Madison sits in the small work room of her haven running her fingers over the old book for the hundredth time. She knew the mechanics and aplication of the ritual well enough. The Mother Superior had been very helpful with the explanation of the ritual's execution. She just wasn't entirely sure if she was ready to give it a shot. Especially considering the only way she'd know for sure that it had worked is if she took damage.

She decides it's now or never and sets her mind to the task. Opening a vein in her wrist, she spills the red liquid into a small bowl on the alter. With a quick thought she heals the small wound and turns the page in the book, making sure she has the incantation correctly. She begins to form the words, making sure to pronounce each sylable correctly. Mother Superior had warned her not to mess up the incantation. To do so would not only ruin the ritual but it would also render the vitae useless in any capacity.

Madison had spent some hours with the Mother Superior in the instruction of Theban Sorcery. She'd learned a great deal about the art from the woman and had even been given a volume to assist with her learning. The woman gave instructions in a cold, detached manner but it was also very thorough and informative. She had an odd way of teaching, to Madison's mind. It was lacking in any warmth, nor did the woman show any kind of approval for anything Madison did or any questions she asked. She didn't show any disapproval either. In all the experience was rather odd and left Madison feeling as if she knew even less about the woman. She'd gotten the training she needed to get this far however, and that was the point after all. So, she'd left the classes satsified and ready to give it a try on her own.

Finishing the incantation, Madison dips her fingers into the vitae and begins to apply it to her face, arms, and hands. She does some kanji down her arms, using words for defense and protection. On her face she chooses a symbol of the lance on her forehead and down her nose and goes with some more kanji on her cheecks. Her hands are done in some Japanese dragon patterns and she tries to have a bit of fun with it all as she paints herself.

Once finished, she stands and decides to give this ritual the true test. Sebastian was not at home this evening and the Mother Superior had left hours ago, so Madison only had herself to work with. Still, she had no fear of testing the ritual really. She could always heal whatever damage she took if the ritual didn't work and it would give her the information she needed anyway.

Picking up the dagger on the alter she had used to slice her wrist, she grasps it in both hands and holds it before herself. With a deep intake of breath and bracing herself for the pain to come, Madison plunges the dagger into her midsection fully expecting an explosion of pain.

Nothing came.

She felt the dagger slide into her skin, but there was no pain. She pulls the dagger out of her midsection and moves the clothing aside to inspect herself. There wasn't a wound to speak of. With a smile, she sets the knife back down on the alter. It was then that she noticed the marks on her hands and arms were gone. She reaches up to feel her face and finds only smooth skin beneath her fingers. The ritual had worked.
