Having approached Hierarch Andrade after the Consilium meeting, Pandora was directed to instead talk with Deacon Eclipse. Having contacted Eclipse to set up said meeting, Pandora has arrived at his office at the designated time. She's dressed in a grey skirt and jacket with a very pale blue blouse and sensible grey heels. As always, she wears her glasses and carries her clipboard.

Lyle greets Pandora and ushers her right in to see the Deacon who is obviously expecting her.

"Welcome, Pandora. Please, have a seat." Eclipse says, gesturing.

"Thank you, Deacon Eclipse," Pandora replies, sitting where indicated. "I appreciate you taking some time to meet with me again."

"Not a problem. I hope everything's been going well." Eclipse replies, sitting across from Pandora and watching her expectantly, wondering what this was about.

Pandora nods. "It has, overall." In fact, she is less than thrilled with the 'like herding cats' nature of the local Free Council, but that was probably to be expected under the circumstance, and Chief and Spade both seemed to have some strengths... and she isn't planning to share that with the Deacon anyhow.

"The main thing I wanted to talk about springs from the discussion at the Consilium meeting, about these dreams Spade has been having, and the memories other people are having of this intrusion. That got me thinking... it could turn out to be crucial to have more information available about this threat, and it might be possible to access that information, either through normal Mind magic... or, potentially, through astral means."

She pauses to see what Eclipse thinks of the basic idea before going any further.

Eclipse nods approvingly, beginning to conceive of what Pandora was suggesting. "The idea has merit. It's important that we follow every avenue we can to gain the advantage here. Please, continue."

"I'm not sure how experienced you are with the astral realms. I have some experience with astral exploration, and substantial knowledge I would like to back up with further experience. Dreams and the astral have been an interest of mine since even before my Awakening, a focus of my research. In this case, though, my interest is less academic and more practical. As you say, we need to follow every possible avenue to gain some knowledge about what we might be up against. I am volunteering to pursue this course, as a means of gaining that knowledge for the Consilium.

"To do that, I'm going to need two things, as would anyone else who made the same efforts. The first is the cooperation of some of those who experienced the intrusion. I think I can talk Spade into allowing me into his oneiros, perhaps with the assistance of some of the others of the Free Council, but it is likely others have knowledge he lacks.

"Tug, for example. If what Spade says is accurate, and within the intrusion he fell under the sway of the Abyss, it is possible that Tug may hold valuable intelligence deep within his unconscious... things he'd probably, and quite understandably, be loath to consciously recall, but which might prove invaluable, though probably quite dangerous to access. I'd want to do some easier delves before going up against whatever might result from the combination of the Abyss and the astral."

Meeting Eclipse's gaze, Pandora pauses before continuing. "The other thing I'll need is access to a powerful Hallow. I have a personal Hallow, but it's nowhere near powerful enough, and likely won't be for some time, no matter how much effort I put into strengthening it. At this point, the Free Council has no such resource. I don't know which of the Orders controls such a Hallow, or which individuals, and obviously none would be eager to share such a valuable asset, especially with someone they barely know, and who is associated with an Order that has fallen on rough times in the recent past.

"But a Councilor, acting on behalf of the Consilium, might be able to arrange such access."

Eclipse sits back, listening carefully to Pandora's description of her plans and what they would require.

"Truly an ambitious plan." he replies "Refreshingly less direct than the idea of Dispellation proposed by your Order-mate, Councilor Spade."

Leaning forward and steepling his fingers he continues "Unfortunately I'm not sure as to where a Hallow of such strength might be easily procured. The Vox Draconis certainly does not possess one to lend."

"There was a supposed to have been a fairly potent Hallow located at the former Sanctum of the Kruegans - a Cabal that was of the Adamantine Arrow. I had set one of my agents into investigating it for the interests of the Ladder, but their efforts bore no fruit. Last I heard Falx of the Arrows was looking into the matter."

Pandora nods. "Since you use the past tense in regard to this Sanctum belonging to the Adamantine Arrow, I'm guessing it is now in the hands of less cooperative forces. I had planned to meet with the Adamantine Arrow's Magister... West, correct? I will move that toward the top of my to-do list and discuss that situation with him." She unclips her pen from the clipboard and jots down a quick note to herself.

"While I pursue that, would you be willing to consult with the Hierarch regarding my suggestion?" Pandora asks Eclipse. "She might know of other such Hallows in the area, and assuming she approved of the plan, her approval would likely help with access. If need be, I'd be glad to negotiate access with an Order or cabal or individual possessing a sufficiently strong Hallow, and I would of course be very appreciative of any assistance you might be able to offer in that regard."

Looking at Eclipse, Pandora shifts the topic slightly. "Since we're on the topic of appreciation, do either you or the Ladder have any current projects with which I might be of assistance?"

Eclipse smiles "I will inform the Hierarch of your ideas and return word to you if she has anything to respond."

Going on, addressing her question about current projects "The security of the city against the ever problematic Banishers remains an issue that Councilor Animus seeks to resolve. Beyond that the recent political shake ups and the return of the Hierarch have been quite distracting. I shall remember you asked, however, should anything come up."

"That's all I can ask, on both counts," Pandora replies. "Thank you. As I've said before, I'm not much for fighting, but please inform Councilor Animus that if he could use my talents, I'd be glad to help with the Banisher problem, either by investigation or, should a suspect be identified, assisting with questioning. I'm pretty good at getting people to talk, even without resorting to Mind."

"I understand you voiced your support for my nomination for the position of Herald," she continues. "I wanted you to know, I appreciate that very much, and I have accepted the position. So, my thanks again."

"I was glad to hear you accepted." Eclipse smiles "It was my pleasure. I'm sure you'll make a fine Herald."

"I will make sure to let Councilor Animus know of your desire to help in any way you can. Was there anything else I could you help you with?"

"Not at the moment," Pandora replies. "I will work on setting up a meeting with Magister West, to pursue my idea regarding astral investigation of this intrusion. I thank you very much for your time."