto went by. Looking back to Ariana she replies carefully, no trace of any wrath but more in sorrow that her shoe stealing game didn't come to pass; "I see...I see. Such impressive perception can serve us all well, ma'am! It is a gift you have clearly trained well...I feel somewhat at a disadvantage at having no means of escape now...buckled in...travelling through distant regions...I...I hope I am not to be subjected to any...well... interrogation, ma'am." she seemed to sulk again.

Ariana smiled sweetly. "Keeper Villiers, I meant no offence. Often my curiosity gets the best of me. I can be slightly...blunt on occasion." Ariana's composure had changed in a flash back to easy going. "Do you enjoy other venues of the arts, such as plays or operas?" Her smile was sweet and charming.

Martha reacts very well to this change in atmosphere in the car! All smiles again herself, she rubs less at her stiff knee and smiles again, taking a moment to admire her new shoes before brushing out her gown to its fuller length once more. "I adore all Art venues, ma'am! Galleries...opera...plays! Goodness, even those motion picture houses! They are most splendid, aren't they! I should very much wish to see as many great works of Art as one may conceivably do so in a lifetime! I might ask the same of yourself, ma'am!" bright smile again, watching Ariana's eyes, again, as if held by the magnetism in them.

Ariana was still puzzled at how attentive Martha was to several different things. However, there was not a flicker of this in any expression she held. "I do hope you accompany me again to the next performance I need to write about. Your help is also greatly appreciated. A second pair of eyes is always good." They had pulled up to Martha's place, to which she had given Ariana directions to earlier. Felix stopped the car and waited for Ariana's head nod of approval to get out. "I had such a wonderful time tonight." Ariana's voice was sincere and appreciative.

Martha seemed sad that the night's adventure and fun had come to an end. she'd even managed to settle a little in the back of the car and enjoy looking out of the window...at least for five minutes or so anyway. Genuinely pleased to have enjoyed her evening, she shared this joy in her every gesture and eager word to Felix and Ariana! "Oh, my! Oh my, I should enjoy that very much, thank you! I shall also ensure that I present you with a suitable gift, ma'am! I will also endeavour to be a contributory element to your writing and research!" giving Felix a 'thumbs up' sign of thanks, she struggles badly out of the car, brushes at her gown and smiles. Curtseys and offers Arianna a genuinely fond good evening. "Good evening, ma'am! I do hope you travel safely!"

"Thank you again, Keeper Villiers. Enjoy the rest of your evening." Ariana made a quick goodbye wave. Felix closed the door and drives away. Ariana still slightly puzzled at the sweet Keeper.