Sometimes it almost seemed too easy.

Everyone knew that the most vulnerable victim would always be an isolated one. Of course, isolated individuals inevitably knew this too, even if it was just subconsciously, even if they isolated themselves anyway. So they were usually wary of anyone they didn’t know who approached them. Which is why he usually waited for a thug to jump her first, then jumped the thug. It was hardly as though they ever made for a difficult fight, given that they tended to depend almost entirely on intimidation or brute strength.

And, saving a woman was usually the best way to get her to let earn her trust, to establish one’s self as a bulwark against the dangers of the outside world so recently thrown into sharp relief. Of course, such a tactic could lead to a lot of time spent with little reward gained. Unless one had figured out where unsavory individuals liked to lurk, or was the subtle hand ensuring that said characters found said isolated women.

As he had done tonight, “rescuing” a woman for the second time. And the first degree Vinculum he had subjected to the first time had only served to increase feelings of gratitude, relief. He had walked her back to her apartment once again…and partaken of her life’s blood once more. The hot, rush of life sliding down his throat with its dizzying bliss before he laid the woman on her bed and walked away.

She would be his soon, it was inevitable. Even if she had not yet realized it.