Slowly waking for the evening, Dirge lay there naked and alone on her bed in the new haven Mark had built for her. It had only been yesterday that Mark and Dirge and consummated their relationship and after they had finished their lovemaking he stayed for a while, but he had some things to do so he left before sunrise.

None of this seemed real to her, the man had confessed his love to her and she had done the natural thing and responded back with the same confession of love. However, She wasn’t sure that was truly how she felt. The sex was great and it had reminded her how good it could feel, but she wasn’t convinced she was in love.

She bit her lip in thought wondering how she got mixed up in all this. This wasn’t how she expected things to go in Sacramento. She didn’t expect a man to walk in a sweep her off her feet and make love to her, then build her a place to stay, and shower her with gifts. The walls were closing in around her, suffocating her. He was just too nice, there had to be a catch. Did he just want an easy piece of ass that he could manipulate and decided on her when he found out how lonely she was? Could she trust anything the man had said? It all seemed to perfect.

“Our kind don’t find love. We just find betrayal and pain,”she whispered to no one.

Oh goddess what was I thinking? Why did I say I loved him? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

She sat up and crawled out of bed reaching for her cane. She frowned when she realized her little haven didn’t have anywhere she could clean up. Reaching for her cane, Dirge made her way to the entrance leading into the fridge and up into the bar from the basement. Since the bar was closed she didn’t bother to put on any clothing and she tapped her cane in front of her making her way up to Mark’s room so she could shower.

From the sounds of movement it sounded like someone was behind the bar doing some work and Dirge heard a feminine gasp of surprise as she walked through the bar area.

Jayne’s surprised voice greeted her, “Um…Dirge did you know you’re naked?”

“Yeah, the bar’s closed…why is it a problem?” She asked the woman with a smile on her face. It was odd how hung up people were over nudity.

“Um…no…no problem I guess...” The woman’s voice trailed off as she watch Dirge depart.

Dirge made her way up to Mark’s apartment and entered the bathroom. She let the hot water flow over her as she let it warm her cold death flesh.

What am I going to do?
She mentally asked herself. Well I’ll just take it one night at a time I guess.