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  1. #51
    Elle Moiraine's Avatar


    Elle glances down where Anthony has gone limp and lets blood roar through her veins. Justice....Justice for these bastards.

    She snarls, horrified when she sees Char turn to dust, she leaps to her feet and lets her blood thrill through her veins like a drug, wanting to fuck blue up before he does something else, and with the freaky way his skin is moving? That could be soon.

    She attempts to bolt acrsoss the room and tackle him, going for his eyes in one of her patented dirty tricks screaming the whole way in case she misses to at least attract his attention.

    03-27 12:02:13 Elle rolls 5 dice to Str+Brwl+1Bns Failure

  2. #52
    Dredloke's Avatar


    As Green tries to blow on Char his jaw gets yanked up, and he attempts to grab the wrist of the person yanking on him he misses the hand and drives his finger deep into his eye. His leg spasm's just enough to trip Elle as she goe flying across the room at Blue triping her and sending her sprawling into the wall behind Blue.

    Green has knocked himself out...he is no longer moving while pinned to the ground by Rahyna below the Ash statue that is Char.

    Blue turns and looks at Elle and continues to laugh as the small veins start to sprout from his walking form. He is still very close to Chars Statuesque body.

    Green rolls 1 to str+brawl-6 (Chance) 1 failure

  3. #53
    Dog's Avatar

    Presence ••
    Blood Potency ••••
    Domain Status •• (Respected)
    Gangrel Status •• (Respected)


    Through the haze of his anger and pain, Dog turns his attention to the last of the Gardeners, leaping over Green and tearing into him with fangs and Claws, lost in the familiar abandon of bloodlust. A flicker of reason penetrates the chaos of the Frenzy, and Dog uses his gripping jaws to keep Blue from falling into Char's statue of ash.

    (( Burn 2 Vitae to Heal 2 Lethal Wounds, -6 Vitae, -2 WP for Scene
    03-27 14:09:53 Dog rolls 11 dice to AtSkSpClFr -4 (used WP) 4 successes 4,6,1,4,5, 7,10,3,9,10, 6,6,8
    03-27 14:11:44 Dog rolls 7 dice to AtSkFgFr -4 5 successes 4,5,7,6,1, 10,10,8,10,10, 1
    *** 4 Agg, 5 Lethal on Blue
    *** Davis is up ))

  4. #54
    Dredloke's Avatar

    Pro 1

    Davis does not see a way to get to the current fight without possiably knocking the ashes over.....


    Davis holds his action looking for something to do.....

  5. #55
    Frost's Avatar

    Bella stops her charge and takes a look at Char and Green. She bends down and begins to maneuver Green's feet so she does not disturb Char.

    She looks over at Nicolo, pointing to Char. "Fix her God dammit!"

    If we shadows have offended
    Think but this, and all is mended......

  6. #56

    Jason starts wheezing, then stops immediately stops when he realizes that he doesn't need to breathe.

    After assessing the situation, he heads toward Blue, using all his focus to grab him and pull him away from Char.

    Jason Stanton rolls 10 dice to strength + brawl (used WP) 3 successes
    9,1,10,3,4, 3,7,5,3,8, 3

    Stanton's health[*][*][*][*][][][][]
    Willpower [X][X][X][X][][]

  7. #57
    Christiaen's Avatar

    "I'm so sorry Bella. I don't remember that one, or never learned it." Nicolo whispered to her from his shield behind the door. He quickly crossed himself for Char's soul and prayed they'd get her ashes together in one of the bags he had back in his car before she was scattered to the wind, as he was confident someone in this city would know how to fix her. But for now, they still had to do these heretics in.

    "Please Lord, I beg of you, send another Raptor to punish that Sinner with his own sin."

    03-27 23:40:39 Nicolo rolls 10 dice to Int+Academics+TS 4 successes
    10,5,10,6,6, 5,6,8,7,6, 3,10,1
    (on BLUE)

    ((Erica is UP))

  8. #58
    Erika Brady's Avatar

    (Occam's Razor)
    Striking Looks
    (Red Hair, Green Eyes)
    Mask of Tranquility
    Erika Brady


    Erika growls, she's running out of daggers quickly, but another one gets flung as quickly as possible towards Blue. "That just leaves the question of...how are we going to keep her safe until someone can fix her...one strong wind through here..."

    03-28 00:00:27 Erika rolls 8 dice to Dex + Athletics + Buff 3 successes
    9,7,5,9,1, 10,1,7,4

  9. #59
    Dredloke's Avatar

    {Mrs. Scotts is up}

  10. #60
    Dredloke's Avatar


    Mrs. Scotts once again screams into the mind of her target BLUE

    The combined assault on him takes him down the plant never getting a chance to burst free. As those assembled look around they notice that all four are starting to show signs of the plant attempting to pop out of the bodies. In a quick combined movement Dog and Davis remove Greens feet with thier claws while Jason pulls him out Rahyna and Bella make sure none of Char is disturbed. All wonder how the Ashes stay togehter in her huntched over form.

    Nicolo fires off a phone call and deftly and descretly explains what he sees, hanging the phone up he starts fireing off orders....Make sure she won't be in the sunlight, cover all the windows...DO NOT TOUCH HER.....when the sun rises she will be fine.

    Mrs. Scotts has made it back with her bodygaurd in time to help cover windows the keys to the truck have been found and tossed to Jason S.

    Davis looks to them all and tells them to leave he and Elle will make sure Char gets out of here safely.

    The warehouse empties and the waiting begins...the sun rises Char comes back to the life of a Kindred lost in what happened. Elle quickly grabs her and the two make it into the storm drain. Davis looks over at the bodies that have turned into a poor representation of the plant it could have been. Pulling out his lighter he sparks it and turns it on the rag wrapped plank once it is fairly burning he slides it intot he plant and before it engulfs the whole thing he is in the Storm sewers forcing himself to stay awake and convincing the women to do the same. Its a long path but they soon find themselvs at the door to the Grindhouse, where Davis knows a place to stay awaits them.


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