She was restless, had been for a few nights now. Her mind was churning with so many doubts. She had a lot riding on her shoulders now. The saftey of the Seneschal, the loss of her covenent's standing, the loss of everything she'd once blieved in. It wasn't enough to do anything rash over, she didn't think but she felt as if God had been pulling her to him. Some nights she swore she could feel him wrapping his arms around her to comfort her, but then her eyes would open and everything was still the same.

It was a tricky thing, having faith. It was hard to continue to believe in something you couldn't touch, taste, smell, even hear. Night after night she found herself gazing at the moon and the birght stars and wondering if she had been wrong all this time.

Was it all a lie?

She entered the abandoned construction site and looked around. The dirt had been churned up and rolled over to expose big, gaping holes in the earth. The dirt was dark and smelled fresh. The construction equipment was cold, having been turned off hours earlier.

Madison made her way to one of the holes and knelt down inside of it. She couldn't explain what made her do it, it just felt right. As if she was supposed to be here. She looked down at the dry dirt and placed her hands on it, by her knees. She plungeed her fingers into the dirt and felt it give way under her hands. It slid around her fingers like a lover embracing her after a long, tiring day. She could feel a warmth beginning to spread through her hands, the dirt felt as if it were alive, inviting. The sensation slowly began to creep up her arms, over her shoulders, into her chest and back, and down her legs. It his her crotch and she hissed in surprise at the sudden sensation.

What is going on?

She felt a presence around her as if God were standing next to her, murmuring to her softly. She knew. Just like that everything clicked and she knew. All of a sudden her purpose became clear in one brillient moment of pure clarity and harmony with herself and everything else around her. She accepted it, took it in, drank it like the open vein of a kine spilling forth it's life essence.

She knelt in the dirt for a long time before the sensation finally passed. Then, slowly, she stood and brushed off her bare legs. She smiled, she'd been reassured, accepted, embraced.

With a renewed sense or purpose, Madison left the site.