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Outside The Gilded Lily and Beyond

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  1. #11

    Hector watches the bird fly away as well as Heathcliff from the back wondering at the little episode. He then watches Heathcliff look around for anything that may be insightful to him attempting to see where the man was possibly heading with his thoughts. Not to be obvious, Hector also takes a few moments to visually scan the area of the Raven's discarded trash while waiting patiently.

  2. #12
    DaevaDude's Avatar


    Hector and Heathcliffe both soon lose sight of the bird as it flies over the roof of a business down the street from the Lily and out of their field of vision.

    Heathcliffe and Hector don't see anything obviously out of place or of interest in the garbage, but both notice there is a half-eaten sandwich in there among the napkins, plastic lids, paper cups and so forth the bird kept picking up and dropping with its beak.

  3. #13
    Heathcliff Staley's Avatar

    Heathcliff Staley


    Heathcliff turns back toward Hector and speaks quietly. "I think you are right, that we are being observed. Let's go get that drink, shall we?"

  4. #14

    Hector gives his newly minted companion an odd look and a slight cock of the head as he answers, "Sure." Without anymore preamble he turns back to the Gilded Lilly to find a nice comfy spot with a view of patrons. Hectors thoughts slowly turned over the recent events, considering Heathcliff in a variety of different lights so to speak as he considered the man's idea of actually being observed.

  5. #15
    Fractured's Avatar

    "I have my suspicions about that 'bird,' Hector. It's reaction to us was more...human than animal. It tried to back away like a cornered person. Birds just fly off. And...and it didn't make a sound the whole time. It was very odd. But you had some questions you wanted to ask?"

  6. #16

    Hector smiles in response to Heathcliff's explanation, considers a moment before replying with, "Hmm, now that you mention it I suppose it did. But still, animals have some odd behaviors just as we humans do. Or have you had other experiences to suggest it was more than it seemed?" His tone was mildly curious as though examining a new thought with a manner of one on the search, a good seat.

  7. #17
    Heathcliff Staley's Avatar

    Heathcliff Staley


    "I have spent a great deal of the past year...capturing...animals. To eat, you know? And that bird was acting very odd." Heathcliff looks around the club to discern whether any of the patrons were giving he and Hector an undue amount of attention.

  8. #18

    Hector slows at Heathcliff's remarks, wondering if there was more to his new companion or if he was just odd. Well, he thought, there is more than one way to skin someone. "I'll take your word on the bird. But really, you're a hunter? I wouldn't have pegged you for the country camping sort, when by your clothes you'd be fine with wine and a good well cooked meal. Unless you're talking about having Korean style meat?" His smile was waning just a little bit as the conversation began to turn a bit this way or that while his eyes seemed to take in everything with a reserved sort of fierceness.

  9. #19
    DaevaDude's Avatar

    (((ST Note: Since the action has moved back inside the Gilded Lily, so is this thread.
    Continue in the "Gilded Cage" thread.)))

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