Time for a drink and not just any drink but a drink. A drink to sate the Beast and renew it.

Joseph walks down the street at a slow pace from his car. The curse of his families blood had hit him hard, he had pushed his body too far. Not even the Coils could help him now.

A block or so from his car a somewhat attractive blond, too much make up can be a bad thing, stumbles into an alley in half a block ahead of him. Not wanting to pass an easy meal nor being entirely able to pass it up with the Beast baying Joseph follows her into the alley after making sure there isn't anyone else on the street.

No nicities, no talking, no cuddling. He goes straight for her neck which is exposed as she pukes up more than enough alcohol to poison her system. Drinking his fill he licks the wound and lays the women down next to her vomit. Smiling to himself he wipes the blood off his mouth with her shirt.

Sweet blood swelles within him. His mind unclouds and his body no longer feels like it's coated in lead. Straightening he smooths down his business casual navy shirt and makes his way out of the alley. With nobody else on the street he makes a get away and walks into a club. Smiling as he does.