Jayant Nagaraj had left the gallery with his mind a flutter of contrasting ideas, all of which he could not quite fathom. He would have to thank Miss Carino for that, the experience as fresh as the night air that blew through the city, bringing with it an abrupt scream from somewhere in the dark alley not far away.

As he quietly made his approach to the location of the frightened voice, the Shadow thought of his own place in the city. He arrived to serve the Mother at the hand of Paresh Williams, a role that ended with the Final Death of the Hierophant and a fellow Acolyte, leaving Jayant as the guardian of Miss Valencia. He had gained a comrade in the form of Sunshine and been chosen to serve on the Prince's Primogen, which had taken him completely off the cuff.

He coughed lightly as he came across the image of a young lady, her eyes wide with fear as a pale and sickly looking man held a knife to her throat, her purse scattered on the concrete.

A user looking to find his next fix, no doubt, Jayant thought as the attacker's head snapped round at the sound. Such a shame, really.

The druggie had said something to Jayant, some random slurring regarding going away while doing something lewd to his own anus. The Shadow was also sure he heard a veiled threat. It mattered not; Jayant was feeling peckish and needed to eat. Usually, he would have a story to tell, his way of teaching the wrong-doers of the world as he fed.

Tonight, though, his mind was thinking selfishly, and so as the shadows crept round the three of them and his eyes became voids of darkness, Jayant promised to chastise himself later.