The fortitude of the fanatic never failed to impress Arnold Culler.

The Nosferatu had pressed the mortal known only as Sarge for information regarding the homeless operation. Steadily his interrogation tactics became more and more severe. Arnold had always had a talent for gaining information through the infliction of physical torment.

In the end, though, no matter what brutal method Arnold employed, the Kine held his secrets until he died a sputtering, blood covered, dismembered death.

Arnold cursed as the man breathed his last, peeling off heavy rubber gloves and tossing them into the corner of the room where they landed with a wet, bloody smack.

Turning he walks to the door, exiting the room to find Gary waiting - looking pale.

"Deal with that." he growls before stomping away down the basement corridor to dispose of his gore covered jumpsuit and apron