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Regina enters

  1. #1
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    Regina emerged from her shipping crate. Smiling with confidence as Nami opened the door. So much potentiall.

    She thought back on how she had come to choose this city earlier this week. A hat, full of names of choice cities. One slip of paper, with the name "Sacramento." The lack of information on the city was appalling. But that did not matter to Regina. She was here to ensure that the Invictus were strong. And that is what she would do.

    "Come Nami. We have much work to do."
    "Yes, Lady Pia."

  2. #2
    Regina Pia's Avatar

    Regina Pia


    Proper banner:

  3. #3
    Jane Scotts's Avatar

    Jane Scotts


    "Lady Pia, why did we stop in San Francisco?"

    "We first must learn some American customs. So i expect you to spend the entire day watching and learning, and I will do the same tonight." She says in not quite perfect english. Her italian accent causes some...mistakes. That will be amended in the night on the town.

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