Conner sat on at a bus stop looking rather unimpressed and bored of the world. He had been keeping an eye on this corner for the last few nights. Conner had busted up a couple of drug dealers and sent them on there way. Not that he particularly cared bout the dealing of drugs to weak-minded. What he cared about is the attempt to sell those crutches to children. Conner had taken a liking to some of the street children and decided to help them out as best as he could, for a price of course.

A random person would be surprised how much information the little ones can gather. How much usable specks of intel and a person can learn from the little bastards. And all they want is food and money. Which Conner's herd is helpful enough to supply, a few extra cans of soup, a loaf of bread here or there. One of the children would sell his left ear for a 2 liter of Cola and a bag of Doritos.

Conner couldn't help but smile just a little as he leaned back on the bus stop bench. As he did he saw a woman running down the street and a couple of guys driving a car down the street, swirving all over and yelling at and throwing beer cans at her. As the woman makes the classic mistake of running down a dark ally trying to escape her pursuers Conner decides that he is in need of a meal and begins walking toward the now parked car of the drunken assholes.

As they hooted and hollered and chased the woman down the Ally Conner walked over to there car and slashed there tires. Why? Because he can, why else? Conner then turns and walks down the alleyway as the two drunks corner the sobbing woman. One finally seems to pull his head out and notices the knife wielding man walking down the alley and says, "Fuck you want."

Conner says nothing and quickly dispatches both of the two men. A few well placed slashes and the men were down. Still breathing, but down none the less. Conner walks over and kicks both of the men in the face. Why? Because he can... Why else? Okay fine, there moaning was annoying.

The crying woman, her face reddened with tears, looks up to Conner and begins to thank him as Conner takes the knife and makes the shhhh motion with it. One would normally use there pointer finger for this but Conner does have a bit of a flare for the dramatic. He is a dude who spends a good portion of his day err... night in a mask.

The woman quiets down and Conner begins to escort her out of the Alley way. As he does Conner steps behind her, pulls her into a shadowed corner where they could not be seen, and quickly sinks his fangs into her exposed neck. He drinks her life blood rather quickly and sets her gently on the floor of the Alley. Then, after closing the wound and making a phone call to the cleaners, err... police, anonymously of course, he cloaks himself and waits for them to show up to clean up the mess.

The woman will live and remember very little, the men will live and have scars and a story to tell about how they got jumped by 10 guys all wielding katanas and bastard swords and baseball bats with nails out of them. The police well, the police will do what they do best. Arrest these guys, tend to the wounded and take all the credit. Which is just fine by Conner as he continues his rounds and keeps an eye out for the little soda fiend. The little one said he may have something useful...