The basement door opens and Conner stumbles in. The Rain and Lighting was coming down hard. Conner looked haggerd. His cloths were shreaded and he had cuts and slashes across his skin.

Cheyenne heard the door open and came down to tend to he benefactor. Conner's eyes were the eyes of the Predator. They were the eyes of the Beast. "Hun....gry...." Conner said doing his best to remain in control.

Cheyenne nodded and took out her cellphone. She sent one text messege and within 12 minutes 3 of Conner's herd were there. Conner was sitting in his shelter in the basement. Cheyenne had quietly walked the women into the house and down into the basement. One at a time each woman went downstairs.

Two hours and one shower later the Shadow makes his way upstairs to see his ghoul sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee. "Thank you Cheyenne." Conner says as he makes his way to his work room. A small smile crossed her face, which she did her best to hide with her coffee cup.