Arnold makes his way back to his truck, throwing his unconscious cargo in the back before climbing in. The first thing he does is check his phone which had been left on the dashboard. He grits his teeth to see so many missed messages.

He starts up the vehicle and drives off, hitting his ghoul's number on speed-dial.

He growls into the phone "Gary. I need you to clean out and soundproof a storage room in the basement. Then go up to my apartment and find some handcuffs and a length of rope - they'll be in the kitchen cabinets, I think. If you can't tell we've got some company coming over tonight."

That taken care of he barely restrains himself from throwing his phone against the dash. The burns on his body angered him and that had been more difficult and dangerous than it should have been.

Who are these people? How do they know so much?

As he ponders this he looks into the rearview mirror at the battered form lying motionless in his backseat

We'll soon find out