Ankh's arm wrap around West's neck as he kisses her. She smiles inwardly, thinking of the man she knows behind closed doors as opposed to the awkward, thin man in social situations who never seems to know what to say.

The West she holds now is confident in his movements. Sure of every stroke and kiss. Knowing what he wants and how to coax her body to react to him. She closes her eyes and runs her hands along his smooth skin. She feels the muscles tense and rolling as his body moves. Her mind begins to prepare itself for what is to come and she slides into the warm sensation of his body.

Her breathing becomes ragged and unsteady, but her mind is still sharp, alert. For a moment Ankh wants to stop, suddenly in a near panic. This isn't right. She should be carried in a hazy fog of pleasure, not analyzing West's every movement.

Something seems to snap into place right before a wave of pleasure crashes into her and she is carried away in the warm sensation.

Her eyes open and go wide in wonder. She is treading water in a lake of clear warm water. Around her is the lush green of a jungle and she can hear the sounds of various animals moving around her. She remains calm, however. There is no fear for her in this place.

Slowly she turns in the water and begins to swim toward shore. In the distance she can see the top of a tower breaking through the jungle. It's stone spire rises high above the treeline. She knows this is where she must go.

She walks out of the lake, dripping and naked. Her steps are slow and measured as she walks toward the tower. There is no reason to hurry, time does not move here and somehow she is aware of this. She moves past twisted trees reaching toward the sky in search of sunlight and brightly colored leaves and flowers brush her face as she moves. She can hear the wild calls of birds and the growl of predators. The tower draws closer.

She can begin to see the carvings on the walls as she comes closer. The graceful lines of animals and plants merged together to create a cacophony of life rises before her set forever in stone. The door is open and she steps over the threshold.

A luminescent form floats before the podium that holds the book. It is silent and vaguely female shaped, but it matters little to Ankh. She is not positive what she is here for but she knows that nothing here will harm her. A bright hand reaches out and caresses her face and she can hear it calling her name softly as if from a distance. She feels power shock through her suddenly and the glowing face comes closer. Before their lips touch, Ankh can see her own face clearly through the bright aura and her eyes go wide. A jolt of electricity runs through her..........

Her eyes come into focus and West is looking at her slightly puzzled. She gives him a smile and snuggles into his arms. She can feel the power coursing though her veins. She has touched her higher self and come away with one more piece to make the whole.