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Off to be Acknowledged

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  1. #11
    Sweets's Avatar

    "Well then how did you happen to be paired up with her this evening?" Rahyna looks at Cassie and smiles "Who is her guardian I need to make sure that she is not being missed by someone."

    ((I would ask Cassie but I really don't feel like talking to myself this evening ))

  2. #12
    Christiaen's Avatar

    "I was told Bella was her guardian", Tara says confidently. "Though if you need a place to stay, you can stay with me", Tara says to Cassie as if to steal away.

    ((Ooc - You don't have to speak with both characters, I don't mind if you phrase things in this case))

  3. #13
    Sweets's Avatar

    Rahyna looks from one to the other and asks "Cassie does Bella know where you are?"

    Cassie shakes her head "Nope and she said as long as I don't break the rules I can do what I want she even gave me my own room and everything."

    "Well we should still send her a message and let her know you are safe."

    "OK" Cassie sighs and pulls out her phone and sends a text to Bella "There" she sits back on the couch and pouts slightly "And I think Auntie Tara I would like to go home to Mommy Bella."

  4. #14
    Christiaen's Avatar

    Tara extends her hand, fully aware of the reality that Cassie is not a kid, but fully engrossed in the lie. "Come on, I'll take you to your mother", she says to Cassie. "It was a pleasure meeting you Rahyna, hopefully we can do it again sometime soon", Tara says while motioning towards the exit.

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